Anime Stats
Days: 64.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries158
- Rewatched47
- Episodes3,833
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Manga Stats
Days: 32.4
Mean Score:
- Reading50
- Completed188
- On-Hold16
- Dropped19
- Plan to Read64
- Total Entries337
- Reread27
- Chapters3,492
- Volumes471
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All Comments (46) Comments
About Hana to akuma the real thing is that to me it was so boring that I had to force myself into the next chapter, and I gave it plenty of chances 'cause I read halfway through. It just never made me laught, cry, hope everything would turn out fine for some character nor it made me curios about what was gonna happen next. I don't know exactly what was that made it so little enjoyable to me, but I eventually asked myself why did I keep reading something I didn't like at all, so I dropped it.
Since I like to use every vote from 1 to 10, a manga that made me drop it is definitely gonna get a low rating!
Of course that is only based on my enjoyement! Xd sorry if I didn't express myself well
I guess you, on the other hand, liked it, right?
I've actually been reading that manga. It has some very interesting concepts and I like the relationship between Ai and Hampnie.
fine and just woke up lol how about u?