This profile layout should be under construction... but I'm lazy:)
I am 18, a freshmen in college and Chinese-American (well my parents were 1st generation Taiwanese... but whatever!) I love to read manga and watch anime because it gives me a taste of Asian culture which is always quite fun.
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I discovered anime in the middle of the night when I stumbled across Code Geass and thought whoa that story looks way complex and then curiosity swept me to the internet and I started watching anime. After that I watched random anime from youtube kurokami, shana no shakugan and later found the girlier side of anime for which I had loved as a child (I loved Sailor Moon at 7:30 am). Then I found MAL but didn't make an account for about a year (commitment problems?) and finally decided to make one which was nice because I couldn't remember all the anime I wanted to watch.
Now I'm super addicted to anime and it consumes a lot of my attention now.
Otherwise I'm hanging with friends, practicing the aforementioned music, sleeping, reading, or editing computer art (picture editing, my drawing isn't up to par:()
My favorite anime:
~skip beat~NANA~kaichou wa maid sama~Kaze no stigma~Ouran High School Host Club~La Corda d'oro~ tonnnnnns more
Favorite Manga:
~Strobe Edge~Crash!~Skip Beat!~Dengeki Daisy
On a side note... I am encouraging you to read Strobe Edge and Crash! whoever is reading this because they are the most underated shoujo ever. I guarantee that Strobe Edge most especially will not disappoint on depicting normal emotions and that Crash! will make you laugh out loud:)
Just wanted to share the joy...
I just joined as an editor (Seraphia), but Evil Flowers definitely needs help still:)
We have tons of projects that you've probably heard of:
~Dear My Girls
~Absolute Witch
and tons more (really tonsss)
So click on the banner to join!:)
All Comments (139) Comments
that is all.
oh and that i didn't partake in the name calling that happened in the stands lol--you guys were called the "f***ing cheez-its" :/
i have like random 10 minute breaks here and there and that's when i shovel food into my face and try and read like 5-10pgs of a chapter!
for example, i'm sitting at my desk right now printing out a 10page math lab that's due in two hours and i'm eating my little pony fruit snacks while typing at the speed of lightning.
but in a weird way, this is way less intense than high school.
my psych class always gets out 20+ minutes early and i have about 45mins between my 8:30am class and psych to go grab coffee and study a little bit.
high school was just constant class switching and dealing with 9 classes a day.
the only class i don't really like is my biology lab -__-
it's 3 hours long and it drags and drags and drags..
hopefully things will calm down a bit for you :/
my roommate has been up until 1 or 2 am finishing up her work and then getting up at 6:30 for a 7:15 class. not fun.
OMGGGGG! dengeki daisy is getting soooo good :)
i hope you can catch up soon!
i swear there's gonna be an epic kiss in the next few chapters..then again, maybe not. we can hope though, right?
argh. L-DK. what is up with all these buttcrack guys!?
like really, you like her but you couldn't think of anything else to say besides, "i don't feel the same as you do, goodbye"
*walks off into the rainy night*
why not,
"i need some time to think, and i have a few things to tell you about before i can give you an answer."
haha good luck with your classes! :D
show princess 16-19 is coming out this week according to Starlight Scans :)
just thought i'd add to your list of goodies haha
which means..lots of new chapters soon! they just released chapter 20 :)
holy crap!!!!
it was like god sent the scanlators a sign that we were about to die from a lack of Kurosaki and Teru-ness haha :)
especially since there's soo much studying every day. -_-
i just hope it's easy to make new friends..preferably a few hot guy friends :)
haha i def. went for colorful dorm stuff! the walls are all gray and prison-looking in our tower so it needs some color to keep us from turning into zombies
i went for a pink/green/purple theme :)
i know one girl that picked out ALL brown stuff..right down to her alarm clock and trashcan.
that sounded a little bit depressing for some reason
OMG! the international students! :)
i haven't met any of them yet, but they really sound like a lot of fun. i realllllly want to meet an english person, become best friends with them and then go with them to celebrate christmas or spring break in England.
..i know that sounds shallow but it would be really fun to go to england and be around an actual English family :)
ahhh! so busy! it's so stressful this time of year for some reason.
