I'm a pretty laid back person or I'm told by many people I have known.
I was born in China but I've lived in the US for about 20 years now.
The first really good anime series I watched would have probably been Love Hina.. back in those days there weren't many ways to get/watch anime as there is now :) Its amazing how things have changed atleast I guess in America in terms of popularity and how its become more mainstream.
As you can tell I like various genres of anime though the list isn't really complete at the moment as I might have forgotten a few series I've seen in the past. I watch mostly subbed anime now though I used to watch a lot on TV from Adult Swim/Sci fi Channle/Tech TV and others I cant seem to remember at this moment.
I guess that's it for now don't wanna turn this into a big wall of text :P but if feel free to ask any questions about me or if you every wanna ask/discuss about a series I've seen or have a recommendation for what I might like.
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