MY PROBLEM WITH READING MANGA - I am very undemanding
Sometimes I regret not leaving room-time to read all those masterpieces that are on the planet, but I feel that I will not have time to appreciate them as they deserve. And i am a person very influenced by his feelings and i think i have to wait for the right moment for it. You know, wait for the time, place and space.
I know, I already know very well that they are just excuses not to sit my ass and do what I have to do: start reading punpun -insert any work that i lack for being very stubborn-.
Anyway, I don't have great criteria when choosing which manga to read, I prefer to read any romantic shit that comes my way, especially if it is an extremely toxic and generic shoujo. I don't care if his eyes and heads are the most disproportionate, or if the boy acts ridiculous and hits the wall to show his manhood. Even though I have my limits, I really loathe student-teacher romance stories. (I hope Hirunaka no Ryuusei is the exception, I don't know she's on my waiting list, as always).
As i was saying, i read too many shoujos / romance manga that are not worth it and I only have a few that I can say that I loved them. Ah! but i have no problem with that, I decided not to be too picky about it.
That is why my score will always be based on what you transmit to me at that time, do not take it seriously; that is to say, I know very well that the childhood friend of the protagonist who moved to Slovakia because of his father's millionaire job and who became a sadistic vampire does not deserve my 10 points (although I can doubt if the boy is enough hot)
ANIME 💢💥💢💦
at the same time, when it comes to watching anime I keep the same precept of "waiting for the right moment", but I try not to see any shit. I have no problem with not fitting into the ""elite group"" of seeing all the works of worship, but maybe I take it a little more seriously, i mean, i'm a bit more select.
Likewise, my scores are extremely subjective, based on what he conveyed at that point in life and voila. If I want I can set standards, but I prefer to leave it up to me.
yup, HunterxHunter became my favorite anime because of Gon's big butt how did you know?
Hello! Thank you so much for your manga recs as my Secret Santa.
I started reading Hatsu*Haru yesterday and so far i'm rlly enjoying it.
I hope you'll have a great 2025! Have a nice day!! xoxo
Hey, sorry for the really late notice but thanks for the secret santa gifts! did two months seriously just passed by?
Kaiba was really interesting to say the least. The "wtf did I just see" scene combined with the beautiful journey the first half had are surprisingly fun and enjoyable. The whole transferable memory concept is scary to think about seeing what's already happening right now. Kinda sad they didn't follow the journey through the end and had to continue the plot halfway through though :(
Tokyo Godfathers is just <3. All the randomness, comedy, and heartfelt moments are <3. Following the adventure/quest of a makeshift family on the street and the miraculous coincidence that somehow always helps them carry on in life. "We're homeless bums, not action-movie heroes", but they feel like a heroes to me. Also watching this late at night is oddly comforting with it's vibe(?)
This might be really late but still, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Chinese New Year, and Happy Valentine! May the Christmas magic carry on this year <3
ngl I should probably check more of Satoshi & Yuasa's work but my laziness and procrastination habit are a serious problem.
Hey, you already know about my reply times hahaha - life got super busy for me AGAIN :/ How is the psychology going - as you mentioned you stopped it before. did u carry on this time? I hope you still got that confidence too !
it's funny you say that about Gintama - as i literally don't watch it any other time, apart from before bed, at least for right now. I find it perfect at those times - even when they do serious arc's, it can still be light hearted enough sometimes to be great for that time of night. You should try it haha
Thank youuu, atm I'm finally almost finished all my catch-up work, so that i can finally free up my time again for the next year or so. I've literally had to write 25,000 words in the last 2 or 3 months lol
Oh, what do you study? I know how you feel, I have 12 big assignments to do in a matter of months, hence why my replies have gone slow again haha.
The anime I was going to say is called Gintama. I think you would absolutely love it. Makes you laugh a lot and then also has serious arcs/story throughout.
Hope you also had a good Christmas and Happy (late) new year!
hey happy new year! sorry i havent been online in a while.
im happy to know that! thinking about it, i thought the recs were a bit too much but thankfully you liked it╰(*°▽°*)╯
tell me if you need more fluff and stuff like that, i'll give you more titles hehe
i hope you're enjoying your holiday too!!