1. classes starting (normal school & college)
2. it gets dark soooo early so you feel like a caveman
3. .....it gets cold. i HATE the cold -_-
4. trying to get 10,000 things done at once for school and life in general
what classes are you taking btw!?
i'm in bio 101, college algebra, psych 100 and a survey class (bleh.)
that's awesome! i've been looking into it (..like googling it haha) for my type 1 diabetes. stem cells might replace the beta cells in the pancreas to make it produce insulin again..and tah-dah! cure for diabetes :)
so are you doing like medical research as a major?
..research scientist? maybe that's the title lol
i thought about doing research science and then i realized that i dislike cells with a deep, burning passion. i never understood what each part did. other than the lysosomes got rid of "bad stuff" and ribosomes were proteins..which is probably wrong too lol
btw! what do you do with RAR files when you want to download them from evil flower's site???
i tried DL-ing Goong and i couldn't get it to open
haha have fun going back to work!
i'm gonna go read my college class book..
or maybe some more manga...yep! manga for sure haha
Join to Junketsu + Kareshi Fanclub?
the scanlation group who picked it up is AWESOME! :D
Dengeki Daisy 34 & 35 are out!!!!!
we start on September 18th and I still haven't read our summer reading book!
..but who reads? pfft.
i totally took AP english senior year just so i would never have to do summer reading again, but that plan was a failure lol
and i went to Target for a few things (if you spend too long in there..you end up wanting EVERYTHING..so i went in with horse blinders on (in a metaphorical way))
Bed, Bath & Beyond literally had every single little thing you could ever want/need in college..right down to a cord holder for your desk that makes it so you never need to bend down to the floor to pick up a cord.
then we found all the bedding stuff at Macy's
haha it was really like a 3 week process!
but then again, going off to college really is "moving out"
oh! and i'm in the international dorm so all the kids not from america will be housed there :D
i thought that was pretty neat--there are lots of asians, including a japanese guy..maybe i've found us a translator haha
but anywho, when do classes start for you guys?
lol at your Sparknotes story! i'm hoping to major in nursing for now, or something medicine related..which means NO ENGLISH CLASSES!!!!
thank god.
although it's sad to admit, but i took AP Bio senior year and got a 2 on the exam '-__-
so i got stuck in bio 101..which should be okay, but it's probably gonna be AP Bio all over again, just stuck into 1 quarter lol
we'll see..
oh my gosh--10 projects to himself???
..does he ever leave the computer? :o
that sounds so intense lol
and i'm totally feeling Dengeki Daisy as our main project..
if the chapters are already up to the 50s in Japan, i don't get why we're so far behind here in the states. :/
i mean, it's such a popular manga too!
but oh well for now, right?
hopefully the scanlation group will pick it up again soon
..oh goong..
do you ever feel like characters in a manga just get to the point where they could never get back together?
like, they're so far away from each other and too much has happened so they could never go back to how they once were?
i feel like that with goong now!
it's like Bokura ga Ita is happening all over again :(
the two main characters love each other, but all this crap gets in between them and they can't be together.
oh yeah! Yul, i totally liked him too..at first lol
he was the nice, understanding gentleman.
then he became the controlling, manipulative, psycho jerk who wanted to take everything from Shin.
..and force the main girl (i can't remember her name ever..maybe it's b/c it's Korean?) to fall in love with him.
i can see that coming soon..
and now she's leaving with Yul to study abroad???
i get that it's out of being forced, but she really could have told Shin and he could've taken care of it somehow. like hiring a hitman or an assassin or something lol
oh geez. i don't blame you LOL
Bokura ga Ita is like putting 10 Soap Operas together..
i mean, 5+ years after high school (and after Yano left on the train to Tokyo and never called Takahashi again..even though he loved her..gah) we get to see how each of them are living their lives..and they both still think about each other and love each other SOOOOO much. but they don't contact each other at all. Yano is going through some guilt thing after his mom committed suicide and Takahashi tries to move on with another guy, but can't get over Yano. sooo, now way ahead at chapter 66--Yano and Takahashi have met up again! :)
but we don't know what's going on next.
so that's what you've missed out on! nothing happy..whatsoever lol
oohhh! thanks for the recommendations!
they all sound so good!
