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Days: 5.2
Mean Score:
- Reading13
- Completed117
- On-Hold25
- Dropped5
- Plan to Read281
- Total Entries441
- Reread1
- Chapters935
- Volumes81
All Comments (3682) Comments
No, I actually never forget about people, my memory is quite good so yeah xd That's so true, I don't really care about what others may say let them talk, I like what I like and I'm so grateful for that xd Hahaha yeah true ;P
You know my old man is giving me a rough time like usual, after not talking to him for like half a year, he terrorized us and I felt the need to do something about it and talk to wasn't actually my intention to talk to this man but I wanted to help my mom and sis..but my mom was like she doesn't give a damn about what that man says and if he does something we can just look for somewhere else to live..but I just wanted to help and now he keeps bugging me the whole time but I manage somehow. Man...that doesn't sound good...if you wanna talk about it, just tell me..I also tend to laugh things off even though it's not a topic to laugh about :/
You can ask and no I'm still waiting for the job center to give me an OK...I found something I wanna do..well not really want but it brings money and it's helpful so they decided to pay the whole shit for me and I was like okay that's cool but they still wanted to talk to me about it first. My mental health LOL...blaaah I actually gave up on that but the other thing about me not being able to walk or do anything...guess what happened? The fucking pain disappeared after I drowned myself in vitamin pills wtf..even the doctors were clueless and my mom just bought them and was like okay it's worth a try...well good it disappeared. No that's totally fine..I don't really mind talking about that and like I said if you wanna tell me something I listen okay?
And I'm so hella sorry about that...but thanks for understanding! I already acceoted :) Oh I see, I never did that before tbh..only on MAL..I also decided to not accept random FR anymore..I mean 90% of them won't even bother talking to me xD
It shouldn't be awkard..I'm just not the idiot anymore..I feel like I can show people what I like without hiding anything so that's why I decided to put pictures and stuff here as well hahaha
Thank you, atm it's a bit rough at home but I manage..I hope everything is okay on your end!
Btw I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to remove you from my list, it was just so cluttered and 90% of people didn't even talk to me so I removed them. If you feel can send me a FR again
supernatural88 is my id now :3
But where did he learned all these things? :O
Hahaha yeah.....there are always gifs which fits to everything. xDD He can wear whatever he want....i would even take him if whe would wear that one thing from Borat. xDDD but i think he would be too shy. :3
I'm done!!! xDD