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rajumiika May 14, 2021 3:11 AM
Modern era happens in Civ games. The big gimmick of the games is progressing from ancient times into the future.

Eddie is Zato's shadow beast, so when I say Eddie's moveset, I'm talking about controlling Eddie while playing as Zato. You kidding right, Xrd Zato can't hit shit with his super because it's this weird mid range upwards thing. Can't hit anyone too far or too near, and barely anyone in the air. And if it does hit, the damage is shit.

I've never seen a non-hot mom in anime. Sometimes I watch show just for the hot mom. I was all for the idea that the four time periods are all just four separate colonies, and the time machine is actually a teleport. And all the fake people are just androids. Maybe everyone is androids. Really, I just don't like plot twists that mean that all the events of the game did not happen. Matrix gets away with it, because the whole story is built upon it, and the twist wasn't as overused back then. Too bad everything after the first film was shit, except some action scenes. I also have to wonder, did Nenji have his pompadour in the real life in the pod? The reason why they all appear naked in their cockpit portraits is because their actually footage of them in the pod, so he must have. I guess the 2188 people really thought ahead installing that barber tech in the pods. I also n

TWEWY had a mobile port, and I'm fairly sure the Switch version is based on that. It just has "that" look to it.

It's good that they're not going to do it anymore, but I'm fully expecting for someone to have missed the memo, and them pulling the plug anyway. Because someone always misses the memo. To hell with that, I don't want extra input lag even in turn-based strategy games, I hate input lag. And I want video artifacts even less. So I ordered the Samsung 870 EVO SSD for my PS3 rescue operation. I plug the thing in, and find out that the system does not actually support storage above 1TB. So I ordered the same model at 1TB capacity, and get to do the thing. PS3 download speeds are just abysmal. I was getting maybe just 1.5MB, even with cable. I was downloading for four days straight. But it turns out 1TB is plenty, I still have almost half the capacity left now that I have installed everything I want. I forgot game sizes weren't as bloated back then. As for the 2TB drive, I'm just going to repurpose it as an external drive for the PS5. Apparently it's a really good option. Bought a neat aluminum case with SATA3-USB3.1 adapter for that. I really like how SSDs are low-power enough to work with just USB power. I once had an external HDD, and I hated how it required additional power and had one of those dumbfuck power bricks that blocks the neighbouring slots on the power strip.

Since you've now finished, we can discuss how the appropriate name for this season is Eren Decides to be a Dick to Everyone for Some Reason. Also, if you're wondering where Mikasa's tattoo came from, that is something that was something that was properly hinted at in the manga, but was never mentioned in the anime, so that's why it appears out of nowhere. I kind of want to watch the whole anime again just to check if Mikasa's bare forearm is ever on screen. Gintama the best, you can't change that. Again, the story in the first FMA anime completely diverges at Greed, and that just 8/27 volumes into the complete length of the manga, and manga typically releases 3-4 volumes per year if the author does not go on hiatus (this year's Berserk chapter is not out yet). Even Greed's death is completely different, because the first anime did not have Father. First anime also messes with the order of events. Most notably Dad of the Year Tucker happens before Ed becomes a state alchemist in the first anime, but after in the manga. Yeah, simultaneous anime and manga ending does require cooperation with the author and the studio. At least the author has to reveal the plot to the studio, maybe some rough drafts. Or possibly the last chapters have been completed way ahead of time.

Kiryu in Like A Dragon really is not representative, because he doesn't do anything in the game other than show up for a boss battle. I continue to recommend Zero for a good smashing time. I also recommend taking a break first, because you don't want to burn yourself out by playing multiple Yakuza games in a row.

I did start Jojolion and caught up at the time, so I definitely would be rereading a significant chunk. Jojolion is as long as Steel Ball Run now and Steel Ball Run was long, so it's going to be a read.

I am interested in Returnal, but nah, ain't got a PS5. I don't object not including a save feature in a rogue-like, but then I also expect very high stability to not void runs. And I hear that this game has been crashing, so that's an enormous minus there. It's unacceptable to be losing big chunks of progress via an error that is completely out of player's control. I really think the game should have checkpoints to remedy the issue.

So I finished RE7+DLC Just in time for RE8. You once you get past the initial impressions and ignore the first-person perspective, the core gameplay mechanics and the flow of the story are actually very classic RE. You're going about this complex of buildings filled with locked doors and fairly easy puzzles. Limited ammo and limited enemies, with the occasional boss fight. It has also that satisfying feeling of starting really weak with just a knife, but getting stronger as you find better weapons and memorize routes. You just feel all your worries melt away with an M37 pump-action shotgun in your hands. In addition to the obvious modern horro movie influence, there's also a lot of stuff just for the VR. This game just loves shoving things right up on the camera, and I don't really like it. Also the game doesn't have the traditional self-destruct sequence at the end. I wanted that dank-ass cabin to have a self-destruct sequence so bad. Luckily there is a self-destruct sequence in one of the DLCs.

So I finished RE8. It is very much a sequel to RE7, but moves from bayou horror to gothic horror. A lot of gameplay elements are added from RE4, such as the attache case inventory system, and weapon upgrades. The RE4 influence is so obvious that the game even has a completely unexplained merchant character. The game also has some optional boss battles, which I think is the first time in the series history. This game ties a bit more to the larger RE mythos than RE7 did. The game is kind of embracing how goofy RE is. Chris is in the game, and one boss screams "I'm going to kill that boulder-punching asshole". That means that either Chris or Sheva wrote in an actual report how Chris uppercutted a huge boulder, I love it. All in all, this is a really good game, and I think I'll be returning to this one a lot.

So I finished Nier Replicant. I don't think there have ever been a game that is carried so hard by it's story, characters and music. The aforementioned are great, but gameplay is mediocre, and a the vast majority of side content is just awful. The gameplay certainly is improved from the original game, and so are the graphics and performance, but the extremely fetch questy and grindy side content hasn't been improved at all. If you decide to play the game, do not go for platinum, it's not worth it at all. The rarest trophy is fully upgrading all the weapons, and you need to grind a lot for upgrade materials. Some of these materials have like a 1% drop rate, and are dropped by just a couple of enemies in the entire game, so you have to leave and return to respawn them every time. Platinum is just a not a good time for this. Even if I am shitting on the game this hard, I still recommend the game, but I do not recommend being a completionist about it.
rajumiika Apr 16, 2021 9:46 AM
I don't know, oggling women at the street is just not something I do all that much. And I can see women anywhere anyway, I can see a life-size Gundam in Japan only. Life-size Gundam should be added to Civ6 as a wonder building.

Not surprising, when I went into Xenoblade, I only knew Shulk. But yeah Melia is best girl, probably why they brought her back for that little extra story on the Switch version, and the statue is specifically from that. Yeah, I think it comes with the base. Your face looks off. Tits are not as good as asses, but they're okay if you think of them as the asses of the chest

Eddie's moveset is entirely different and Zato does not have his aerial fake-out, which severely weakens his air game. It's not just nerfs though. Eddie actually has more moves than before, and some of them have entirely new functions for the characters, plus Zato's supers have better ranges now.

I wasn't really min-maxing, I just spread points evenly, so I could always have a decent team. Any examples of those buff types, I really can't recall any. Ain't nothing wrong about a little bit of muscle, and if it's about fighting or sports, I'm expecting some muscle. Of course they were, MILF version is always superior. Also, can you now understand why I bought the OST? The music really elevate the mood from "this tactical map is stupid" to "I will protect humanity's future from these kaiju assholes, and I will do it all with the power of friendship and missile volleys!". Positively Macross.. The game touches on just about everything I love about sci-fi, though I'm not a big fan off the "it was all in simulation" twist, because it effectively means the events of the game did not actually happen. And whose bright idea was it to simulate WW2 Japan? What an awful era to grow up in. 2188 Hijikata and Miura are assholes for volunteering their clones to be raised in that simulation. Maybe there's some argument to be made about experiencing war being important for the beginning of the new humanity, but on the surface it just seems like a cruel decision.

Neku is way more Nomura than Cloud or Squall ever were. When the female protag first shows up, he just tell the skank ho to fuck off, because he doesn't want any of her gay shit (maybe not in those exact words). His angst is just unintentionally hilarious. Those on-screen symbols in TWEWY2 gameplay look suspiciously like touch screen buttons, I have a bad feeling about this.

