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Shingeki no Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin
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Diangelo18 Sep 7, 2021 9:23 PM
Sapphire-san Apr 27, 2015 3:55 AM


Stachipopp Jan 14, 2014 2:20 AM
Also I couldn't remember if I actually replied to your last message or not so sorry if I just totally blew off your questions etc.
Stachipopp Jan 14, 2014 2:18 AM
Super Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Oh God it happened again didn't it? Do you have internet finally?

I just started watching anime again properly. I was watching bits here and there but now the bug has caught me. I've completely stopped reading manga. Anyway my plan is to catch up on all the popular series I never got around to watching eg. FMA Brotherhood (yeah I STILL haven't watched it), Black Rock Shooter, Shingeki no Kyojin, Little Busters and Accel World. I might even finish the last 50 episodes of Fairy Tale if I don't run out of steam before hand. woohoo.

Other than that not much has been going on. I finished uni, had a crappy xmas and an even crappier new year and now I'm on a health kick. It's only the second week in so naturally ever single one of my muscles is very vocal on the amount of pain it is in. On the upside I did get prescribed Duromine which is an appetite suppressant but it's kind of amazing, crazy energy. It's basically speed if I'm honest. Which would explain why a few countries have banned it. So yeah, I actually watched the entire Captain Phillips movie yesterday while on the treadmill since I couldn't sit still. Miracles do happen.

Other than that I'm looking for a job, three interviews lined up this week so fingers crossed. I'm also thinking of doing another undergraduate degree offline. That could just be all the excess energy talking though.

Hope you're well. Fill me in soon!
Stachipopp Sep 8, 2013 1:02 AM
How's this for soon? Ha ha ha.

It sucks when everythings flakey with friends. I recently was having friend problems as well, it's all good now but it's such a crap feeling.

It's 4 in the afternoon and I am half dead in bed. Went to a party in Armadale last night and didn't get to bed until 4 bt was repeatedly woken up by people coming in to sleep, falling off their beds onto me, snoring, stepping on me etc. Then this morning their two children were running around the house and it was just too much, had to take a friend home to Belmont where I stole her bed for a couple of hours (I dont think i should have been driving) and then finally got home... I am death.

Man I wish i didn't have any homework or anything like that, that would be bliss. Yeah it's terrifying thinking about where I am going with my life, terrifying.

Well I was going to write more but can no longer keep my eyes open :/
Stachipopp Sep 5, 2013 8:51 PM
Oh I suck. Seriously thought I had replied. God damnit.

I put it down to the fact I seriously over estimated my organizational abilities and took on 5 units this semester so I can finish my god damn degree. Honestly I need a butler or a really bossy friend who writes a schedule for me and then MAKES me do things. I'm such as 'I'll do it tomorrow' person, it's ridiculous.

Doesn'y help that everyone I know has decided to really push it in their early twenties before becoming responsible adults. This whole year has felt like a last hurrah or something out of an eighties silver strip movie if you know what I mean.

So that's pretty much been my life. Party - Study - Party - Study - Anxiety Attack. Lol. Good news is I quit smoking finally, thank god. So whats happening with you?
Stachipopp Feb 12, 2013 7:35 AM
Hey! I was beginning to think the worst! Ha ha ha not really though, I assumed that the real world had dragged you back into its clutches. Tbh I've been watching a lot of anime lately but I haven't really been online other than that, I seem to be really busy but I have no idea with what. I assumed you'd get back to me eventually =) The only way we'd permanently lose contact is if MAL shut down... knock on wood. That's a scary thought, I'd never be able to keep track of anything!

I'm glad you enjoyed China! I am so jealous you got to go, isnt the world amazing?! Uhhg and there's such a rich culture and history in China it makes my history geek senses go nuts! I heard that you get stared at if your foreign and tall... was it because of something like that or were you wearing womens clothing because that could have explained it as well ;). How was the tour group you went with? Was it history/culture based like topdeck or party party contiki style? Personally I don't see the point in travelling the world and spending 70% of the time touring the local 'hotspots' aka bars and clubs. What's the point in that? Ive been thinking about travelling a lot lately and it really depresses me that until I finish uni I wont be able to. It sucks being ultra poor man. All my friends are going to Sydney soon to see Blink-182 and I cant afford it... fuck I cant even afford to go to the east coast let alone another country.

