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Days: 64.1
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- Total Entries231
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- Episodes3,629
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Manga Stats
Days: 8.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries19
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- Chapters1,445
- Volumes134
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All Comments (165) Comments
Man, the Dies Irae anime was such a big disappointment...just look at it's score on MAL.
Speaking of, did you do all 4 routes?
I have another cheap game for you that you might like:
Dont forget to add the 2 other Trigger shows~
Speaking of, check this out:
Also Dies Irae?
Hows college been?
Not satanic, its "Worldly" as they put it. But it might as well be the same thing.
Oh, did you like it? And did you all the heroine routes in a certain order? I can clarify anything you need help with.
Satsuki's intro speech has more oomph in english. But thats probably because we can understand it by hearing it. Alot of epic moments lose impact when its in a foreign language. Fun fact: most of my fav list is better dubbed.
Im just nitpicking, but i hate Faye's yellow jacket. I always hated bright yellow. Makes me slightly nauseous. Everyone in the Bebop crew was awesome. What kind of name is Vicious anyway? What kind of parents did Vicious have lol.
Sorry for sounding like a parrot, but how is Dies Irae so far?
And hell yeah dubs are getting better, some are still better in Japanese tho due to either the setting or voice quality. My fav shows in dub are TTGL, KLK, pretty much nearly my entire fav list lol.
I liked Ed, she provided that fun light-hearted balance that the cast needed. And i loved the mushroom episode when she had the spotlight. Speaking of Faye, i feel for her. She finally found the place she belongs, that being with the Bebop crew. And Spike just ups and dies on everyone. At least she still has Jet.
Did you watch it dubbed? it was awesome.
Where are you in Dies Irae btw?
Ballad of the Angels
The Mushroom episode
The time jet talked to that woman he loved.
The Andy episode.
and of course the last 2 episodes.
Also you enjoyed Dead Leaves?
Really? Konosuba is the shit, season 3 will make tons of cash. I started on the 2nd season and i remember why i love Konosuba lol
Have you played it yet? How is it? The 1st episode of Dies Irae sums up the begining parts well enough, though slightly rushed.
I see you enjoy Konosuba lol.
I wanna wait a little longer before i get to Konosuba 2, i have other stuff on my plate. Gotta save the best for last
Predestination can be good in a few ways like the way the vikings put it. But most of the time from what i see, people use it as an excuse to sit on their ass. You're not gonna run as fast if the judges will make you the winner anyway. Correct me if im wrong, but i prefer the Norse version of predestination than Greek predestination. For the Norse, only WHEN you will die is certain. For the Greeks, everything is predeterimined.
I long for the days when i dont have to give a rat's ass about what my parent's think of how i live. To watch porn, play video games, etc without a possible lecture.
Oh dear, tell me when it picks up again.
You interested in a free VN?
Im reading it now and i like it. The OST's pretty good, i even posted it on my profile.
Yup, real joy is a bit harder to find, but its far more satisfying than drugs or religion. Life moves by fast, its too damn precious to waste on fake happiness. Ironic that we're only happy when we dont know we're happy right? Sort of like this:
A bit unrelated, but one of thing i love about the Vikings are how they believe that their time of death was set in stone. But everything you did before that is up to you. Thats one of the reasons why they are known for being utterly bold and fearless. If they died in battle, oh well nothing you couldve done about it. If they survived, then clearly it wasnt their time to die.
Well, adulthood does come with its own perks. You no longer have to bow to your parents anymore and you can have your own things and rules. At least there is freedom right?
How's SNK? I stopped reading it cause waiting every month for a chapter at the slowass pace its currently in is painful. Ill read it when it reaches chapter 100
That reminds me, one of my greatest fears is growing up. Like, i always have this thought in the back of my mind that eventually most adults grow more bitter, miserable and trapped as they grow older. I dont wanna be some old bitter man. I actually like how i am now. What do you think?