I've now watched the Final Season part one, so I'll refrain spoiling any of that. Yeah, part two is coming, pretty dumb. Though it was very clear they didn't have the time tie all the loose ends as I was approaching the last episode. Not yet as ridiculous as Gintama though, which had two "final" seasons and then an actual final movie. I don't think ending simultaneously with the manga was ever in the books for the first FMA anime. It had a bunch of differences throughout, and went completely it's own way after Greed, and that is not even half-way through the story. When Brotherhood started, the manga was very clearly heading towards the end, it worked for that. Attack on Titan manga is now over, so simultaneous ending is now out of the picture, but they won't have to make shit up either.

That's pretty far along, there's an absolutely enormous difficulty leap in Osaka. I kind of love that Ichiban is canonically not as tough as the characters from previous games, so he has to gang up with a hobo, old geezer and office lady to have a chance. Doll up your girls, pair them up with customers, deliver items to tabels based on girls' hand signals, deal with problem customers, and sell alcohol at exorbitant prices. Remember, the tiny penis hand gesture is actually a drink for the girl. I want the same mini-game in next Yakuza game, but it should be a soapland instead. More lube to room 4! That would be perfect for Ichiban.

Possibly, long time since I played WoFF, so I don't remember the plot. I remember only Quacho Queen.

I'm very skeptical how much longer Sony'll keep those downloads up, because they've apparently already started taking down servers for game patches, and entirely without warning. On that list is TTT2, so if I don't have the game currently installed on my PS3, I'm shit out of luck and locked out of all the DLC characters. PS Now is not an option, cloud gaming is shit. Anyway, an SSD is actually a pretty good idea, so I'm going to do just that. Of course it's completely overkill, because PS3 only has SATA I support, but I don't have to worry about mechanical failure as much.

I'm really excited for last part before Steel Ball Run. I hear Jojolion seems to be nearing it's ending, but I haven't been keeping up. Probably should reread it.

Not surprising, their market share was probably isnsignificant.

Man, RE8 is looking pretty sick. While 1st person is still not my preference, this cult village setting is much more appealing to me than the dank-ass cabin from RE7. And I do still need to finish RE7. That RE4VR has me interested, but Oculus Quest is a dealbreaker. I don't want a VR headset that stops functioning if I'm not making daily Facebook-approved posts. Maybe it'll get modded into other VR headsets.
rajumiika Mar 26, 2021 4:29 PM
I'm really good at not talking to other people even in foreign languages, so no. Jesus, I probably just would've left right then and there, too much pressure man. I guess the women are are fairly attractive, I wasn't paying all that much attention to that. Though I suppose I now totally get the appeal of the sharp business dresses with the skirts and the stockings and the heels.

Fate GO isn't about the the story, it's about the waifus. I don't know if it GO even has story, I quit playing that the moment it laid all the bullshit gacha mechanics. Of course I'll continue enjoying all the GO porn. I doubt I'll buy the statue, it's certainly going to be expensive and it's hard for me to justify throwing that much money on a statue based on a character from a shit gacha game I do not play. I do have a few outstanding statue orders and I'm going to have to figure out where I put those (namely this, this, and this).

Yeah, I guess fighting against muscle memory is a bitch to fight against, had a lot of that going on while playing Strive Zato. I don't particularly miss the sword spam and ice car Jin of Calamity Trigger. I have done extensive research on this, and the angel wing does join in.

I don't know, maybe Hijiyama can sense the feminine dick aura. As hot as Morimura is, my favourite girl is actually Yuki. I really like the tough deliquent girl archetype, don't get to see that too often. Her storyline being a detective mystery was also cool, but that was also the only time I got kind of stuck, because I had trouble figuring out how to trigger some specific event. I told Aiba to fuck off so many times.

It was definitely just gyro, Uncharted 2 dumped it for more traditional stick controls. But Neku's peak Nomura though, surely you'd like him. He's like the embodiment of all those dumb 2000's stereotypes of JRPG protagonists being angsty teenager. I honestly can't take him seriously at all, and he's just comedic to me. The music can be pretty great though. I never finished the game but I don't think world end is involved, it's more of a death game story. It helps a lot if the sequel has a less obnoxious control scheme.

Hey, frying pans are important, that's how I prepare most of my food.

Of course Kai never left the team, all the characters that give command points stay on all the time. As long as Raita continues to be the VC character designer, I have faith that the character designs are good. Hey, that's WW2 in a nutshell for most European nations. You get invaded either by Germany or Russia, or if you're Poland, both.

Creating titans seemingly is not creating any problems for mainlanders, so might as well use it to create problems for the titan-humans living on the island who they really hate. The last season might open up their motivations, but that's just how I figure. Nah, haven't read the manga. The manga is ending at the same as the anime, like FMA did back in the day. It really depends on the ending how much sequel potential there is. Or side stories or prequels or whatever. I'd be suprised if this really was the last thing to come out of AoT, since it's been such a hit.

Hey I also did that, because why wouldn't I. The management mini-game is the best way to get money in the game, so of course I had to max it out immediately when it unlocked. My favourite part is how Nanba continues going around in his hobo clothes while Ichiban is a millionaire CEO. And Ichiban's the one with the brain damage. Yeah some other games in the series have cool mini-games like that too. My favourite mini-game in the entire series is the hostess club management mini-game from 0 and Kiwami 2.

Aside from red eyes, that sounds pretty much like Quacho Queen.

Man, rumour is that Sony's killing off PSN stores for PSP, Vita, and PS3, that sucks. Guess I gotta download everything that I only have on PS3 and hope that hard drive never dies. Ain't no RAID on PS3. Goodbye to DLC for physical games too if that hard disk dies, it was nice knowing you, Ultimax DLC characters (Atlus are cowards for not porting this game to PC or anywhere else). Nothing lost on Vita, everything of worth has been ported to other platforms. And PSP emulation is good, so if I ever want to hurt myself with Crisis Core, I can still do that.
rajumiika Mar 10, 2021 12:20 PM
Nah too risky, I'm very obviously a person who doesn't belong in that setting, so some staff will certainly come talk to me, and I'll die to social anxiety. Nothing is scarier tahan talkative staff. At least nobody talked to me when I visited the spicier floors of the Japanese bookstores. I don't know, maybe public smoking was a legitimate problem, those streets can get crowded, so someone smoking in the crowd is just a dick thing to do. And those kind of assholes do exist, they're a scourge on concerts along with people who think they should record the show with their phones. If you ain't got some devil horns or fists to pump, keep those hands down.

Have you not been paying attention to Fate GO, there are like a million waifus. That's a lot even if you leave out the thousands of of Saber variations. Oh my she's gorgeous, going to cost at least 30000 yen I'm sure.

T4 = Tekken 4, so I was talking about Tekken's Jin, who had his entire moveset changed in T4. Aerial down inputs are super common though in ArcSys games though, lots of characters have down variants of some of their aerial attacks. Unlimited Hazama was the Continuum Shift final boss. Yeah, I don't remember fight Unlimited Ragna in anywhere else than Score Attack. The strangest part about ploughing Dizzy must be her wings watching. I don't remember much of the GG story mode, you know, because it's a fighting game story mode.

Hijiyama's a simple guy, he needs time to figure these things out. It's not like there is any character in the cast catering to his specific taste. Ei Sekigahara is just a compelte no-personality character. He probably doesn't even understand sex, Iori probably just drugs him and rides him when he's knocked out. And the lucky motherfucker hit the jackpot too, since we now know Iori will first grow into sexy teacher Morimura and then future-past foxy grandma Morimura.

Grenade aiming was definitely motion controls in Uncharted 1. TWEWY is great, but it is a really difficult game to recommend just because of the control scheme. The anime is probably going to suck, so probably going to skip that. Hadn't heard of a TWEWY sequel, I'm definitely interested.

There are so many idioms about how you shouldn't go for the cheapest thing. I really don't get how there are people who don't learn that. For example, I've previously had two cheap frying pans which both eventually went to shit (teflon wore out), but now the decent frying pan that costed twice as much has lasted twice as long and is still going strong. The only thing that is both good and cheap is water, but I suppose not even that is cheap everywhere in the world.

Selvaria is cool and all, but consider these buns. Nothing wrong about more Selvaria content as long as it fits in the the timeline, because she is very canonically very dead. There's plenty of meat on the Valkyria bone left. There's tons of material as far European wars are concerned. For instance, I'd really love to see a plot line inspired by the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (a.k.a. the agreement between USSR and Germany to fuck over all the other European nations). Something like Federation and Empire signing a non-aggression agreement, with both starting to invade the in-between nations in preparation of the next big war between the two.

The Persona Q games are entirely non-canon, they don't matter. Dead characters are alive and all characters are the same age they were in their own games. They're good if you're into that sort of Etrian Odyssey dungeon crawling. Last I checked Spider-man didn't have slicing titan necks nor Mikasa's ass in tight jeans. We can argue about Spider-asses if Spider-Gwen is ever playable. Though considering how much they butchered Black Cat's design, I'm not expecting much.

