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Days: 160.4
Mean Score:
- Watching13
- Completed276
- On-Hold17
- Dropped17
- Plan to Watch294
- Total Entries617
- Rewatched16
- Episodes9,736
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 19.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries107
- Reread0
- Chapters3,457
- Volumes334
All Comments (46) Comments
Nice, and I agree, for me Pokemon never really feels nostalgic, expect for blue/red/yellow and gold/silver/crystal. Maybe depends if you finished the post-game stuff. There are two DLC's coming as well, 1 in summer and 1 in autumn/winter.
Yeah exactly, I guess for some people just feel better about them-self, by trash-talking others. Yeah playing with friends or people that just play for fun is a lot better.
<3 Yesssssssss it so cuuuute. I wanna hug Shima!!
Exactly, I mean when someone is doing it on purpose, it's a different thing, even though you shouldn't get rude, just tell him/her how it ruins your experience. When people are trying there best, you should be nice or just keep it to yourself. I played one competitive game about a year ago or so, and I was playing Soldier and I was constantly fighting against a Pharea and Mercy combo alone, so I couldn't do it and the Pharea would always target me first whenever I was around. So teammates where being rude at me after the first round, so when we switched role, I told that someone else should play DPS then instead and I would play healer. Next round someone else was soldier and they again had the Phamercy combo and we lost even worse, and they blamed someone else in the team again. That showed me that some people are just unable to look into the mirror when it comes to gaming. I mean I knew I wasn't doing good that game, but they where not doing any better.
Yeah that is why I like mystery heroes, I also know my way around a lot of characters now, because mystery heroes. Well role queue sounds cool, I just play old QP though so never been in role queue jet. I don't really care if I have to play Tank, DPS or healer.
Yeah I don't know where you live, but here it's a quarter past 3 in the afternoon.
But have you watched the movie too ? x)
If you want more recommendations just ask and I'll find you something ^w^
Which starter did you pick?
Indeed I mean I play to win as well, and I also can get a little annoyed when I lose a match that was a close call, but I never abuse or foul mouth my teammates, they did their best as well. Yeah occasionally in QP, but almost never in Random heroes. In QP people can start nagging about your choice of character, that isn't a part of random heroes of course. Yesterday the Winter event started again, Mei's snowball offensive is pretty fun to play, they made reloading a lot faster, so the game is very quick. Well I'm always up for some matches.
(I'll send you my Blizzard name, so you can add me if you want to team-up ;))
I see, I only go with what I've heard, I never really played much COD, except COD 4 MW. I was thinking of maybe one day giving one more a try, but I already have so much games to play.
Ummm, her names is Shima Rin. She's from an anime called Yuru Camp. it's a cute slice of life comedy!! <3
Thanks for that add btw > o <)/
So what are you first thoughts on the new Pokémon models?
Yeah I play on PC, I usually play Random heroes and sometimes Quick play, never been into competitive though, people are so toxic, it's takes away the fun for me. Maybe we can team up someday!
I see, how is the new COD, I heard it's pretty aimed at snipers?
I still have to get a few party games from my switch, I only have singleplayer games atm.
I hope so too!
It was popular when it aired, still is now, and the hype is even more present since the movie I think ^u^
You should watch it, it's a must if you really like the medium.
Thanks for the FR and complimenting my set ! ^u^
How's it going ? 'u'
I finished the new Pokémon game last week, so now I'm playing Fifa 20, Overwatch and I plan to get back into Breath of the Wild, which I was playing before I got Pokémon and then Read Dead Redemption 2, How about you what do you play?
About Koe no Katachi, not really, I can only say, I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did or even more ;)
It's an anime that is prefect for going in blind.