Apologies for the delay reply, life got busy again D: Hahah i guess you are not a fan of thriller anime then, must give u the worst cramps ! Yeah i can't decide which I like better out of haikyuu and kuroko, but they are both definitely very good haha. Mitobe is definitely one of my fav's as well.
Are you into shounen/comedy anime? Because I can recommend you a great one that I'd think you would love !
HEEEY thank you for the gift!!!!
I wanna watch all the 3 animes, and I will this month (after I finish some really important stuff :C )
Your text makes me happy, for all the thinking and care.
I accept more reccomendation from u if u have uwu
Tks again, bye <3
Avoid Santa's Naughty List and send your gift!
Don't forget that your gift is due by Sunday midnight! Please arrange time to complete your gift before the weekend is over, or you will not receive the Secret Santa badge and our elves will be sad :(
If you are no longer able to make your gifts for some unexpected and unavoidable reason, please fill in this form so that we can start working on the backup gifts necessary.
Thank you for your cooperation!
~MAL's Secret Santa Elves
Ahh, I thought so. If you like Haikyuu, then you will like a lot of sport's anime. Reminds me, that i need to finish watching season 3 lol. Are you caught up?
Kuroko no basket is excellent imo. I think there is a possibility you will like it more then Haikyuu. I got hooked pretty quickly. Don't wanna say too much more, incase of spoilers for you haha
Thank you, I have a feeling I'm going to really enjoy it ! I see you have just started watching Kuroko no basket as well. Are you into sports anime then?
All Comments (18) Comments
I started reading Hatsu*Haru yesterday and so far i'm rlly enjoying it.
I hope you'll have a great 2025! Have a nice day!! xoxo
did two months seriously just passed by?
Kaiba was really interesting to say the least. The "wtf did I just see" scene combined with the beautiful journey the first half had are surprisingly fun and enjoyable. The whole transferable memory concept is scary to think about seeing what's already happening right now. Kinda sad they didn't follow the journey through the end and had to continue the plot halfway through though :(
Tokyo Godfathers is just <3. All the randomness, comedy, and heartfelt moments are <3. Following the adventure/quest of a makeshift family on the street and the miraculous coincidence that somehow always helps them carry on in life. "We're homeless bums, not action-movie heroes", but they feel like a heroes to me. Also watching this late at night is oddly comforting with it's vibe(?)
This might be really late but still, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Chinese New Year, and Happy Valentine! May the Christmas magic carry on this year <3
ngl I should probably check more of Satoshi & Yuasa's work but my laziness and procrastination habit are a serious problem.
it's funny you say that about Gintama - as i literally don't watch it any other time, apart from before bed, at least for right now. I find it perfect at those times - even when they do serious arc's, it can still be light hearted enough sometimes to be great for that time of night. You should try it haha
Thank youuu, atm I'm finally almost finished all my catch-up work, so that i can finally free up my time again for the next year or so. I've literally had to write 25,000 words in the last 2 or 3 months lol
The anime I was going to say is called Gintama. I think you would absolutely love it. Makes you laugh a lot and then also has serious arcs/story throughout.
Hope you also had a good Christmas and Happy (late) new year!
im happy to know that! thinking about it, i thought the recs were a bit too much but thankfully you liked it╰(*°▽°*)╯
tell me if you need more fluff and stuff like that, i'll give you more titles hehe
i hope you're enjoying your holiday too!!
Are you into shounen/comedy anime? Because I can recommend you a great one that I'd think you would love !
I wanna watch all the 3 animes, and I will this month (after I finish some really important stuff :C )
Your text makes me happy, for all the thinking and care.
I accept more reccomendation from u if u have uwu
Tks again, bye <3
Don't forget that your gift is due by Sunday midnight! Please arrange time to complete your gift before the weekend is over, or you will not receive the Secret Santa badge and our elves will be sad :(
If you are no longer able to make your gifts for some unexpected and unavoidable reason, please fill in this form so that we can start working on the backup gifts necessary.
Thank you for your cooperation!
~MAL's Secret Santa Elves
Kuroko no basket is excellent imo. I think there is a possibility you will like it more then Haikyuu. I got hooked pretty quickly. Don't wanna say too much more, incase of spoilers for you haha