Hello there ! I'm Ahmed (my real name) , but you can also call me by my forum name.
My first language is Arabic since I come from Egypt (unfortunately -.-) but I can also speak English fluently.
I am quite a lazy person. I sleep too much and when I'm awake I'm almost always on my computer (I'm not fat though, I'm actually underweight for some reason). All I ever want to do is relax, I really have no goals in life. I am useless, and it's okay with me :p
Feel free to send me a friend request ! I'm always looking forward to meeting new people
Add me on skype : Shexawy123
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About those two characters from Another, I actually had to look them up, because I didn't really remember them by names. Still, I don't really remember who Kazami Tomohiko was in the show just by looking at pictures.
Lol I wish I could learn Japanese by spending too much time on the internet. I think I'd have to learn hiragana and kanji, though.
America is RACIST. Like, if you aren't pureblooded white, you can be frowned upon by older people and rednecks. If you're Middle Eastern or from India, you're probably going to be called a terrorist. If you're black, a lot of racist people will still hate you. But then black people don't really like white people too much either. And if you're Mexican, well... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3TIjIxytuw
Charlie Brown is the BEST FUCKING CARTOON EVER. It's better than most anime. Look it up.
Yes, FMA is awesome. And it has the best English dub evar.
Watch Trigun. Please. I just finished it. It's now my second favorite anime. It's addicting. Vash is a bad ass.
Ha, shows you right! "Knows English" my ass! (This bitchy behavior is about 50% of what you might get in America, since everyone's a little uneasy about Middle Easterners since 9/11. Oh, and btw, while I think 9/11 was terrible, the US ravaging the Middle East was TOTALLY not called for. The government, and a surprising amount of the population, is a bunch of pretentious, hypocritical assholes. I might count as one of those, depending on the situation.)
Rant over, do you like Charlie Brown? And what anime HAVE you seen? (I'm waaaaaaaaaay to lazy to look at your list. I aaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmm a lazy bitch!)
How about you? ;)
So how's Death Note? :)
Trisha: You two don't have to compete for my affection!
Ed: I can compete for your affection better than he can!
Al: Haha. It's funny because it's bullshit.
Don't be lazy! It's awesome! Although you might be predominately disposed (these are considered "big words" by some people at my school) to dislike it because you read the manga first.