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- Last OnlineJan 6, 9:22 AM
- GenderMale
- BirthdayOct 4, 1995
- LocationUnited States, Florida
- JoinedMar 1, 2014
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Living in a apartment, or renting became expensive to live in California for me. Got sick immediately when landing in Kansas, been here for about a week. The best thing to happen is I split payment with my little brother on buying a PS4. So, yeah, technically I have a PS4. Anything you're currently playing on that? I'm 22, and sound like a 14 year old too. I too got a terrible mic so I won't judge. I still have you on my friendlist when I transferred my data onto the PS4. I didn't finish Terra route in Birth By Sleep, but I'll beat it whenever I get my hands on 2.8 Remix. I could spare a few bucks thanks to my tax returns.
I'm job hunting...again....ugh...this is so tedious. As for my username change it's because I have a twitter by the same handle. Like I said, I do plan on playing with you on the PS4. Just give me a game name, and see what I could do. I might be able to talk down a good deal on Destiny from this GameStop worker.
So yeah, I'm planning to get a PS4 soon to play me those games. Hopefully it'll be within the month. Just need to cop out around 300 dollars for the bundle I want haha. Whenever I get one, and set it up I'll send you a message to your PSN account. It'll be easier that checking back with me on MAL to see if I got one already. Not sure I'll get get Destiny since my wallet might bite my hand off with the huge expense of a PS4, but if you get into another multiplayer game that you're very active on tell me, and I'll try picking it up
I started Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep in December, and played it infrequently for the month. Here's the stat for Ventus.
I did Ventus campaign first since he looked allot like Roxas. My play through of it was challenging on certain levels. For instance, I was to busy killing the other Shadows that I forgot I was suppose to protect this mouse so we could make a dress for Cinderella. However, I actually lost in Dwarf Woodlands because I was under level so I got ass kicked like twice fighting a tree boss. I played a bit around in Mirage Arena, but only did the combat, and tried the monopoly inspired mini-game. I got bored with the board game so I quit like 2 turns into it. The combat arena I beat twice, but didn't find allot of use for it. Also, during my first playthrough I completely forgot about the D-Link system in combat so I went through most of Ventus story without using it.
Another thing I didn't make allot of use of was the crafting system for new attack, and spells. I didn't use it that much. About the only things I melded together was healing spells, and projectile attacks. My first boss fight in the Keyblade Graveyard against Vanitas was a breeze for me. However, when I had to fight him a second time in Keyblade Graveyard at the end I loss to him like 3 times. What really irked me about loosing to Vanitas the third time was I, and Vanitas only needed one more hit against each other to win. Sadly, he won, and you could imagine how close the taste of victory was. So after that fight I leveled up Ventus for a bit until retrying again. It was still tough, but I managed to win. Then, I was completely surprised by another boss fight immediately. It took me a while, but I managed to beat the final boss. What really held me back was doing specific attacks to beat the final boss.
As for the story I found it a bit lacking whenever it wasn't in the Disney Worlds. Previous games I felt the friendship between the characters was better presented. Even in Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days which was basically cut scenes with some text in the HD collection I was more invested in the characters. Ventus, Aqua, and Terra all felt like hallow versions of Sora, Rikku, and Kairi. The Disney portions were fine since they are simple movies, and essentially got across the main storyline in their own way. I also was baffled by the plot point of Ven being used to be turned into a Keyblade. The explanation kinda made sense, but at the time it very odd to just accept at face value.
Then I went to play through Aqua story mode, and if you see by some of the stats I doubled in the enemies I killed, and the amount of times I used certain commands. By the time I reached level 10 with Aqua she was overpowered, and nothing really stood a chance against me. It took a while for me to adjust to Aqua since she's more magic oriented where Ventus was more balanced for combat. Unlike with Ventus, I actually created more powerful magic, and attacks. I also unlocked a bunch of Aqua finishing moves as well as used the D-Link more often at times. I did like her shield ability, even if I didn't use it much.
As a character I didn't find her interesting, and her voice actress didn't help either. I got allot more emotion from Terra, and Ventus whenever they spoke about friendships unlike Aqua. She sounded emotionless, and uninterested for almost the whole game. I pratically made fun of the voice actress performance by also talking like her as if I was uninterested in everything. As a character she doesn't get much development. In the ending, the wizard (I forget his name) said love will create a light, and lead Ventus to the right path. So I thought this could build on her character, but then the credits roll haha. She does think about dating as Hercules said she got red (couldn't tell because of the graphics to be honest) when Zack basically asked her out.
Oh yeah, that whole Olympus Coliseum level I laughed for the right, and wrong reasons. Hercules mentor was hitting on an underage girl (well, I assumed the playable character tend to be around their teens). So in a quiet room I made myself laugh with jokes I told myself. Then there was the boss fight with the Ice Titan, and Hades which I beat in less than a minute. I was surprised when it I ended since at that point Aqua was pratically invincible for me in every fight. The easier boss fight was against Captain Gantu in Deep Space where he didn't hit me once. That one air-riding sequence was odd. I just shot wherever which worked for me.
As a whole, Ventus story was a challenge, but balanced so it never felt overwhelming. Aqua on the other hand was basically overpowered, and I won everything. I did have more fun with playing Aqua since I created more attacks, and magic, and unlocked allot more stuff than I did with Ventus, but it wasn't much of a challenge. I do like the gameplay in it which seems it'll carry over into Kingdom Hearts 3. If the developer combines the gameplay from 2 with Birth By Sleep that would be really awesome. The main story not including the Disney world I felt was the weakest in this entry. Not enough time spend with the cast to really much for them. The lore is getting more complicated, but I still know what's going on.