I mean, yeah they could've, but why kill the titan people when they can be used to keep the other titan people they can't kill isolated. Yeah, it's ending this month, really wonder how much story they've packed in a short season. The entire second half of the third season was just reclaiming the wall by blocking that one hole, and the big history lesson, so this show sure is not known for hurrying things up.

I've now finished the main game of Nioh 2, still working on the DLC chapters. Definitely even better than the first game. Apparently there is a bug that if you run the game at 120fps (both PC and PS5) cooldown timers on enemy logic run twice as fast, meaning that they can attack twice as often. So yeah, I've been playing the game unknowingly in the extra hard difficulty, that's hilarious.

Gotta put that show on the list, looks pretty great. Doesn't really look like anything else to me. The sharp character designs are kind of reminding of Kill la Kill, but that is a bit of a stretch, and I don't think there is any connection.

I did buy and play Control briefly, but didn't get into it. I still intend to continue it, but that game just doesn't start all that strong, and feels like a completely mediocre third person shooter. I've seen some levitation shit, but obviously the game does not start with that. Nothing about Kena is still really striking my fancy, but hey, hopefully it's good.
rajumiika Feb 13, 2021 12:53 PM
Pachinko is very much just a Japan thing, I wouldn't have expected you to. Of course I haven't seen a pachinko machine up close either, because you can't possibly make me enter any of these parlors, because of all the aforementioned reasons, and because they're all probably operated by yakuza. It's kind of funny that smoking in public is banned in Tokyo but you can go into a pachinko parlor and smoke it up all you want (and I believe any other establishment that chooses to allow it).

The kind that says two different numbers are the same number. And the kind that that involves numbers that don't fucking exist. I sure will, I tell them every day they were the only good part about those shit movies. Too bad we never got to Grand Order logic to figure out how much gacha bullshit you have to endure to get the mythological/historical waifu you want. Good thing I avoid any and all sorts of gambling, because I would spend so much money on trying to get mommy. Good thing I learned about Monty Hall though, so I could destroy Zero Time Dilemma with my mad Monty Hall skills.

No, I said Sol is definitely a gear and that his Dragon Install is a a proof of it. Nah. you can't change a character's moveset too much, everyone hates Jin's moveset from T4 onwards. Yes, exactly like that. Dynamic difficulty has actually already been in Relevator, DBFZ and I think even Central Fiction, so it's not a new thing. I really love how much of an iron wall Unlimited Hazama was back in Continuum Shift. Maybe he got that from Dizzy, that's one hell of an STD. Always use protection, so you don't contact Dragon Install. And hey, Axl can apparently Za Warudo now.

You would hope that, but for some reason none of the PS1 FF or RE games were ever rereleased with higher-quality assets. Capcom couldn't even be bothered to keep original REmake assets. Takatoshi is great. He has grown in an extremely repressive society, so him getting a boner for a femboy is massively conflictive to him, and him coming to terms with it is fun. A less good-natured guy from that time would've murdered Tsukasa for daring to confuse his penis. Ei Sekigahara is the dullest, he doesn't even have a personality. Iori is just splooshing all over herself just because she happened to run into him with a toast in her mouth, the worst romance in the game. I played the battles on Standard, and never lost, and never dropped the mutiplier. Had to replay maybe two missions again to get S-ranks though.

The best explanation of the Golden Wind final battle is Ping Crimson vs. Packet Loss Requiem.

Immersion in Heavy Rain? I don't remember Ethan furiously shaking his controller in the game at any point. Hold R2 to move forward like it's a racing game or something. Whenever motion controls are the topic, my mind goes immediately to dumb grenade aiming controls in Uncharted 1. Trying to play The World Ends With You on the Swithch is the worst, since the subsituted the touchscreen controls for motion controls, so essentially replacing shit with shit.

If I don't like it, it's bloatware, that's the rule. And keep in mind that this is a model that only enthusiasts are going to give a shit about which is apparent on the prize. Average consumer aint' giving shit about stuff like 120Hz, low latency and perfect black, the average consumer goes for the trash sub-400 dollarydoo trash 4K television with terrible ghosting issues and enormous lag. The average consumer wants a big screen to watch sportsball on.

Man, why even play games if you do that. I mean, I crack open the guides if I feel the need to, but only after I've finished the story on my own. Nah, Judy didn't go away for me. The cop dude guy has probably the most fucked-up mission in the entire game though. Followed by the dullest mission of having to play with his sister's kids, fuck them kids.

I do admit that my GPU cooling is not doing anything to contribute to the glorious socialist society.

VC1 and 4 take place during the war, 2 happens after the war, I don't know about 3. So far the series has been good on not featuring too many Valkyria, with each game featuring only like two. If there's ever an VC5 and it features a whole squad of Valkyria then the series probably goes to shit. You can't just oversaturate the Valkyria market like that. Kind like how DBZ went to shit when they oversaturated the Saiyan market. But I do really hope Sega are working on VC5, there's a lot of juice left to be squeezed of this thinly veiled WW2 allegory.

There hasn't been any games after P5R so far, so it remains to be seen how much Kasumi will not be mentioned ever again. I just know that Ultimax characters have not been referenced in any other game, Dancing All Night characters have not been mentioned anything else, and Marie from P4G only has appeared in both of the aforementioned as non-story DLC. P3 protagonist died, so there's a good reason why he and she never show up again. The Attack on Titan games are great, slinging around and slicing Titan necks feels so good.

I guess it's a good thing we don't got any anime on TV around here. I also haven't watched TV in years, could there be a correlation between these two things? Online communities are the real danger for me, so have to avoid googling anything AoT-realted until I've watched the last season. To me it just seems that it is an handy-dandy way to keep the titan-humans blockaded on their island without any of the costs related to maintaining normal military blockades. They'd probably love to just kill the titan-humans, but they're just too heavily fortified within the walls. You have to have airplanes or rockets or something to get past them, otherwise you're just getting mowed down by the cannons on the walls. 50 meter high walls haven't existed in real life, so I wouldn't have any actual data on this, but I don't think you could breach them or get over them with catapults and trebuchets. With more modern howitzer tech maybe you could do it, but we'll see where in the tech tree these guys are.

You must be a mad man to be hunting online trophies, because that shit is beyond your control. I have the Niohs on PC (Nioh 2 PC was released the same day as the PS5 versions), so I don't have a need for the PS5 versions. Though I hear the PS5 versions are pretty good, so definitely check them out, if you have a hankering to slay some Japanese mythical beasts.

DanMachi's always been meh, even among the endless amount of isekai anime. The only selling point is Hestia, because I'm totally into that shortstack thing.
rajumiika Jan 27, 2021 8:47 AM
Doesn't really matter when it was the last game they ever put out and the way Konami burned all the bridges before sending their remaining game development staff into the pachinko ball mines. Did I ever mention how absolutely repulsive pachinko parlors are? Whenever I walked past one with the door open, the noise and tobacco stench was just astounding.

Both Big Boss and Venom were among their soldiers all the time, since they're all cramped in the sea in something similar to an oil drilling platform, though maybe he really didn't speak to them beyond the military stuff like briefings and speeches. Venom barely even spoke the second-in-command Miller. Yeah, the in-game model really didn't do her looks any service. I think Quiet was the only character modelled after a real person too.

At least Texas Instruments seems to be making ARM processors.I really wouldn't know about calculators, I couldn't even find the processor info on the calculator I had server me though high school and university. Well, not so much in university, because university math isn't even about calculating stuff anymore, it was seriously the worst. The only math course I ever excelled at was the one about first-order logic, because of how much programming wires you to that kind of thinking.

I was saying the opposite, that I do not buy games I have no interest on. I wouldn't pick them up even for free, because I'd rather spend my time on something I do have an interest in. The only circumstance where I've bought games I had no interest on is if they were included in a bundle with something I did have interest in.

I don't mean he's potentially a Gear, I mean Sol is a Gear and thus potentially immortal. Sol's magic headband keeps his Gear form sealed, and his Dragon Install is him releasing it. Gears are magic, so the rules about them are fast and loose. May's like a full head taller and a lot leggier, and definitely off the loli category now, that doesn't happen overnight. Unless it's a magical growth spurt, can't entirely discount that possibility. The assiusts are entirely for single-player as I understood. Also dynamic difficulty, which I am not a fan of in fighting games. I prefer fighting game bosses to be iron walls for the player to conquer, and the game should not make them easier after defeat.

