Welcome to the humble page I call my own. I'm not here to fight.. or to do anything else but stretching my list while talking to some of the friends I've made here.
I'm rsslayersr. Please, call me rs.
I'm a Lolicon Damnit!
It has been x many years since I've started watching anime. I've been going through stuff quickly.
What's the best way to start your anime-life with, other than cute lolis without pants, handling guns? Exactly.. EDIT: In my defense, One of them had a sword.
It seems I also have a weak spot for genres that mix Drama, Comedy, Slice of Life and Romance. I'm weak for those and lolis. Yeah, you can say there's something pretty wrong with me ─‿‿─ (I blame the Nice Boat ending)
Even though, I'm pretty much open to all genres, and I'd like to say that I don't have preferences. That would be a lie though, according to the text above me. Whatever anime that gets into my list, will be finished one day. I'm a person who won't ever drop a series.
The ratings on my anime are pretty straight forward. I'm weak for the emotional connections the characters may present to me and each other, and it will probably get a pretty high score then (with certain exceptions- going both ways). Story, art, genre, music, boring criteria which a boring person like me likes to look at when rating. Well, sue me :3
I obviously score my shows high. Sue me.RIP MALgraph
Oh, how I like to exchange sleep with watching anime. I love it. Your mother loves it. The dog loves is. The best things always happen ]around that time.
Beetaah~, rs. <3
電波女と青春男 .... ALIENS!

it all return to nothing
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Nou goed. Wat is je vraag?
Als het om het verzoek gaat: Niet geschoten is altijd mis. Ik wil gewoon wat nieuwe mensen leren kennen dan de average day persons om mij heen