BTW, I have seen MLA S1 recently, it is far from the trash a lot of people want to make it out for.
I really cant respect a good part of the fanbase to react soo poorly to this adaptation, it is far from a bad anime, I have seen a lot of anime rated much higher, end up being much worst.
Consider it one day, just dont use it as a means to introduce yourself to the series, at worst if you dont want to play the VN, you should at least check Extra and Unlimited manga, and then MLA manga too.
The good starting point for ML series is ML Extra, there is no avoiding it, now, it is not the best SoL, but has its moments, with a lot of average going on, if you read fast enough, it should take you 25-30h of read, then you could progress into Muv Luv Unlimited, which would be immediately way better, then you are finally read for Muv Luv Alternative, which would probably blown your mind and create a too high standard for other VNs to reach, which you would find VERY hard to achieve.
If you are up to it, 25-30h of average reading, some funny SoL, some boring stuff, but then an amazing payoff that lasts for 50-65 hours, then proceed with Muv Luv Extra (you can find them all on steam).
IF you find that too vexing, I would say, go with Ever17, it is shorter, it has some amazing routes, Tsukumi's and the final one for example, Coco will blow anyone way and will have you wanting to read more from the writer, like the Zero Escape series or Somnium Files...
Ever17 is very memorable and will more quickly give you a payoff than ML series, but what you get with MLA surpasses everything else in the medium IMO.
This is the version of Ever17 I m talking about:
Meanwhile, getting access to ML series is much easier via steam, and both games seems to be in a good discount right now, to bring in anime onlies from the anime adaptation, shamefully that is the main focus on their part, because a proper anime adaptation would have needed around 26 episodes alone to properly reach where S1 ended.
This is the steam page of ML:
The atmosphere in MLA is unlike anything else, this OP is great to set the mood just right, without concrete spoilers:
If you loved that, and don't mind a slower introduction with Extra, your efforts will be rewarded immensely.
Both VNs are heavy on meta and physics stuff, well done in a way that doesn't hinder for those that don't get it much, MLA is more about time and space travel, Ever17 about interdimensional phenomena and some shit I don't want to spoil about...
(Ever17 never got an official release sadly, so piracy is the way for that)
As for reading fiction been busy of late so haven't had a lot of time but I have started the Powder Mage books. Pretty good mix of mil fiction, politics in a fantasy world similar to late 18th century early 19th century Europe. Honestly outside of that all I have been reading has been 40k Gaunt's Ghosts books of late.
In terms of recs well I just finished Future Boy Conan and it was a pretty satisfying show. A lot of former Ghilbi founders worked on it.
That is probably a tough call, I mean, I strayed far from what you could call typical, usually your first VN should be a shorter one, that is immediately good, meanwhile, the first VN I played was Little Busters, which was long enough that I put it on hold, but then got into Rewrite, which is even longer, and in a month I clocked 130-140h after finishing it.
That is not for everyone, and I have recommended Rewrite before to newcomers, and one of the friends here that actually gave it a try as the first VN ended up loving a lot aswell, but it is kind risky to reccomend such a long one...
The first VN will mark you in a way, it is a tool of comparison... ALSO, I need to know what you are looking forward to see yourself.
Do you want some good drama and SoL, or do you want something more towards action, or something spooky and scary...
There are also a lot of popular VN that people tend to reccomend, that I have yet to play G-senjou no Maou or Grisaia... again I would prefer to know what you want to experience first, in a way I could easily reccomend Baldr Sky, Fate StayNight, Ever17 or Steins Gate, the first two are LONG, but the pacing is of the BEST in VN, as in, you drop in and are immediately engaged, the later two take longer IMO to get good, specially Ever17 which has some weak routes, but the final 10 hours are 10/10 mind blowing... from all of these 4, Steins Gate and FSN are some of my favorite VNs ever, but still will not compare to what Umineko and Muv Luv Alternative have done for me.
Hmm, you seen to like Grisaia anime, so while I have yet to read the VN (been saving it since 2014 to some other time, lol), I think it would be a safe recommendation to you, this one:
That is to say, if you don't really have anything concrete you are looking for, that I asked above, Grisaia VN really seems the safest best, the only reason I have yet to get into it is because I respect it seems to be a quality VN, similar to the first half that I loved on Rewrite, thus I wanted to have something like that to play one day in the future...