..i can see college being "manga time" now haha
i kinda wish he'd hit on Kyoko again lol..just to give Ren a little push towards facing his feelings :)
and totally! i wanna see it too--and we only have to wait until September 6th i think :DDD
(that's soooo close to the first day of college!!!) i'm so nervous..
L-DK is so good though :(
aww man -_-
too bad another group couldn't pick it up..
i really want to know what happens next (and preferably on a regular basis lol)
...and not to be a whining brat who doesn't help the scanlators (wish i could!), but i never thought the pages of L-DK had a ton of speaking bubbles, or at least they were balanced out between the pages?
i'm probably wrong though..but aww! it's soo good!
(even if it's a little bit "cliche")
lol, you're so brave for reading the summaries!
i totally understand why you do though--it's hard to sit and wait if the story is available somewhere lol
gahhh! i just can't bring myself to do it though. thanks for the summary site though! :)
..maybe someday...especially if they don't release chapter 34 very very soon >:)
haha, i just feel like a cheater for reading the summaries (like Sparknote-ing a book for english class..but pffft, who ever did that in high school?)
i totally did!
i got through the first 10 pages of Grendel and it was like..this is gonna take months to get through b/c i keep falling asleep every page
ah well lol, thanks again..the summaries are sounding so tempting
oh yeah! that was kind of surprising that chapter 178 came out on the 20th and they had it up on the 21st.
and i agree :D
multiple editors and maybe like 2 or 3 translators?
plus all the checkers and proofreaders
..i see why it'd be hard if it was just us two and a translator lol
but if we only did a few projects, i don't think it'd be terrible?
you know best though from experience lol
it's just (for example) like the group who's scanlating L-DK, they have about 12+ projects going on and they haven't posted a "post" on their site since July...sooo
too much work for one group possibly?
98 chapters in three days?
does that tell you how great it is? lol, i'm so glad you told me about it a while ago!
but oh my gosh..right after they had finally realized their feelings and were happy..Yul (that a-hole..) had to go eff everything up.
he's a psycho..for real
i think the scene that got to me was when Shin got to go see Chae Gyoung in the hospital for the last time and she had to be so cold to him, to the point of him crying..
can you even imagine how hard that would be in real life? :o
this was the page where my heart was about to explode with depression:
and then this one:
i think i went and took a break after that page to watch Hoarders lol. i couldn't take the depression!
i really hope they can get back together..i mean, they're together in every single "chapter opening" picture!
that has to mean something
and Yul seriously can just go die. he's pathetic..
well, thanks for letting me vent my depression on you! lol, sorry.
it's really good though..kind of like Bokura ga Ita in a way..which also hasn't been updating...
..and yes. the Heel siblings! why can't they get like handcuffed together for a day and night or something!?
it really does get frustrating lol
and let's hope something happens before chapter 200!
we might be dead (due to old age) by that time though lol
L-DK! it is realllllly good! i know everyone's like "it's so cliche and everything that's happened so far has happened in every shoujo manga out there" but i do love it :D
but darn it if the scans could come out faster that would be amazing..i think the last scan was from like the very very start of July :/
poor Loki :( i like him a lot, but i never felt that *spark* between him and Nakaba sadly. Caesar was def. an a-hole in the beginning! he acted like a spoiled brat! but you're right, he does grow on you :)
i find him quite cute--especially when he gets jealous of Loki lol
oh dengeki daisy..*long, drawn out sigh*
you know, i feel like they're on chapter 36+ in japan, so idk what's taking so long!
and i know, i know..i hate whining, but it's been such a long time and i feel like they left off at such and important point, you know?
like, Kurosaki might leave for good!
or Teru might be kidnapped or something..such a cliffhanger! and it's been almost 2 months now really. :/
haha i'm totally up for the scanlation group!
we could probably find someone on MAL that could be a translator :D
we could work on:
1. DENGEKI DAISY..oh my lord lol
2. L-DK (naturally)
3. Ao Haru Ride
4. Show Princess!