Dragon's Crown is all hand-drawn assets so unless they had all these assets in higher quality lying about, they would have to upscale the 1080p quality assets. I booted up the game just to check, and I honestly can't tell which it is, no matter how closely I stare at Sorceress. It is hand-drawn so there is a certain level of smudginess. But it is certainly sharper.

Well he did get Stand names correct, because they are in English to begin with. So in that sense it is a superior translation to official. Imagine trying to figure out how King Crimson works when the translator barely knows words. This translation is the main reason why nobody understanding how King Crimson works was a meme for so long.

It really wasn't that terrible, since bonfires replenish durability and there were plenty of bonfires. Though since I always play with the Dragon Slayer, using it really should just make it stronger, not break it. Aside from Astro's Playroom, when is the last time you had to suffer through a game with Sixaxis controls?

I guess LG noticed the peak for the model in interest in the gaming crowd then. Yeah, they can be deleted and I did that. I just don't appreciate having bloatware on anything.

I forgot to mention all those times I died to fall damage after falling like 10 centimeters. Too many of the side quests are just someone calling your phone and telling you to go to location and kill everyone or something, and that's the side quest, that get really tiresome. Man, you'd hate Tales trophies, because those games have a bunch of trophies tied to doing some really specific things in boss fights you obviously don't get a second shot at. Well Judy was the only option for female V, so that's what I went with. Though Panam sure does have all that ass. I guess I could've gone for the dark, tall, and handsome cop guy, but I'm not in this for any of that man and woman gay shit. Unless he is willing to take my cybernetic futa dick.

Perhaps, but there's no reason to knowingly install anything that's known to shut down cooling fans. I don't think cooling my GPU is cheating, even if Riot and Eternal President Pooh do.

Are you sure you're not thinking about about VC3, because VC2 did have an official translation. And I did start VC2, but never finished, because the school setting really wasn't doing it for me. Though I have to admit that the idea There is a fan-translation of VC3, so maybe I'll get around to that someday.

P5S sure looks like a Musou to me. They've done a good job on replicating the P5 aesthetic, but combat gameplay seems like total Musou to me. But yeah, I think it is a sequel story that will never get referenced in any future games. For all the Musou games these guys have put out, their best games are the Attack on Titan games, which are not Musou at all. Would've been even better if they had the anime soundtrack.

Got around to catching up Attack on Titan so I'm ready for last season. I see the big recurring theme of the 3rd season was that they never kill off the important Titans when they get the chance and it bites them in the ass every time. Goddammit, Armoured got defeated twice but still escaped. I suppose not killing off Colossal was a good decision because of the whole Armin situation, but the way they had let both Beast and Armoured get away, I was fully expecting for Colossal to get out of there also. I hope the last season is nothing but bed-hair Mikasa. The conflict with the Nazi-analogues is not nearly as important as Mikasa's bed-hair.
rajumiika Jan 9, 2021 4:58 PM
I don't remember the cutscene exactly (since the kid appears in only in one cutscene), but yeah I think the kids name was Jack. I guess Jack 2 is more appropriate, since Raiden is also Jack. I don't even know the story of Survive was, because I don't think a single person on the planet played the game, which is how it should be.

Big Boss is not a dude pretending to be another dude, he wouldn't have a reason to talk about himself. It still fooled people didn't personally know Big Boss, seemingly including all his soldiers. Venom better watch out not getting a pink eye on his remaining eye from all that anus-to-face contact.

I don't know, pack in a funnel. That's why you gotta do it while on international airspace, coppers can't touch you there (I am not a lawyer, and this is not actual legal advice).

Yup, Raspberry Pi is ARM too. The only non-ARM mobile device I could think of that I've owned is probably the Game Boy, and even that switched to ARM with the GBA.

I don't really see where you are going about this argument about sales. I don't buy anything just because it's cheap, the game does have to have something that interests me. Usually I buy games on sale that have interested me, but I did not buy on release date, because I had other higher priority games going on. I will agree that eShop sucks; lacks in features and is unresponsive.

I think "another one of these biches" is more accurate, considering Valentine's up until Elphelt tried to kill him and everyone else. Sol is potentially immortal because he is a Gear, but Ky is a normal human with normal lifespan. All the GG games take place within the span of just a few years. Strive might have a little bit of a time skip since May seems a couple years older than in Xrd.

I'm sure some of the other flavours offend you less. The real shooter could hiding under the sofa cushions, or could've shot from a dimensional rift. This is a visual novel, we can't discount these possibilities. Anyway, I finished Somnium Files. It was a pretty good ride, but didn't get as bonkers as Zero Escape games did. So I would say you should stick to your plan to play rest of the Zero Escape games first. You'll have plenty of time to listen to the 13 Sentinels OST, since you're issuing orders from the stopped time. What's so Pro about Dragon's Crown Pro anyway, is it the gold standard version of the game for competitive play? Is it as hype as competitive Catherine?

You will never know the pleasures of reading low-quality scanlations of Diamond is Unbreakable by a person that doesn't really understand Japanese or English.

All Dark Souls games ran 60fps on PC, even the terrible first port of DS1, I'm sure it's doable. FromSoft have generally been good about not tying game logic to framerate, the only framerate-related bug I can recall was equipment breaking twice as fast in DS2 when playing at 60fps. We'll see how much those Dualsense features will stick around, the way all PS3 launch games had mandatory Sixaxis controls was the worst.

Yeah, there are a bunch of secret menus. It's some useful stuff too, kind of weird to hide them like that. I'd rather hide Netflix and Amazon Prime and other dumb smart TV nonsense. Even had to have dedicated buttons on the remote that can't be repurposed.

Really, you're not seeing T-posing, phasing through doors, floating objects, incorrect NPC animations, stuck HUD elements, sound effects on loop, etc. everywhere? Killing enemies with hacking especially seems to fuck with NPC animations, since like half of them just continue standing there and then just go directly to lying down without a falling animation, and other sort of flippin and dippin animations I am sure were not intended. Like 1/4 the time when I summon my vehicle it drives away from me, not towards me. Finished the game. Just under 80 hours and at level 50 with all side quests I came across completed. Went with Temperance ending, and I swear it is just a coincidence. All-in-all, the main quest is good, but most side content dull and I want to never do again. There are a few good side quests, but most are dull. I have to say Keanu ain't much of a voice actor, but at least CDPR got their money's worth and Johnny has lots of dialogue and is an integral part of the story.

Nah, not playing Valorant, I can do without the complimentary Chinese malware.

Who knows, I might if I run out of Yakuza to play and want to hurt myself by playing a PSP game. But hey it's always real neat when a fan-translation comes out for an untranslated game. I played through Isshin entirely in Japanese and barely understood any of it.
rajumiika Dec 19, 2020 4:54 PM
Rose was real and she was super preggers. If we're talking about Yoji Shinkawa art specifically, I can see the confusion. His female faces are kind of samey, and Sniper Wolf and EVA have similar haircuts and cleavages. Yup, just one of the many retcons in the Metal Gearverse.

Hideo has a boner for Hollywood, I'm sure he he just somehow managed convince Konami to give enough money to hire a Hollywood star, but not enough to hire a Hollywood star for more than a single recording session. I really don't think Venom really thinks he is the real Big Boss. He didn't talk about himself in any way during the whole game, so it's rad to tell. Miller and Ocelot knew he was a fake, and even Huey figured it out. Essentially all the characters who knew Big Boss beforehand and came into contact with Venom in Phantom Pain knew he was a fake. But she didn't even hang with you, she's always just hanging out on some cliffs or whatever. Can't even get any radio chatter out of her. Only in the chopper is she with you where she's just rubbing her anus on Venom's face.

Just pour the fermented grain juice directly down the throat, don't have to taste it. Who knows, maybe rubbing the snake on a plane is great, wouldn't know without trying.

Exactly, ARM really isn't competing in the high-end gaming sphere. I don't know if I could even build an ARM-based PC even if I wanted to. ARM basically has a monopoly on the low-power market though, and basically all mobile devices and stuff like emulation boxes running on measly USB power are ARM. iPhones have been running on ARM since the beginning, it's not a recent development. nVidia also has prior relations with ARM, since their Tegra chips are ARM.

Have you even seen the trailer at best available quality, or you going on the memory of the blurry reveal stream? Nier Automata is the best shit, and I wish I was smoking something, but all the good stuff is still illegal here. Not telling and lying are two very different things, and the latter can get your company in legal trouble, because that can be considered misleading stock holders. Not any more backtracking than any other open-world RPG, the main quest was quite sizable. Of course there's lots of trash on Nintendo eShop. So is Playstation Store, Steam, not to mention the dark pits of the Android and Apple stores. Don't understand why it should matter one way or another, ain't nobody forcing me to buy it, so I can just ignore the trash. I've definitely noticed 3/4 of that guys example games, and can tell there is no discount that could make me interested in any of them.