Sorry to hear about the hiccups with your lady friend and the single bed issue. Hopefully that's sorted out now. Single beds can be really romantic but they can also be really uncomfortable. Plus its Summer!! Hope she has air-con in the room. I haaaaaate summer in general, the only good thing is the beach. I never used to be a big beach person but this year alone I think ive gone at least 10 times. I adore Floreat Beach... not many people and fun waves to muck around in. You a beach kind of person?

I didnt go to Wai-Con this year, to be honest I completely forgot about it! I saw a post on Tumblr announcing the end of the com, called my friend and said 'we missed it again dude' and then we ranted about how unorganized we were. How come it was disappointing? What was the theme this year and did you buy anything cool?

If you start a webcomic send me the link! I get addicted to them =) I hate that feeling of not having a direction so I hope you work through it. I just started a new job and while the people are incredibly nice... I hate it. God I hate it so much. Its boring and monotonous and the pay sucks. Looking for something else since I have NO savings so I cant quit but there's sweet fuck all out there for someone who needs the flexibility for uni like I do. That and I refuse to work at fast food. Nothing against people who do but I think Id snap and burn the place down within a matter of months.

On the anime side of things I am currently downloading Naruto: Shippuuden from ep 120 since that's where I last left off over a year, possibly two, ago. I was over a friends and they were watching the early series and it was excruciating seeing how weak and pathetic the characters were back then!! So I decided to try and get into it again. Man it was so bad in the early days. Sasuke was so goody goody but all emo... pfft he's much cooler as the traitorous bad guy. I saw Bleach finally ended, maybe now I'll watch it. Would be interesting to see how such a long running show ended.

Well that's me. Hope I hear from you sooner rather than later.
Stachipopp Nov 21, 2012 12:12 AM
Hey! Wow it's been ages. Well done on getting a new job (probably 3 months ago now).

HOW WAS CHINA! I am super jelly. Tell me, tell me, tell me?

Man sleeping with someone on a single mattress is the worst. I had to do it for a few months when I moved into a shitty room in a shittier house with ex-bf. You don't get a good nights sleep, it's impossible. Glad you only had to do it for a few weeks.

In the gaming department I got the new Black Ops on the release day (no I did not line up early in the morning like a crazy person). I know you're not into it much but it really is an improvement on the first one at least. Well, it will be when they fix bugs they should have tested properly in the first place. Gah, first two days of release it was basically unplayable.

Yeah I went to Rotto in August for a friends bday for the first time and no, there aren't many peacocks. I think I saw 2 or 3 hanging around the pub and that was about it.

I have a 21st this weekend. Damn all my younger friends for only being 21. Tis bullshit. But yeah starting at the Shed then going to Xotica. I love my friends.
Stachipopp Sep 11, 2012 1:00 AM
ha ha hey stranger how goes it?

Man being employed really sucks. I just got my old job back which is both awesome and retarded on their part. But I am happy enough. Hope you find one soon. How come you stopped working for your parents? Good luck with your company start up! That must be really scary. Or at least I think I would be scared.

I haven't watched Avatar yet but I have been watching a lot of Adventure Time. It's so great! Takes my brain a minute to adjust to the weirdness and I swear it gets stranger and stranger with each episode. Jake is the bomb diggity.

Happy super belated birthday! Ha ha glad you remembered it. I've been staying sober a lot at parties lately. Kind of got tired of sleeping on cold floors and shitty inflatable mattresses that go down half way through the night. Although I did go to a party over a month ago where I got pretty drunk and went to sleep on this awesome spare bed. Seriously it was so damn comfy! Shared it with a mate and in the morning his alarm went off and we both woke up, went 'fuck that' and slept in until 2 in the afternoon. Woke up finally and realised that the friend who's house it was had forgotten we were there and left. Was lol worthy.

I have been playing so much Mass Effect. It's ridiculous.
Stachipopp Jun 25, 2012 3:32 AM
Speaking of mega late replies... he heh.

Man I wish I had gone to see John Robertson, I was going to go and then... money. So broke. Glad one of us got to enjoy it.

