Introduced (for real) to the world of anime through Code Geass (so probably rather hard to please).
Prefer anime that can spark some emotion in me, ergo my list.
So far, staying away from shows that drag on forever (by forever I mean 100+ episodes), Prefer shorter forms.
Usually not interested in Shounen.
Also, and this is where some of you may want to linch me (I'd rather you didn't), due to my inability to read quickly, 95% of anime I watch is dubbed into English.
I think that is all.
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On top of the wannabe artsy backgrounds and details... they were alright if only the show and situations portrayed had any emotional value at all. I suggest you rewatch this when you're out of your teens so can realize how silly it actually is.
Unrelated note: LOL at dropping angel beats, I can't blame you lol.