Yup, that Justice pretty much. And yes, all Valentines are Aria clones. Literally magic, don't think about it. It was from base Revelator story, Rev 2 only added couple of side stories plus Baiken's and Answer's arcade mode endings. No way to resist that, there are just some things in the universe that cannot be left untapped.

It's similar to tea in the sense that it is a brewed drink, and has plenty of caffeine, but it is a completely different plant. The taste is kind of grassy, and I recommend flavoured variants (personal favourite is orange-flavoured). Also shouldn't be brewed with boiling water, because that makes it bitter. Yeah, also drink only in the morning or sometimes possibly a post-lunch boost. The caffeine typically wears out this way for me by the time I'm supposed to go to sleep. Benefit of the doubt, it would be just plain rude to accuse someone shooting at you just because they happen to be pointing the gun at you. There isn't anything odd about 13 Sentinels gameplay, it's fairly straightforward mecha tactics game. You just can't make a big flashy trailer of it, because the game switches between the visual novel and the tactical map combat. It's a real shame too, because the Vanillaware art is without compare, the story is the most fun I've had this year, and I even bought the soundtrack. Soundtrack is also a category for which the game should have been nominated for, there are some real bangers for the battles. The tactical map may not get me hyped, but the sick techno beats sure do. Dragon's Crown Pro was essentially the same game as the original, I don't imagine it made any waves. Kind of want Muramasa rerelease, because that thing's still in the Vita prison.

Fuck the walk-ins then. Get in the line, losers. If corporate wants to be shitheads about it, I guess it is their decision to make. I think out-of-print is a bit different from popular new tech. There can't really be that much profit in scalping old manga, when less than legal options surely are available online. Scalping only works when the commodity you are attempting to scalp is low in supply but high in demand.

I'd buy framerate unlock DLC for a dollar. But I guess FromSoft are too busy pretending that Elden Ring exists. Yup, got the flickering too at like 5 second intervals. I'm fairly certain it was the TV losing the signal, since it popped the signal notification each time it reconnected. And that also haven't happened since.

Oh believe you me, those features factored in my choice, especially G-Sync. Yeah, I do have all the anti-burn features turned on. Yup, haven't had my TV connected to the network for years, and I've only had it connected to consoles, and occasionally the PC. Though I think I'll this one connected to the PC all the time, because this one has a decent amount of HDMI ports. Yeah, turned all the available anti-burn features on, hopefully I won't have the Estus Flask burned on my screen in a couple of years or anything.

Like everyone else on the planet, I'm playing Cyberpunk. Game is buggy as fuck, but I'm having a good time, since I haven't come across anything game breaking, andalso have the raw power to run the game at a steady 60fps. I'm currently 60 hours in, so I'm likely past the half-way through the game. I've been playing on Very Hard, and it did start very hard, but I just kept putting points to stealth and pistols until I could kill everything with a single headshot while hidden. Then I started dumping points to hacking, and now I just melt all enemies by looking at them. I'm still squishy, but if the enemies don't get a chance to shoot at me, it's not really a problem.
rajumiika Nov 30, 2020 10:14 AM
It sure is, but it really doesn't matter, because it is completely detached from the greater MGS storyline. It's just a quest Raiden goes on to get away from his bitch wife and weird kid. It took me really long to realize that I don't actually dislike Raiden in MGS, his scenes are only annoying when Rose is involved, so it's really all Rose's fault. I can't believe the psyhcological advisor in MGS4 is this lady who thought feigning infidelity was somehow going to fix Raiden's mental problems. No Rose in Revengeance and Raiden is better than ever. Both those pictures are from MGS4. Eva debuted in MGS3, so you couldn't have seen her there, so you are likely thinking about MGS4 again, because that's alkso the game that reveals the Patriots. Sure he has the old man receded hairline, but that doesn't count as bald in my books. Blond just was the design, no greater reason behind it. Then Snake dying his hair was never mentioned again, and then Big Boss showed up with brown hair in MGS3, so now brown just is the natural color and were supposed to hair the whole hair dying thing. Sean Connery would've been a great Big Boss. He's always coming across enemy soldiers and coming up new ways to catch these men.

Kiefer barely played even one character in this game. Venom is not brainwashed though, he is fully aware that he is a fake. He has massive brain damage and so could start actually believing that at some point, but he hasn't been brainwashed. The reason for creating a fake Big Boss was to distract Zero, it really wasn't about running two organizations, that's just how it played out as a consequence. If you never went with D-Dog then you couldn't possibly know how best D-Dog is.

When we've already surpassed the perception limit of the human eye, it is time to stop and focus on something else. You sure ain't getting any of that slouching action on a plane. You can relax all you want in the hotel room watching completely trash Japanese daytime television. I don't know, have a wank and a whiskey, I'm sure that'll put anyone to sleep. Not necessarily an annual thing, but I haven't had my fill yet.

World being a massive success doesn't somehow magically make the previous games not be successes. It is kind of weird how Capcom hasn't actually published a Souls clone of their own. Bamco is publishing Souls clones even when they own Dark Souls proper (Code Vein is pretty rad though).

It's not a small market though. Nearly everyone has a smartphone and nearly all smartphones are ARM, so Nvidia would be a getting a cut off all of that. And they're not competing with Apple, Apple uses ARM too.

If you really want to stick to just character models then have at it. FF14 skin is more plastic than skin, hairs are solid polygon blocks, and eyes are liveless. Entire Automata cast and story is gold, talking shit ain't gonna change that. Now that's just not true. When a game sell badly, Platinum traditionally does not make official statements about it. W101 and Bayo 2 being total Nintendo-published flops is all out in the open, and Astral Chain selling a million copies is very respectable. Now Nintendo could be lying about those numbers, but they're a stock company and could be sued for those lies by both their investors and the government, so I presume they would not lie about something like that. My 100-hour playthrough of Xenoblade this year begs to differ otherwise. Plenty of good games on Switch, just don't expect any of the AAA trash you see on other platforms.

At some point the negative modifiers overtake the upgrades, so the game starts getting harder. The difficulty curve of the game is essentially a parabola, where it starts hard, gets easier as you get better and get upgrades, and then starts getting harder again as you stack up negative modifiers.

People who would do nothing but reverse-engineer would need to be some kind of turbo-autists. I think this is the reason why companies stick with emulators. Emulators are better bang for the buck, since they can reuse the emulator for other games on the same platform.

Nah, Aria was a normal human, Justice is a Gear that was created with Aria's clone as the basis. Jack-O is the only Valentine that actually has Aria's memories, and that's why she hooks up with Sol at the end of Revelator, ending Sol's historically significant 170-year dry period.

You can get caffeine in pills, though I've been caffeinating myself mostly with mate recently. Three servings of the stuff keeps me wide awake pretty much the whole day. Come on, the puzzles were not that bad, and I bet spotting stuff is a lot easier if you're playing on the big screen with the PS4 ports. And you'll get to enjoy all that beautiful Kinu Nishimura art in 999. This game is nuts, what even is this cutscene? I can't wait to see what's the big dumb plot twist, because there is always a big dumb plot twist. No way is it going to be bigger or dumber than Zero Time Dilemma's big dumb plot twist. It's really sad how right I was about 13 Sentinels going to be heavily discounted this soon. But hey, have fun. At least the game is getting just a tiny speck of recognition being nominated for narrative at the Keighley Awards, even when it has no chance at a popularity contest.

To me you're describing all dull Ubisoft AAA games with the exception they didn't even bother having a protagonist in this one. And I wouldn't expect a great antagonist from a game without a protagonist either. I got the game free with the 3080, and installed it just to see, but it just reeks of "open-world sandbox with repetitive tasks made by Ubisoft", so I doubt I'll ever continue playing it.

The colored buttons have not thrown off any previous iteration of the Playstation controller, the lack of them makes the Dual Sense color scheme seem that much more dull.

Can you smell what the PS5 is cooking? It might be RAM. See, I don't actually even understand why this even is a problem. Why don't the American stores just let their customers place their orders, and fill them in order whenever they get more stock? Selling only in-stock just makes it more stressful than it needs to be. Or do you guys enjoy the competition of who gets to have the privilege to hand their money to a multinational corporation? And the retailers could also just purge anyone who ordered a million billion consoles from the queue, because those people are obviously scalpers. I've ordered the console from my usual place, with the knowledge they're sold out well into the next year, but I know my order is in a queue, will be filled in it's turn, and I don't need to think about it. If I happen to stumble one in-stock, I'll then buy that instead and cancel my order from the other place. I just wish people had enough sense to not buy from scalpers, because scalpers would cease to exist if people didn't buy from them.

