I just caught up with it and the whole wish style thing is a lot like Madoka Magica, no matter what happens you will regret being a selector, I reckon they can make it even darker than it is now somehow. But yeah it got really intense after episode 5.
And to make sure to tell them that's it's one of the top anime series so it has to get better. I'm now interested in WIXOSS now, time to catch up on that.
I really hope they do add Psychopass, thats on my plan to watch. I only watched Half of Attack on Titan Subbed and I like it better than dub but its easier for me to watch dub.
Yeh but it's much easier to tell them to forget about Makise and her dying and try to focus on the microwave so they understand what's going on. That's also what I kinda what i did myself cause they would have to explain that at some point.
Toonami used to be the biggest thing when I was little, then they cancelled it. And brought it back like a year or two ago. Its sounds good but nope, they got rid of some of their best shows!
Hmm, well from this season I started Attack on Titan (Dub) if that counts. But im letting it build up on my DVR so I don't have to wait much for the next episode. Other than that ive been watching Gurren Lagann which IMO isn't even that good. I don't really like Mecha, im only watching it to see what happens. Also I don't like dropping anime so that could be why.
I too want to watch Robotic;Notes and also ChäoS;HEAd, I just want to slim down my list before I get to it. I try to watch up to three anime at a time. I don't like watching too many at the same time. Idk its just that im bad at multi-tasking especially if I take too long to get to an anime I have been watching and would forget stuff.
Thats so cool. I like how every anime fan has that one anime that had an "Impact" on them. For me it was Death Note. After watching that I started experimenting with different anime which eventually led me here.
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