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Here are more cards! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Red SE
Yuki Super Edition (Will be closed this since the card maker, Yuki_91 are busy, next week should be back to normal^^)
If you want be part of the staff we need cards makers Staff Recruitment.
Until next weekend :)
Here are more cards! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Uchiha Sasuke LE
Balloon SE
Yuki Super Edition (Open every Sunday until Wednesday^^)
If you want be part of the staff we need cards makers Staff Recruitment.
Until next weekend :)
Here are more cards! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Fairy Tail RE (will open today or tomorrow, keep an eye^^)
Vampire SE
Yuki Super Edition (Open every Sunday until Wednesday^^)
If you want be part of the staff we need cards makers Staff Recruitment.
Until next weekend :)
Here are more cards! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Kaiou Michiru/Sailor Neptune LE
Yellow SE
Yuki Super Edition (Open every Sunday until Wednesday^^)
If you want be part of the staff we need cards makers Staff Recruitment.
Until next weekend :)
Here are more cards! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Tenou Haruka/Sailor Uranus LE
Gothic SE
Yuki Super Edition (Open every Sunday until Wednesday^^)
If you want be part of the staff we need cards makers Staff Recruitment.
Until next weekend :)
Here are more cards! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon LE
Tsukino Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon LE
If you want be part of the staff we need cards makers Staff Recruitment.
Until next weekend :)
Here are more cards! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Tomoe Hotaru/Sailor Saturn LE
If you want be part of the staff we need cards makers Staff Recruitment.
Until next weekend :)
Here are more card editions! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Mizuno Ami/Sailor Mercury LE
Serenity & Endymion LE
If you want be part of the staff we need cards makers Staff Recruitment.
Until next weekend :)
Here are more card editions! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Kino Makoto/Sailor Jupiter LE
Hino Rei/Sailor Mars LE
If you want be part of the staff we need cards makers Staff Recruitment.
Until next weekend :)
Here are more card editions! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Uzumaki Naruto LE
Ibuki Ryunosuke LE
Until next weekend :)
Here are more card editions! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Mirai Nikki RE
Kosuzu LE
Butterfly SE
And don't forget to see the claim topics that are open:
Claim A Chibi
Marry a Character
Claim an Expression
Claim a Couple
Until next weekend :)
Here are the 2 last card editions of July! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Sunflower SE
Yamazaki Susumu LE
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment^^
Hi there, we are currently in need of a second Newsletter Deliverer and more Claim Makers!
So if you want to help and be part of our staff go to -> Staff Recruitment ^^
And don't forget that Rain SE and Nagakura Shinpachi LE are still open ^^
We have a new claim topic and 2 more card editions! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
[Claim:OPEN]Claim an Expression
Rain SE
Nagakura Shinpachi LE
And don't forget that: Member Cards is always open^^
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment^^