Considering that she is in the same show with C.C. it would be foolish to engage in a fight she can't win, so of course it is a better choice to present her other more superior assets. Might I say the shape of that rock is also a bit suggestive from certain angles.

I don't think you can call it "going in blind", when it's so accurate to the original game. You've also played a few other FromSoft games after original Demon's, so you're also more skilled at the Souls-like than you were back then. And 60fps also makes an enormous difference over 20fps original (I so wish there was a patch to raise Bloodborne framerate lock to 60 or maybe even 120 for PS5). Are you using a HDMI 2.1 cable by any chance? Because I actually had a very similar audio issue with connecting my PC to my new TV with a HDMI 2.1 cable with a 4K/120Hz/10bit/RGB signal. So I'm theorizing whether it could have been be a HDMI 2.1 handshake issue. It hasn't happened after TV firmware update, but that could be just a coincidence.

So yeah, I went on a bit of a bit of a tech spending spree and renewed my TV to a LG CX 55". The image quality leap from the ol' LED LCD really is something. First game I tested was PC Xrd at, look great and plays great. I haven't been playing anything with HDR, but I did confirm how much better then shades of black look in RE2make, and and that THPS1+2 Venice Beach level actually looks good now, because it was absolutely painful to look at with the old telly. And now I'm also completely paranoid about OLED burn-in. Remember kids, don't leave your OLED on CNN, it's bad for both the TV and your mental health.
rajumiika Nov 12, 2020 7:39 AM
The diference of how MGS4 and Revengeance is that Revengeance does not take itself too seriously. It's a goofy video game with a goofy protagonist, and it works. There are some people who are super upset that it is not an MGS game, but I'm happy that it is a big dumb action game. I have no clue, what you are talking about, Big Boss has never been portrayed as a bald dude. His face in Metal Gear 2 (not MGS2) was just Sean Connery, but you couldn't see his hair situation. MGS1 solidified Big Boss's portrayal with full head of hair. Though Big Boss's (pre-gray) hair color was retconned from blonde to brown later. In MGS1 Snake dyed his hair, and it was actually Liquid who was rocking his natural colors.

That was around the time I started realizing just how full of shit video game reviewers are. Assholes most likely didn't get all that far in the game before writing their reviews. You really should've figured out that Venom was a doppelganger from the beginning, when you heard a second Jack Bauer voice coming from another character with a fully covered face. The Man Who Sold The World is also an enormous clue, because it's a song about a man pretending to be another person (though I really didn't know the meaning of the song at the time). The only purpose of the whole doppelganger angle is that it only explains how Big Boss was able command FOXHOUND (real Big Boss) and Outer Heaven (Venom) at the same time. Previously it was just a weird plot hole, or rather a lame plot twist of MG1. Nah, D-Dog is better because he always hangs out with you, and can detect all enemies even in-doors. Yeah, Quiet had the parasite and she breathed through her skin or something, and it was all stupid shit.

I just think 8K is just way too much. To get the benefit of the 8K resolution, you would need to sit at a distance where you would be able to see pixels on at 4K, but that distance is already so close that the monitor that it is overwhelming the field of view. I get the benefit on desktop use where you might want to fit many thing to the screen at the same time, but not for playing games or viewing movies. Unless it's a grand strategy game that requires you to keep your own spreadsheets, but that's just too much strategy for my tastes. Long flights are tolerable if you're watching movies or something. I remember watching Spiderverse, Creed 2, some stoner comedy about two guys trying to get their cat back, and a movie where the dad from Malcolm in the Middle is in a wheelchair during my Japan flights. Or drug yourself the fuck up and sleep. But really you shouldn't worry about it, it's totally worth it. I just hate that I couldn't have the trip this year because of the situation.

Monster Hunter has always been a huge success in Japan, and a moderate success elsewhere. World is just the one that blew the bank. RE and DMC are single-player games with not-enormous single-player campaigns, do you expect them such games to be talked about continuously for months? Because that's a thing that just does not happen. They came out, they sold well, everyone loved them, please give us more, Capcom. Deep Down is deep down in the Capcom graveyard.

Oh, I do have a Full ATX tower. I could've taken drive cage out if necessary, but the smallest ATX cases might have problems, because the card extends two centimeters further than the card itself, and is huge into all the other directions also. I also do have a Ryzen 3700X already, so I could upgrade to a 5000 series if I wanted to. I doubt I'd see much of an benefit from it, so I'll wait for next year's lineup. Nvidia is now in CPU business, since they did buy ARM, though they are not known for desktop CPUs, so they have a long road ahead if they want to enter that market. Really sad for Intel that they lost that single-core performance crown now also, they really gotta step it up if they want to keep the PC enthusiast crowd.

I really don't see how you think that FF14 screenshot is comparable to FF16. Skin doesn't look like skin, I can count the polygons, ground is flat and could use a couple more passes of anisotrophic filtering, shadows are basic (shadows of characters in front are not effecting the characters in back), there aren't any kind of reflection effects. We can argue if 16 looks better than 7R or 15, though it is pointless when we don't have high-resolution screenshots, but comparisons to 14 are clear as day. It's really the story, the characters, and the music that made Nier Automata such a success. The combat was fairly shallow, and doesn't take all that much skill at all, I doubt anyone remembers the game for that, but it was okay and not dogshit like first Nier. Platinum have said that Astral Chain was a success, so I have to believe that it was a success. But why though, tons of great games on Switch. My Switch backlog is enormous, just like all my other backlogs. Should've played that Astral Chain, it's the best game ever made about Stand-user cops. I really want to play Astral Chain again on the higher difficulty, but with the Switch Pro rumors flying about, I'm holding out, since this is one of the games that would really benefit from beefier hardware.

I think there's a poem about it; "I get knocked down, but I get up again, you are never gonna keep me down". I do it in 20 minutes if I have a great build, 40 minutes if it's a shit build that's barely keeping me alive. Completing runs gets story progress and permanent upgrade materials. To offset your permanent upgrades, you also have to use negative modifiers to keep upgrade materials coming in. Stuff like stronger enemies, faster enemies, more enemies, new versions of bosses, time limits, etc.

Decompiling binary in general is not worth the effort. The results are not really human-readable. Decompilers can't recreate the original semantics, because that information is lost when the code is compiled to binary. This means that even if it can recreate all the functions and variables, it can't give them any sort of descriptive names, so it is entirely up to the human to figure out what each and ever function and variable does. Programming can be hard enough even when dealing with original source code with all semantics intact, taking all that away makes it just so much worse.

Justice and Valentines are all cloned from Aria. Aria was pregnant with Sol's child, and that somehow was recreated with Justice, who birthed Dizzy. And then Ky decided to tap that five-year old, and that's how Sin Kiske happened. Now that I think about it, Sin had the hots for Ramlethal in Xrd, who genetically is his grandmother, so... What I'm trying to say is that GG storyline is nuts.

Playing any plot-heavy game, not just visual novels, is not recommended while tired. So caffeinate yourself, if you're just tired all the time. And after finishing 13 Sentinels, go play the rest of the Zero Escape games. I actually started playing AI Somnium Files, which is the latest game from the Zero Escape guy. The difference to 13 Sentinels is really obvious, it's a lot wordier. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just pointing out a clear difference in approach between the two.

I straight-up forgot that new Assassin's Creed and Far Cry are even coming out. Can't wait for half of the vikings to be black women. Ubisoft seems to be in chaos now that everyone got outed as sexual harassers. Expect all their future games and events to virtue signal even harder than before. So the next time you see Ubisoft pretend to care about feminism or whatever that this is the company where all the women got harassed.

Who said anything about all-black, I don't want any of that. We've had three straight generations of just black controllers, the color change is welcome, but I don't like the chosen color combination. They even removed the colors from the playstation symbols, so even that makes it look blander. I also want the rainbow Playstation logo back.

Quick Resume is neat, but it is an completely unnecessary feature for me. Maybe I'm just an old man, but I still prefer saving the game and turning the console off. I don't see why you would want to play PS5 games off of an HDD. You'd be losing the speed benefits, and you can't rely on games being tested with HDDs. Unless you want to use a big-ass HDD as a local back-up of digital games, so you can copy them from there instead of downloading. I don't know if PS5 allows copying from drive to drive at will, but it's a pretty useful feature on Steam.

