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All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 71.1
Mean Score: 0.00
  • Total Entries236
  • Rewatched0
  • Episodes4,130
Anime History Last Anime Updates
Sol Bianca
Sol Bianca
Nov 4, 2007 4:34 PM
Completed 2/2 · Scored -
Shaman King
Shaman King
Oct 21, 2007 6:19 PM
Dropped 17/64 · Scored -
Oct 21, 2007 6:01 PM
On-Hold 3/26 · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 2.8
Mean Score: 0.00
  • Total Entries14
  • Reread0
  • Chapters499
  • Volumes56
Manga History Last Manga Updates
Tennis no Oujisama
Tennis no Oujisama
Oct 16, 2007 2:26 PM
Reading 380/382 · Scored -
Kaze Hikaru
Kaze Hikaru
Oct 16, 2007 2:23 PM
Reading -/246 · Scored -
Ouran Koukou Host Club
Ouran Koukou Host Club
Oct 16, 2007 2:23 PM
Reading -/87 · Scored -

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FlameLightning17 Oct 22, 2010 9:44 PM
Do u want to join the Lucrezia Noin Fan Club?
Merleawe Nov 7, 2007 10:29 AM
hello! how are you?
evanelric Nov 6, 2007 1:12 PM
Manga Havoc beats anime Envy without lifting a finger. Leik woah. Also, gomen for today. I haven't been feeling well, as evidenced by the fact that it's four pm and I'm only now checking the internets. @_@ Also, I'm swiping for the dinner shift at work today, because I like money. Hopefully I don't end up sick all over the Kosher Kitchen. I don't really think I will, but still...
evanelric Nov 1, 2007 10:45 PM
You know, it helps a lot when I put the number of episodes I've watched of shows I've dropped. *cough* Dragonball Z *cough*
evanelric Oct 25, 2007 10:13 AM
That was a TERRIBLE idea. *cries* ,>_<, Also, I'm STILL awake. And I just remembered I have to work tonight, as it's Thursday. So much for my plans for a nap. Maybe I'll take one after I pick up my scrip from DUH? ... I think I might... Or watch more Noein. And drink some coffee.
evanelric Oct 25, 2007 7:04 AM
Haha.... What would you say if I said I was still awake? -_-;;
evanelric Oct 24, 2007 10:38 PM
OH EM GEE. Kaze Hikaru is ongoing in Japan and has hit 20 volumes. I don't want to see Okita die of tuberculosis!! At least until he returns Sei's feelings... Or maybe she can also contract tb somehow *cough cough* (oh, is that blood??) and they can die beautifully together while defending the Bakufu. Or she could have his babies... Also, I love Saito Hajime. Oh! Sei can have Okita's babies and marry Saito, and then I would be happy. Well, not as happy as I could be, but Okita has to die. Is there like, some cure for tb that we could take back in time and fix that with? Or maybe bring him here and fix it if he's pretty enough? He's already awesome enough... And he's supposed to be really bishie and pretty, at least according to historical accounts. I could deal with that, so long as he doesn't look like Gackt. ZOMG. What if Gackt IS Okita Soji??? And clearly, I need to get some sleep. I love Okita and Saito. They make me want to watch more Peacemaker Kurogane, just to see them. Also, Hijikata. Whee! Oni Vice Captain! Also know that I accidentally hit 'Cancel' the first time I wrote this, so barring the stuff since the Gackt comment, I completely reproduced this from memory, and it's like, word for word. How crazy is that? Also, I added characters to Kaze Hikaru's profile on this site. I need to find more pictures and also prolly add Serizawa and Osei, because they're kind of important. Wanna contribute? *hugs*
evanelric Oct 23, 2007 11:31 PM
And we thought looking at seiyuu hurt... (That's Yuri Lowenthal if the link doesn't work. He's a voice actor. Look him up.)

Also, I am apparently going to have to major in theatre and move to Vancouver to become a voice actor. Good thing I like Canada...
UntouchableZoro Oct 23, 2007 8:32 PM
lol, I've already read it. And started the anime. I actually like it. I'm just glad its shonen-ai and not yaoi....
UntouchableZoro Oct 23, 2007 5:39 PM
lol, shes a little special. But ok! but I know the two of you would win, because I get all my anime reccomendations from her, lol.
evanelric Oct 23, 2007 5:31 PM
evanelric Oct 23, 2007 5:15 PM
Skank whore. My brother is on here now. UntouchableZoro or something. He's in my friends list. Also, Kaidoh/Ippo is in Noein as the dude with the scar over his eye. I think I heart him. Also, the character kind of reminds me of Iruka, just from his looks. And this show keeps adding to the awesome. May I suggest a viewing circle next semester, now that Ferny's actually buying it? Also, stop with the multiple comments. It kills my inbox, and since *I* like to keep my inbox tidy, unlike some people... *cough cough*
evanelric Oct 23, 2007 2:26 PM
Also, did you notice that I updated my profile? No, because you're unobservant and don't like me. *cries*
evanelric Oct 23, 2007 2:26 PM
That's sick. Clearly, I need to lock myself in a room full of anime for the rest of the semester. *tear* Goodbye, world...
evanelric Oct 23, 2007 11:42 AM
This one measures anime in time, too. Lookit how many days you've watched- I'm at like 38.6 or something, so you're beating me. Although I'd rather lose than have watched all of Dragonball and DBZ. *cough cough*
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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