> Great Review for Juuni Kokuki but I would like to ask a question does the story continue in the novel from where the anime left off?
Sorry it took so long to respond. I've been pretty busy. Yes, there is a great deal more story in the novels than in the anime, but currently, only 3 novels have been translated and released and so we're still within what the anime showed us. However, the books are really much better and different, so I highly recommend them anyway. The "timeline" of anime versus novels is a bit confused and twisted, since Ono-sensei would jump from one story to the next in between books. Novel 1 is about Youko (without Yuka very much at all, unlike the anime), then book two jumps to the story of Taiki, told in the anime in a flashback. Book 3 is about Enki. I think Ono-sensei gets bored of a character and just starts writing about someone else. But Book 4 is about Youko again, so... >shrug<
walla sami3 eb shay esmah first impression? Of course I don't give scores to shows I haven't finished watching yet but I give scores based on my first impression. Even after completing shows, I adjust ratings to some shows if I felt I underrated/overrated them.
والله لاع جبدي من منتدى اوران و السبة التحلطم الزايد عن اللزوم. لا و يليت عندهم سالفة.
If I were the mangaka, I'd tell them to stop reading and read something else.
I tottaly agree with you there. Being too picky and nit-picking on everything in an anime or a manga ruins the enjoyment of things you know, since animes\mangas are entertainment mediums, enjoyment comes first and other reasons come second. But providing cosntructive critisim pushes mangakas and animation studios to make better animes.
I won't hand out a ten easily... :P
I don't think there's an anime which deserves a ten by my standards but there are close ones of course.
Anyways, nice to meet ya ^_^
haha well I think FFIV beats VII and VIII because it was the first FF I ever played. Made it kinda special =P Otherwise, I liked VIII a lot too. I replayed this one and IX the most. Yeah, I definitely need to get a ps2 but that'll have to be after college and possibly after grad school too. Who knows.
Okay you get +10 then since Terra is just awesome.
I liked VII and VIII but just not as much as the others. And I haven't played anything past IX since I never got a ps2 and don't have to money to buy anything right now D: *thinks of all the games I'm missing out on* Which FFs are your favorite(s)?
All Comments (17) Comments
Extremely High
86.5% ;d
Sorry it took so long to respond. I've been pretty busy. Yes, there is a great deal more story in the novels than in the anime, but currently, only 3 novels have been translated and released and so we're still within what the anime showed us. However, the books are really much better and different, so I highly recommend them anyway. The "timeline" of anime versus novels is a bit confused and twisted, since Ono-sensei would jump from one story to the next in between books. Novel 1 is about Youko (without Yuka very much at all, unlike the anime), then book two jumps to the story of Taiki, told in the anime in a flashback. Book 3 is about Enki. I think Ono-sensei gets bored of a character and just starts writing about someone else. But Book 4 is about Youko again, so... >shrug<
A7bk for giving Monster a 10 <3
How are you liking the new Ippo, compared to the manga?
See around and will talk to you soon.
If I were the mangaka, I'd tell them to stop reading and read something else.
I don't think there's an anime which deserves a ten by my standards but there are close ones of course.
Anyways, nice to meet ya ^_^
I liked VII and VIII but just not as much as the others. And I haven't played anything past IX since I never got a ps2 and don't have to money to buy anything right now D: *thinks of all the games I'm missing out on* Which FFs are your favorite(s)?