Since I already have three C.C. statues, maybe I should balance that a little bit. Thought you might be interested in this one as well.
rajumiika Oct 31, 2020 3:32 AM
The Boss had plenty of screen time, probably as much as Volgin. The Boss is really important because USA using her as an expendable pawn is what causes Big Boss become disillusioned about his own allegiances. And he himself was a pawn too, because he was kept completely in the dark about it, and would've not found out if EVA didn't tell him. Similar shadiness is also what causes Snake to become a rogue agent after MGS1, though he never thought to create his own nation.

Hey, I replayed MGS4 last month, it's awful. Nobody in the story wants to be around Snake, Raiden is an insufferable edgelord, the Campbell/Meryl plotline does not go anywhere, Ocelot's self-hypnosis thing is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, EVA came back only to be killed, Naomi came back only to kill herself, the B&B unit don't have any personality, the third chapter is awful from start to finish, and the game is more than half of really awkwardly directed cutscenes. What I'll give the credit for is that it is the first MGS with crouch walk, and the Crying Wolf fight is pretty tight, and I do get the feels when Big Boss dies even if the way they brought him back for just the ending is really stupid. And there is no reason why Snake would be hanging around The Boss's grave, when he didn't know her at all.

I'm not saying the lung parasite itself is a bad idea, but the implementation falters. Main missions in Phantom Pain were good until the half-point, but then rest of the main missions is just harder variants of those missions. And side missions are a handful of different missions repeated over and over for a hunred times. My opinion of the game would be so much higher if they cut out the filler content and thus shrunk it into a tighter <50h package. And jesus christ, the timers on base building just makes me anxious, I had to keep the game on the entire time for the whole two weeks it took me to 100% the game just so I could get the maximum benefit. I goddamn set alarm clocks for myself to whenever something finishes so I can queue up the next thing. The three boss fights in the game are against Quiet, Volgin, and Sahelanthropus (I don't know how I am still able to remember that name). I guess you could call the Skulls unit encounters as boss fights, but those fights are so bad and they're not even real characters, that I really don't want to. My favourite thing about Phantom Pain is still the Nuclear trailer with all the scenes that didn't even make it to the game, because the game was pushed out before it was done. And D-Dog is a good boy. Get your ass off my face, Quiet; me and D-Dog are going on an adventure.

Can you tell how much of an disgruntled MGS fanboy I am?

Sure you can DLSS to infinity resolution, but at some point the result will start to get sucky. Probably DLSSing a 4K image would still result in a decent 8K image, but 1080p sounds like too much a leap. Why the hell would you have a 8K TV, all you have is a console that can only output checkerboarded 4K? Put that money on the Japan trip or something. I mean, they're not going to let you in right now, because of the situation, but that's just a suggestion. How do you even fit an 88 inch TV, is it hanging from the outside wall of the building?

I don't think SF5 had a digital currency of it's own, and why would it when you can buy DLC with normal money. Yes, that's pretty much how I play SF5. Nothing profitable? Monster Hunter prints money, and recent RE game and DMC5 weren't slouches either. Currently the only ways to play Rival Schools is to hunt down a Dreamcast and copy of the game, or emulation, so even a rerelease would be a step up.

If Nvidia didn't have such a headstart, I might've even considered the AMD cards, but I've made my choice for this GPU cycle. We'll see how well they'll handle RTX tech, since Nvidia has had more time to work out the kinks from their implementation. DLSS really is the thing they'll really have to tackle next if RTX really takes off now that consoles also have RTX, because the DLSS boost to framerate is immense. That said, finally got my 3080. Managed to be somewhere in #38-#62 range of the waiting list on this model (Strix OC), so luckily I managed to avoid triple digits. It is so fuckhuge that it goes two centimeters into the drive cage, but I just had to shift the drives out of the way to get it in. Too bad Cyberpunk got delayed, but I guess I get to test it on Control and Death Stranding in the meantime. My CX750 PSU seems to be handling it okay so far. But because I'm riding that recommended wattage limit and the unit is already over five years old, I have a AX1000 ordered. Would you guess it, >750W PSUs also have shortages right now.

You will have to show me those FF14 screenshots, because right now I'm doubting if you have eyes and a license to use them. FF14 is a good-looking game, but I can definitely tell that it was originally released for PS3. How is Platinum getting too much recognition, when nearly all their games have been great, but nearly all of them have been commercial failures? Prior to Nier Automata only DMC fanboys like myself bought their games, and Astral Chain is the first time they're succeeding with their own IP. And Automata's story is great as are all the butts.

Wow, the interest on Destruction Allstars must've been really low, if they're going from a full-price release to PS+ freebie. Now I'm even more sure it'll be riddled with microtransactions and "your honor, I do swear our surprise mechanics are not gambling for children".

But you are not losing all your progress, you still keep your permanent upgrades, story progress, several types of resources. Yeah, I am dealing with the hand I'm given by learning enemy patterns and the synergies of random upgrades. Even a shit upgrade can be made decent with a good synergy. The story progresses between each run, so of course I've had a lot of successful runs. And each run is 20-40 minutes, I can do multiple each day. Right now finished the main story in it's entirety, so I'm starting to feel Hades'd out. That's the result screen after a succesful run, you don't need to stare at it if you don't want to.

They didn't just disappear, they were deliberately deleted, because I guess Square were so cheap they couldn't be bothered to make even tape back-ups of the sources on their billion yen projects. Of course it's not just Square, same applies to many other companioes. I'd be happy with a remaster. Output at a decent resolution and framerate, and clean-up the menus and HUD elements, and I'm happy with just about any PS1-era video game rerelease. I'm super upset that the PS1 version is still the best way to play FF8, all other versions have menus running at 15fps which makes them super unresponsive.

Playing Carl is a lot harder than playing Zato, just because Nirvana has more wind-up and is more vulnerable to incoming attacks than Eddie is, and Carl by himself is just not all that strong. Also helps that Eddie can be dismissed and resummoned closer to opponents position. I got into Guilty Gear back in the day because I was way into Guns n' Roses (Axl), and Kenshin (Baiken). Also the X2 visuals were amazing and the soundtrack is second to none. All soundtrack of the year awards should keep going to X2, because it continues to exist. Bring back Justice, it'll be a really awkward family reunion. What is Ky supposed to do when the in-laws are Sol and Justice?

Those bandwidths are pointing towards PCIe 4 drives, but if Sony has not made a peep about requirements, I would hold off until they clarify or until someone else has tested drives.

You survived Virtue's Last Reward, 13 Sentinels is a cinch in comparison. There are no walls of text to wade through, it's all to-the-point dialogue and brief monologues. You can certainly dive into the game's dictionary to fact-check stuff, which I do recommend doing when you are unsure about something. You probably don't have to wait long for sale, because this game is way is well on it's way to become a complete flop. Word of mouth could still have some positive effect, but I don't really have faith on such things. All that said, I did finish the game and I loved every second of it. Probably the wildest ride I've been on since Zero Time Dilemma.

But there was an official UI reveal, are you sure you're not talking about that? A lot of neat features that I will absolutely never use. Review copies for games are a thing, I'm sure people with early consoles also have early games. Yeah, that's a pretty awful bug. But then again, they bought Ubisoft® Game® 2020®, so they kind of had it coming. I think "SeXbox" is the obvious one. For maximum snarkiness "Xbox Series X (not to be confused with Xbox One X (not to be confused with original Xbox))".

I'm really just interested on maybe getting a PS5 controller for my PC. The console itself is pretty much out sold out well into next year, there might be some controllers available, since not everyone is going to immediately buy a second controller for their console. I'd really love for them to release alternate color controllers though, since I prefer having my controllers in different colors to easily remember which is paired to which device (case in point, my PS1 gray paired to the PS4, my transparent paired to the PC). I'm sure there will be services to paint the controller for me, but I don't care enough to pay aftermarket just for color. I might buy the console itself if I just happen come across one in stock, but I'm not in a hurry at all.
rajumiika Oct 23, 2020 3:21 PM
If you're still wondering about 13 Sentinels, I do absolutely recommend it. Though be aware that you'll be in it mainly for the story, and you better pay attention, because the story goes places. Considering how thin all previous Vanillaware have been on story, this is an absolutely immensive upgrade. I haven't finished yet, but I am so into it.
rajumiika Oct 19, 2020 2:12 PM
Don't mistake it for a paradise though, even if judges are obliged to follow the law, the laws themselves can be bad. I'm not touching the American police situation with a two meter stick, they might mistake the stick for a gun, and they ain't gonna take my full-auto assault sticks.

Oh right, I forgot Year in Review is a thing. I figured that if it was a software problem, a factory reset will work. A hardware problem would have been more annoying.

Hey, seppuku counts as redemption in the bushido play book. Accuracy on horseback is inherently worse than normal on-foot archery, but if you put all your points on dexterity like the mongols did, you'll eventually get good enough at it for successful flanking tactics.

