All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 220.6
Mean Score:
- Watching25
- Completed534
- On-Hold101
- Dropped40
- Plan to Watch143
- Total Entries843
- Rewatched98
- Episodes13,257
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 38.9
Mean Score:
- Reading30
- Completed113
- On-Hold45
- Dropped15
- Plan to Read113
- Total Entries316
- Reread14
- Chapters5,451
- Volumes308
All Comments (24) Comments
oh kk I'll call u Shiori-chan ^^
it's allg :)
so how r u?
Thx for accepting
Nice to meet u :)
It was a signature blade for the shadow walkers or shades.
It gives the wielder the ability to conceal his or her presence and damage taken by this blade renders the foe unconscious.
The extent of this ability will depend upon the power of the wielder.
It gives the user immense agility and can call forward or command nearby goblins.
The extent of these abilities will depend upon th strength of the wielder.
Thats what I make of it XD
Pick one
mines no 9
ايه اغلب اعمال كيوتو انميشن يكون الانتاج فيها رهيب
عالعموم شكرا
و ان شاء الله راح ابدأ فيه قريب ^^
Hibike! Euphonium
لاحظت ان اغلب الناس يمدحون السلسلة
هل يستحق المتابعه ؟