To summ it up, it should either be Grisaia, one of the 4 ones I mentionated above (the first 4), or just be specific in what you want to experience, like the genre, and maybe I could pinpoint something from that.
I just have 0 expectations for the final season. Like I liked
the rumbling and the hange scene
but I doubt the CG will look any good and I doubt they will go anime original ending. If they do a movie for the final few chapters it could be pretty cool though.
haha. but when you say "you things" you actually mean good taste? because we all know that hina is best girl... right!?!? oh dude I think you mistyped again and met to say "I've met quite a few people who had GREAT sight" don't worry it's fine tho. you guess? you don't have to guess because that's people who pick rui over hina.
All Comments (22) Comments
I really cant respect a good part of the fanbase to react soo poorly to this adaptation, it is far from a bad anime, I have seen a lot of anime rated much higher, end up being much worst.
Consider it one day, just dont use it as a means to introduce yourself to the series, at worst if you dont want to play the VN, you should at least check Extra and Unlimited manga, and then MLA manga too.
If you are up to it, 25-30h of average reading, some funny SoL, some boring stuff, but then an amazing payoff that lasts for 50-65 hours, then proceed with Muv Luv Extra (you can find them all on steam).
IF you find that too vexing, I would say, go with Ever17, it is shorter, it has some amazing routes, Tsukumi's and the final one for example, Coco will blow anyone way and will have you wanting to read more from the writer, like the Zero Escape series or Somnium Files...
Ever17 is very memorable and will more quickly give you a payoff than ML series, but what you get with MLA surpasses everything else in the medium IMO.
This is the version of Ever17 I m talking about:
Meanwhile, getting access to ML series is much easier via steam, and both games seems to be in a good discount right now, to bring in anime onlies from the anime adaptation, shamefully that is the main focus on their part, because a proper anime adaptation would have needed around 26 episodes alone to properly reach where S1 ended.
This is the steam page of ML:
This is the page for MLA on steam:
The atmosphere in MLA is unlike anything else, this OP is great to set the mood just right, without concrete spoilers:
If you loved that, and don't mind a slower introduction with Extra, your efforts will be rewarded immensely.
Meanwhile, Ever17 OP is also sweet:
Both VNs are heavy on meta and physics stuff, well done in a way that doesn't hinder for those that don't get it much, MLA is more about time and space travel, Ever17 about interdimensional phenomena and some shit I don't want to spoil about...
(Ever17 never got an official release sadly, so piracy is the way for that)
In terms of recs well I just finished Future Boy Conan and it was a pretty satisfying show. A lot of former Ghilbi founders worked on it.
That is not for everyone, and I have recommended Rewrite before to newcomers, and one of the friends here that actually gave it a try as the first VN ended up loving a lot aswell, but it is kind risky to reccomend such a long one...
The first VN will mark you in a way, it is a tool of comparison... ALSO, I need to know what you are looking forward to see yourself.
Do you want some good drama and SoL, or do you want something more towards action, or something spooky and scary...
There are also a lot of popular VN that people tend to reccomend, that I have yet to play G-senjou no Maou or Grisaia... again I would prefer to know what you want to experience first, in a way I could easily reccomend Baldr Sky, Fate StayNight, Ever17 or Steins Gate, the first two are LONG, but the pacing is of the BEST in VN, as in, you drop in and are immediately engaged, the later two take longer IMO to get good, specially Ever17 which has some weak routes, but the final 10 hours are 10/10 mind blowing... from all of these 4, Steins Gate and FSN are some of my favorite VNs ever, but still will not compare to what Umineko and Muv Luv Alternative have done for me.
Hmm, you seen to like Grisaia anime, so while I have yet to read the VN (been saving it since 2014 to some other time, lol), I think it would be a safe recommendation to you, this one:
That is to say, if you don't really have anything concrete you are looking for, that I asked above, Grisaia VN really seems the safest best, the only reason I have yet to get into it is because I respect it seems to be a quality VN, similar to the first half that I loved on Rewrite, thus I wanted to have something like that to play one day in the future...
To summ it up, it should either be Grisaia, one of the 4 ones I mentionated above (the first 4), or just be specific in what you want to experience, like the genre, and maybe I could pinpoint something from that.
don't worry dude i'm also a kind person so I won't take this from you as well... but- jk jk I respect rui🤝
"was gonna say you have good taste but have to take it back now since you picked rui over hina... feels bad😞💯"