The Boss is probably the best character of the game and maybe even the entire series. Kojima evidently knew this also, as he did everything he could to ruin her with those dumb AI pods in Peace Walker and Phantom Pain. Jesus christ, MGS story was just a downhill all the way after MGS3. Though Peace Walker had some neat things about nuclear deterrence theory. What the fuck was the villain in Phantom Pain even trying to do, something about lung parasites? I hate how much phantom pain I still have from Phantom Pain. I legit had not played a MGS game for five years after I had finished Phantom Pain.

The 8K gaming claim with 3090 also turned out to be a complete lie, since the thing only gives about 9% boost over the 3080, and ain't nobody who throws more than a grand at a GPU (and big money for a 8K monitor too) going to play at 30fps.

Fight money cost of everything is so absurdly high, that you'll have to be playing all the time to unlock more than a couple of costumes, and who really would want to play SF5 more than just a little bit whenever a new character is out. I really don't know what's going on with the SF5 tier list, I only boot up the game occasianally to test new characters, I'd still rather play 4, 3, or Alpha. All character models in initial SF5 were outsourced, that's how we ended up with banana-hair Ken. I really am not terribly excited about the idea of SF6, I'd much rather see them resurrect some of their other fighthing games, like Rival Schools. Too bad Itsuno prbably doesn't have enough time to save all of Capcom's franchises.

Well see eventually when the AMD cards come out, I really don't feel like starting to compare all the numbers and brand-specific lingo to figure out where the AMD cards lie in comparison with the 3000 cards. Of course I would welcome AMD picking up their game, just so that Nvidia don't get too big on their britches.

I think you're very much overestimating the graphics of 14. Aesthetics maybe, but the graphics are definitely closer to more recent FF offerings. Dad of War 2 was practically already confirmed with the secret ending, so showing off a logo is just nothing. Why would you preorder something that does not even have a release date though? It's not like there's going to be a shortage, nobody buys Platinum games.

Unless the boss some non-blockable and non-dodgeable attacks or aggressive regen, I'm sure it can be beat. I want the credits to roll right then and there, though that's usually reserved for cases when the "unbeatable" boss is the final boss pushing your shit in early in the story.

I think the charm of rogue-likes is the process of learning to play with the hand the game deals, plain getting better at the game, figuring out how power-ups synergize with each other, and even how to manipulate the RNG in the to your favour. If it matters, Hades does have permanent upgrades also that do massively increase your chances. If anything he has the exact opposite problem of instead of being an unbearable edgelord, he is an unbearable goody-goody two-shoes. I just skip most dialogue, because they use lots of words to say very little. You really don't need to worry about dying. Sure I died a lot at the beginning, but I'm now 72 hours in, and hardly die at all.

Yeah the hair antlers are kind of dumb, but at least he's wearing an apron, shorts and a useless belt... Okay, maybe fashion isn't this guy's strong point, but the game is still great. Kinda wish Square would rerelease it, but knowing them, they probably threw the source code away.

Yeah, Giovanna looks sick, and a Stand user to boot. Though it looks like the dog is not a separately controlled entity, so I don't expect any Zato shenanigans. Don't know about bringing Anji Mito back though. It's so easy to ignore that he even exists, he's just so dull when compared to just about any other character in GG. If we're bringing back X2 characters, I'd much rather see Testament.

Did Sony already confirm what M.2 drives you can put in the console, because they did say that not everything will work. Either way, I don't think replacing the drive right away is a good idea, because 1TB is lots of M.2 NVMe storage, and gets really expensive. Maybe in a couple of years after the prizes drop.
rajumiika Sep 29, 2020 12:46 AM
What is this, Square is acknowledging that Vagrant Story exists? I mean, they're FigureArts, so ehhh, but still. And did you see that insane Nier Automata statue? It's bigger than that guy's torso. It's so gorgeous, but it's going to cost more so much, and just how much money am I going to throw at Nier statues.
rajumiika Sep 26, 2020 6:08 PM
Maybe over there. Judges actually have to follow the law around here these parts, and can't dish out arbitrary judgments. Probably related to the common law / civil law divide. Lawyers are still scum though.

I know that Steam and Switch track play time, just by the fact that this info is visible to the user (, I'm not certain of PS4. I really can't think of any game with a really strong start but just turning into shit right after, so I don't think that's a thing that really happens. That's a good question, because it's not like the console was incorrectly shut down or anything like that, it just stopped recognizing the drive when I booted the console at one point. Cloud backups are hella slow, so I copied the save data with a USB drive.

I imagine a guy who asks to be killed for failing, is the same kind of guy who will perform seppuku for the same reason. I imagine that mongols didn't make for great sailors, since this would've been their first naval invasion. Now that I think about it, this game did not have single horse archer, all these fools just immediately get off their horses and start shouting "DOSHO!", 0/10 historical accuracy.

Not all, but definitely most, because nobody could be bothered to work the game to work correctly at 50Hz. And I couldn't possibly know any better at the time, since I did not have a point of reference. I'm glad to hear they improved they improved stealth mechanic for LoU2 a bit. 15 times might not actually be too far off the mark.

Yeah, that's exactly the kind of cherry picking I expect, only showing the very best performance boost you could find. Why even put RTX on Minecraft, that's like bringing a symphony orchestra to a Nascar race. I might get a couple of bucks off the 1080Ti, the value of course dropped significantly in the wake of all these new GPUs completely outperforming it. I'll play with RTX only if it holds 1440/60, otherwise goodbye RTX. Make that one partner model that is weaker than the FE model, that being the Zotac model, which netted a 1-3% less performance. The current paper king of the bunch is the Strix OC 3080, which has been overclocked 13% over FE. How much additional performance that gets remains to be seen, since those ain't out yet.

It's definitely not all sticks, it didn't happen with the Hori stick I used before I got the Hitbox. Of course with original inputs, they do so much more damage.

Whatever it is, hopefully it is an actual full game at launch without a grind for fight points, and decent single player offerings. RED Engine would be the CD Project RED engine, ArcSys games run on Unreal 3 and more recently 4. I wouldn't complain about SF game made by ArcSys. I wouldn't complain about any game made by ArcSys. Kind of yeah, some of those outsourced character models look rough. At least she's not crypt keeper Chun-Li from MVCI. And it's not really her face I want on my face either way.

Hopefully AMD can come up with their equivalent of DLSS and hopefully that can be deployed to the console, because ideally I would like not to have turn off ray-tracing to keep good framerate. Maybe there'll be some games that give me both at 1080 even without DLSS.

Store I bought from would sell only a single card per customer, so bots shouldn't be a major problem. I guess the good thing about the surprise PS5 sale is that bot scalpers did not have the time to prepare for it, so at more of those things are going to legitimate customers. That event had a strong line-up of games, though I really would've liked actual gameplay. FF16 looks pretty interesting, I really want to see how much there is to the combat, because I really don't want the no-skill-required combat of FF15. I'm not going to say anything. I'm interested in the Hogwarts game. I think it being sert in a completely different time period is a good decision, so they'll have semi-clean plate to work in their own characters and story. The *BWAAAAHH* remix of the Harry Potter theme is awful. The developer has a bunch of trash and kids games under their belt, but considering how long this game has been in development, I am willing to entertain the idea of the possibility that this has had enough work done to it to be good. I doubt it'll be a better Hogwarts game than Three Houses though. Spider-man gameplay sure looks like Spider-man gameplay, which is good but not something to get me hyped. The Ragnarok tease doesn't do anything for me, because I and everyone else knew that the sequel will happen. And after Metroid Prime 4, I've realized not to get very excited about logos.

Demon's Souls looks absolutely great, and it is the most compelling reason to get the console to me. Yeah, 70 for a game that that's going for the same crowd as Rocket League and Fortnite, which were cheap and free respectively, seems fairly suspect. It might sell because it's a launch game, but at any other time it would certainly flop with that price tag. It'll go free-to-play eventually either way, it happens every time with these games.

You can say that again, that game does not ring any bells to me. Like I don't even remember hearing the name, seeing the logo or the key artwork. It's not often that a game goes so far with disowning it's own MP mode, usually it's just passively abandoned, they're actively removing it.

So I've been playing a whole bunch of Hades, since it was released from it's Epic Games Store Early Access prison. That's a good ass game. Gameplay is really tight, and it is also far easier make a viable build then Binding of Isaac, which is the only other rogue-lite game I've put any appreaciable amount of time in. About 30 hours played, and I've just completed the main story. There's still a whole bunch of side content to be cleared. The game has crashed on me twice, which is not very nice, when the game does not save during the runs. Also, Dusa top waifu.
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