I am artistic and enthusiastic about EVERYTHING i set my mind to! I enjoy all animals as company, but prefer cats above the rest! Anime is my passion----what am i kidding, its my LIFE XD I watch and read as MANY MANGA AND ANIME as i can get my grubby little hands on ^^ I am an active 'Gay Rights' member and will talk you out of using 'gay' as a negative word if you use it in front of me =D I like to take walks when the wheather is nice and enjoy the wildlife. I would prefer the country living rather then city life and most of my time is spent at a quiet library or drawing, painting, whatev. in my room. I LOVE all types of music, especially Lady Gaga and Micheal Jackson! I collect cards, animeDVD's, manga, posters, ect. *I love to collect ;D*
Hope that wasnt boring for you and it did sound as if i was describing myself on a dating site or somethin V.V If you thought that, i sincerely apologize *bows*
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