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Wakamono no Kuro Mahoubanare ga Shinkoku desu ga, Shuushoku shite Mitara Taiguu Iishi, Shachou mo Tsukaima mo Kawaikute Saikou desu!
Jan 18, 12:47 AM
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I like the Foxfire painting. Never seen it before. You're like a super weeb. Going beyond anime.
Or maybe you're just like a normal person who likes to experience cultures, including artwork
jk no one on this site is sane
You are now like the 50th person who has recommended Made in Abyss to me. This feels like a Madoka situation all over again, where everyone thinks I will like a show, and I put it off, and end up regretting waiting so long to watch it because, yes, I did love it.
But you are the first person to recommend reading it
Which is funny, because my plan to read list is much shorter than my plan to watch. So I might get around to reading MiA before seeing it...
I was told that the soundtrack for MiA is lit, though
And you are like the 10th person to recommend Monogatari. Honestly this series scares me. People keep hyping it up, and I am afraid it won't live up to the greatness people keep going on about
I do have Mikkakan no Koufuku in my plan to read. I forget who recommended it... But I'll put your name by it so when I do read it, I will know who to talk to :)
Wow the score for it... Almost 9
Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my tastes, and thank you for the effort of putting in fancy links. BBCode is a hassle... And annoying
Can I ask what the picture on your profile is from?
Sure I can recommend some things. You seem to like romances, so I will keep that in mind.
Cute slice of life show about a boy who revives a goddess and her trying to acclimate to modern times
Welcome to the NHK!
One of the funniest psychological shows I have ever seen. Somehow it manages to make things funny that I didn't think was possible. From suicide to pyramid schemes
Haruhi Suzumiya
One of my favourite series of all time, mainly because it culminates in one of the best movies I have ever seen. If you like Bunny Girl, this is the show Bunny Girl ripped off all its ideas from, but it does it so much better
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Now this is a movie, not a show. I typically don't care for movies, but this one was exceptional for me. It's generally a hit or a miss for others. Deal with time travel and regret
My Little Monster
This is one of my favourite romances of all time. Haru is very straight-forward and there is a whole episode about them chasing a chicken
Do you have any recommendations for me? Manga or anime?
Watching/reading anything interesting lately?