Well, I watch anime hehe.That's...basically it. My name's SakuraKiss5. But I guess you already knew that. One more thing about me. I like funny anime pictures! Here's some of the ones I have:
Death Note
Fullmetal Alchemist ...I should probably stop...
Random Anime Time!
Yay for anime!
Hi. I just read your review on Angelic Layer. I was skeptical about it too, but after seeing a clip from The Anime Network's website, I was convinced it's not like the more mainstream battle anime like Pokemon (after the 151 originals) and Yu-gi-oh. I ended up liking it. Tamayo is full of lulz.
Hiei is pwnage. Did you hear about the new Yu Yu Hakusho coming out soon?
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Hiei is pwnage. Did you hear about the new Yu Yu Hakusho coming out soon?