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Jetblackwings May 10, 2024 3:29 PM
Heyy 👋🏾👋🏾
AthenaRuskovska Jan 8, 2024 5:27 AM
What's up girl?
34 Jul 13, 2023 12:14 AM
thinkpad Jul 4, 2023 4:37 PM
wow omg look at all these comments, it's like a big old book!

going to print these out and use them as toilet paper
FakeSaturday Jun 28, 2023 11:17 AM
Don't worry about it. I have been yeah, how've you been?

Haha noted.
Yeah usually I just have MAL open in a tab on my PC, but I usually only update some shows I'm watching.
Lmao, yeah I wish I could too. I usually just watch seasonals as watching 1 episode per series is much easier for me to keep up with as I also like to watch Kdramas and they can take up a lot of time as well as doing other things.

I haven't touched mine either, I've thought of selling it more than once and getting a steam deck instead, but I probably wouldn't touch that either lmao.
I've never played league, never really appealed to me. I think I own Dead by Daylight on steam, but never played it :P same for valarant I think I did download it, but played like one game of it.

Wow, you have improved so much!

Oh really what type of work is it if you don't mind me asking?
I'm good, honestly I'm trying to spend my free time learning to code. I think it's a career I want to get into, but it's not the easiest for me. I like my current job, but I can't see doing it forever and I would like to develop a skill that is in demand and you can earn a decent living from. So progress is going slow, but I'll get there (hopefully).

Hope things are good with you.
vanessa Jun 25, 2023 10:04 AM
its okay i forgot anyway 😭 happy to see u reply tho yippee tyty. i'm really good thanks for asking, life really amazing rn for me ngl 🤗 wbu?? hope you're well too 😚

tbh same, my mal comments are random stuff mostly now cuz i talk to everyone on discord lol.
omg yeah i can imagine 😮‍💨 at least all the studying will pay off eventually! how many more years left for you?? I was researching a psychology career that i might pursue when i'm 25 and idk if i want to commit so many years to studying tbh (especially at that age), its like 7years minimum lmao, i have 2 years to decide tho ig.
yep the film watching mood comes every few months and disappears just as fast but in the meantime i just watch random new films i know will be bad or random shit 😭 i watched the new black mirror season recently it was meh.
umm i dont remember what ur letterboxd username was but i do remember u seen a lot of movies so u probably seen everything i will mention 😭 but recent things i watched and enjoyed were: john wick 4, the assassin, my broken mariko, three times, 2/duo & m/other.

i have a watch list of movies i want to prioritize but every time i go to watch a movie i end up watching something new and bad so i can go on my phone at the same time lmaooo crying
cody May 9, 2023 4:35 PM
heyyy just wanted to say i really appreciate yr list updates on lb over the last few years, big fan of having artsy stuff to randomly watch and it's an easy way to find it
Ph0sphor Apr 25, 2023 9:57 AM
dont worry bout late replies, took me over 2 years to respond to u x.x

i only log on to keep track of manga stuff i dont rly watch much anime anymore either, maybe ill find motivation in time. i also pretty much stick to gaming as main hobby besides wasting time watching yt, finished p5r and cyberpunk recently, sheesh both fire games. what have u watched lately? i watched beef with my gf a few weeks ago, definitely an interesting show

im graduating a semester late cuz my college fked me over and didnt make it clear on what pre req classes to take, so ill be in hell until the end of the year then ill be free. im planning to work as what i did last year as a camp counselor for middle schoolers, very fulfilling, altho i wish i could travel somewhere. i hope i could next year, will have much more time aside from the dreaded job hunting. hope u have an eventful summer o3o meanwhile ill currently suffer daily because my spring allergies are absolutely killing me!
AgravityBoy Apr 12, 2023 2:41 AM
my bad for the like 3 year late reply 💀 but I hope you've been well!

hope you've had a chance to watch the Dorohedoro anime adaptation by now! It isn't perfect but still really fun, and the OP and EDs are so good.
and I see, I've been needing to check out some older/retro shoujo stuff so I will add Utena to my plan to watch list! It seems interesting.
Username Jan 2, 2023 7:11 PM
AnimeCreed Jan 1, 2023 3:33 PM

Ph0sphor Dec 23, 2022 9:31 AM
i've been good and pretty busy! sorry for the late response again, had to finish up my finals before i wanted go on mal, havent really watched much anime in a while, most been playing games. steam sale going on rn and im on winter break besides work so ima be bing chilling until next semester :vomit:
Mugetsu- Dec 18, 2022 8:40 PM
Fade into nothingness~
Ph0sphor Dec 3, 2022 9:09 PM
its been QUITE a while but i hope you're doing the best you can and that you're happy with whatever it may be! :D
Mugetsu- Nov 21, 2022 9:14 PM
Man since she figured out I play Genji now this didn't age well huh C__C
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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