Did you go to Supanova this weekend? I didn't, after last year I've discovered it's not really my thing, pushing and shoving through crowds. Bleh, I'll stick to Wai-Con. I had a great weekend anyway, took a friend to a family friends 21st (because I didn't really know anyone else there) and out of 70 people we were one of the last five left. We were pretty drunk and merry singing Jimmy Barnes and Savage Garden classics at the top of our lungs. I ended up dragging my friend into a wall and then later I accidentally set her hair on fire... awkward. Then because mum had taken my keys away I had to walk home. IT WAS SO FAR! Well, not really far but all uphill and so cold. My legs still hurt.

You know I have yet to see Adventure Time... sad I know. Although I have been watching Arthur which is pretty awesome in that racist, sexist and evil kind of way. Check it out.

Uni is over for this semester! Hell yes! Now I get to chillax and watch all the anime, read all the books and watch all the movies I want! Also play ALL OF THE GAMES since E3 got me geared up to start getting back into them. I finished Flow, Journey, Dead Island and I've almost finished Borderlands and Assassins Creed II.
Stachipopp Apr 23, 2012 12:49 AM
Checked out Tokyo Police Club, not quite my style but I don't mind them.

Had a really great night out in Northbridge last Saturday. I did some really dumb shit but it was still fun none the less.

I loved the Hunger Games movie, except for a couple of the fight scenes were the camera pissed me off. The dogs weren't done that well, in the book it is much more interesting but I get what you mean. I am biased because I am such a fan of the books and a Josh Hutcherson fan.

Im thinking of having a horror movie marathon soon. Also, have you seen One Piece? Is it worth getting into.
Stachipopp Mar 26, 2012 8:08 PM
OMG... dating... such a foreign concept. I am glad one of us is following the normal human protocols successfully! Congrats on the girlfriend who is definitely not a robot or an asylum escapee.

I think I am with you on not being bothered to spend the money. I've made a decision not to go to any more festivals. A: because they are so expensive, B: because you dont get to see all the bands and C: because I always get messed up. Last time someone tried to beat me up and this time I almost passed out. So, small gigs from now on. Honestly I think they are more fun anyways. Going to see Dead Letter Circus and Fair to Midland in a couple of months.

I owe my friends rides to, I just choose not to enlighten them to that fact.

I used to be a staunch dog lover but now that I have Maggot I dunno, I feel like my loyalties are shifting to cats. Dogs are so loving and loyal but who wants that when you can have a love/hate relationship with your cat? So much more exciting.

I am dying to see 21 Jump Street but unfortunately I have been dragged to see The Hunger Games twice in two days. I mean, love the books and I love the movie but it's 2.5 hours long in a packed cinema. Not something you want to do twice in a hurry.

You should get a flu shot providing you're over the second bout of virus. You're immune system will be shot to shit after that. I'm definitely getting mine this year, been sick so much the flu is almost inevitable for me. If I could hug my immune system and say how sorry I am I would.

Oh and interesting academic development, went to my annual history drinks and ended up at some persons house doing cones with my lecturer. Now that is a story for my inevitably half bionic grandchildren.
Stachipopp Mar 14, 2012 9:06 PM
Umm so yeah I'm not dead. Same old story, uni started back up again so everything else just ceases to exist for twelve weeks. This semester is overwhelming as hell, don't know what is going on but I want to stick my head in the sand and pretend it hasn't started yet. Had a twenty minute presentation this week and I thought I would do ok... WRONG! I froze, full on froze, it was as cliche as it gets. I nearly just bolted but I soldiered on and eventually stopped shaking.

Did you end up going to Soundwave in the end? I woke up with a head cold on the day but still went. Sneezed on the train with no tissue and yeah... embarrassing things ensued. I got to see Dredg, A Day To Remember, Alter Bridge, You Me At Six and a bit of Tonight Alive before I got really sick and had to leave before SOAD and Manson. Was heart broken but by the time I got home my Dad had to help me through the door, the next two days were just a mixture of delirium and pain. Still recovering actually.

Oh man being the designated driver really sucks. I do it sometimes but honestly these days most drinking nights are at peoples houses (mostly because none of us can be trusted to be the designated d) so we just crash there. Drinking at home FTW!

In other news, my cat Maggot is going on a rampage and killing every rabbit and mouse she can find. This would be awesome if she didn't leave them right by the back door without their heads. Every morning is just a little grosser.
Nova_de_Genesis Feb 29, 2012 6:14 PM
havent got nichijou
pennyiscute Feb 3, 2012 10:23 PM

i've created a new club for West Aussies. I would love for you to come and join :3

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