I haven't finished Terra route, or even started it. I literally went to sleep at 2 A.M. today, and woke up like around 8:30 to play, and beat Aqua story today. So hold off the on the spoiler for Terra route for now. After that I got me more cut scenes to see, and then that'll just leave the 2.8 HD collection we both got to wait for. It'll be an interesting year for gaming for both us. You in the sense that a long running series you followed could finally come to end. Well, at least the mains story in the series. Me, it's the first time in years where there more than 3 games catches my interest in purchasing. I'm planning on getting Persona 5, Shin Megami Tensei 4: Final, the new Hitman game, Uncharted 4 without question, and bit more. I'm hoping to be surprised to this year. Oh well, as usual once I finished Terra I'll get back to you. Hope everything working out with you last time we spoke.
and sorry for such a big image :3
It's unrelated to games or anime, but I recently saw a silly movie called Whalewolf vs. Sharktopus. The best part of the movie were with Sharktopus, including one scene where he performs slapstick humor haha. It was a stupid, and cheap movie, but I had more fun watching it than I did that horror movie called The Visit.
In game relating stuff seems like 3DS is going to be fully operational whenever Shin Megami Tensei 4: Final comes out. SMT 4 had a disappointing story that was stretched out longer than it needed to be, but the game play was so addictive. Anime wise I finished a series called Kaiji which I liked allot. The writing is on par with something like Death Note, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Unfortunately it ain't that popular so I'll doubt it get the attention it deserves as of right now. I'm also close to finishing a series called Assassination Classroom. Short version is that one joke anime lost it appeal on me, and it's becoming worse. It only seems natural to go from something I really love seeing to something I'm rolling eyes at because of how bad it is. Hope everything going well on your end.
No I haven't started Birth By Sleep yet. I've been playing Final Fantasy 10 whenever I got for gaming. I doubt I'm close to beating it, but it's a good so far. It's actually enjoyable despite me not liking a game in that series out of the 4 I tried. Kingdom Hearts on the other I liked all of them. Maybe it's just Final Fantasy that ain't a good fit for me haha. I'm planing on getting a PS4 next year, though which games I don't know. I played the Stars War Battlefront beta and I did ok I guess. My overall ration was 50/50. I played it at a friend house so I found it odd I was somewhat good at a first person shooter than I'm better at third person action games in general. Destiny I haven't tried out. My sister has a 360, and that game, but never touched it. I did play a bit of Dance Central. That was allot more fun than I expected. Though, I would love a karoke game with random anime song to sing too. I would love to me to butcher Sukima Switch Golden Time Lover lol. I like singing, but no professional nor desire to persue a career in it that sort of thing. I prefer doing something that involve me writing.
I might get the 2.9 Edition for the PS4, but depending on when it come out I might be putting my focus on Persona 5, or Uncharted 4 both of which I really, really, really, want to play!
Basically, once I booted up KH 2 again I manage to revisit several worlds again, and finished some quests in those worlds with no problem. However, the world base on The Lion King only allowed me to play the second half of the mission in that world. For some strange, I couldn't start it from the beginning so I didn't see how Sora, and the gang met Simba. What held me up for several days was the fight against Roxas in The World That Never Was. It took probably like three days before I managed to beat him since every time I tried to be defensive Roxas always beat me. I was also unsuccessful in blocking many of his attacks. Not having played it for a long time I forgot use Drive forms for two days when I fought Roxas. When I finally did beat Roxas I desperately waited for a check point so I could save the game, and have to fight Roxas again. His fight was allot harder than the final boss.
The remainder of the game bosses provided no problem except for Saix who hard a special attack I couldn't figure out how to block. His shooting attacks were easy to dodge. After dying like two times in my battle against him I decided to instead use random special attacks with either Donald or Goofy in order to avoid taking damage whenever Saix used his special attack. It worked for me and I won the battle. After that, it was a breeze for the most part. Like before, I'm impressed with what was pulled for the hardware in that generation of consoles. In particular I like riding on the Magic Carpet in Agrabah, and the very elaborate fight with Amored Xemnas which was completely awesome. These games were ambitious which what I missed from the last generation of gaming. I did find games I liked, but not many of them attempted to do very big things in the same way like KH, Reisdent 4, or even the Metal Gear Solid games.
Keeping with tradition here's proof I beat the game.
Recently I finished Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and it was awesome. I needed a change of pace from the RPg scene, and the complex lore of Kingdom Hearts. Right, now I'm in the process of starting up Final Fantasy 10. Once I finish that game I'll get to finishing the remainder of the 2.5 HD Collection.
I read news on the 2.8 Collection, but right now it's not I'm paying much attention too. The new content has me interested. First though, I got to have money to get me a PS4. Right now I don't have a need to get it since nothing I really wanted has come out for it besides Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. I've seen copies of Dream Drop Distance sometimes when I go to Gamestop, but didn't buy it since my New 3DS is at the moment is collection of games I've yet to complete.
Sorry about the condense thoughts on the whole experience. I this thing call life yet again continuing its running gag of having my bike. This being the sixth time this happen XD. I guess some unforeseen force doesn't want me owning a bike.