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Cristo Aug 23, 2012 10:43 PM
Monday and Wednesdays because those are the only classes I can take right now but next semester I should be able to take more and DONT DIE ON ME!!!! WE HAVE SO MUCH TO SEE IN THIS WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like stalker training to me with a salt of psycho. Not my kind of thing you know. xp
Who doesnt?

You had my hopes up but then you slowly and gently crushed it.....
You mean King Kong's wong? SNL episode I randomly watched a year or to ago and I made up the Godzilla one.
I no Reptar. Im a

Don't call me baby, Im not yours...
... *nut shots you* Ha. Ha. IM NOT A PLAY THING!!!! ;_;

If he does a whole gameplay like that.... I dont know how many times Id break the comment box.
I preferred it if you didnt hurt me but Ill take the treats wholeheartedly except for edible stuff and things the seem suspicious.
Im not allergic to anything, Thank God and don't worry, I'm on a diet. XP
Cristo Aug 23, 2012 9:03 PM
I havent even started school yet but I only need to show up twice a week and how is tumblr addictive? Pinterest I can understand. And whats this "homework" you speak off? Ah laziness, good friend.

King Kong was black.... and I can't believe that's all you were looking at!! You PIG!!!! XP j.k. Wanna see Godzilla's?

I don't know. You led me on, Im the victim here XD
Oh wow, after reading the next line, I CANT BELIEVE YOU ABUSED ME Q_Q I can't eve look you in the eyes anymore.

IT BURNS!!!!! CURE THEY CHILD'S PROGRAM!!!! Wait what? Oh this? Hm, well now I like the Spongeboob band-aid now, thank you, I feel so much better. ;D
Cristo Aug 8, 2012 7:10 PM
I dont remember the King Kong movies but I do remember Godzilla and do you really want King Kong to rule the world?

They're also stronger then us even though they dont work out. They have longer slender muscles which gives them more strength than use plus they climb trees. We sit on chairs and get fat.

I have have been a clitoris in my past life..... It wasnt a happy life cause I was abused and squeezed *shudders* The horror q_q
And she's fucking single!!!!! HOW!!!!!
Ive been watching him for the past 2-3 years. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?!?!? No seriously cause I "missed" you..... @////@ ps the link didnt work but this is how you make it work

But I suffered just to say bye to you..... I still have scars..... Okay I dont but I remember pain. Not even related to this message ;P
Stormy_77 Aug 8, 2012 5:57 PM
I really enjoyed Juuni Kokuki so I am biased and think you should finish the anime. However, I do not have any idea about the manga as I am not a manga reader.
Cristo Aug 3, 2012 8:06 AM

I would too and I mean KING KONG ape. PHILOSOPHY!

True but shes like 19 and turning 20 soon I think. This is sad that you can name more female celebrities than me..... Are we sure you're not a boy and Im not a girl cause I think I know more male celebrities then female. Never got into Jenna Marbles..... Lee Newton yes cause she likes to molester her co-workers sometimes and still confused as to how she is still single but the guys she work with are married or in a relationship. Oh and Im talking about Sourcefed.

Killing floors you're gonna have to get use to shooting with a aiming thing but you can change that. It just means that you have more important things to do in your life like me, Im gonna end it here cause I have something important to do in the bathroom and it hurts bye/
Cristo Jul 6, 2012 10:51 PM
Sorry, I was MIA from mal for a while.

You can try it out yourself...... Tell me how it turns out okay ;D

Sorry I was really tired when I replied. I did leg exercises and I did a lot more than usual then I didnt feel tired for 8 hours after then after that 8 hours my brain went down hill. You should coat everything in wood to make anti-technology dad feel less anti-techonology cause if its got something organic then it cant be entirely technology now can it? And that is an example of a fallacy.

Maybe people enjoy his talent but not his personality. I heard that some people dont like Kate Upton because of her character but people agree.... her body.... Okay I drooled for a second but I cant help it, its in my genes as well as my jeans....

I think its part of their job to do that. Employers say they like honesty but they dont show that themselves and the people that do get hired arent really honest. Welcome to life i guess....

Oh wow, I forgot to mentioned that I made a new friend on skype lol. Misunderstanding there. Playing pc games with skype is fun though I wish I had more friends who had minecraft or killing floors cause I have both of them. I bet it was crazy but it seems like the hype wasnt that good since I havent heard anything really crazy about it. Didnt Madagascar 3 come out at the same time?
Cristo Jul 2, 2012 8:11 PM
I was suggesting a way for your dad to listen to you but having a mangina. Do you really want to see it plus its on youtube. Im sure they have and ended up in a hospital ER.

Im confused. Are we talking about your dad or Brian Regan cause not I feel like something was left out.

When they interviewed Mary I thought she was an awesome person and she was funny in one of the videos I watched of her. Not all talented people are awesome. Remember, even jackasses have talents as well.

I havent gone swimming. Just been going to school, not getting any call backs from places I applied for, working out, the usual which is nothing fun except I made a new on skype. You?
Cristo Jun 23, 2012 5:24 PM
Here Maybe this video at the end of it will help. I can understand that he doesnt want internet but he doesnt understand that the current generation needs the internet and he's cutting off from the course "man".

I dont enjoy but they have the coolest scenarios and I cant control nightmares but normal dreams I can cause I know its a dream. I cant anticipate but I can add stuff to change them. And that's why I sort of enjoy nightmares. I had one where it was in a steampunk underground train station which was connected to a huge casino/hotel and at the bottom of was a cavern that was like the basement area. It was awesome.

Brian Regan..... hold up. He reminds me of Jim Gaffigan for some reason.... Makes me happy.

I LOVE HER VOICE!!!! LOVE!!!!!!! But she's the only English VA I know.
StreetFighter Jun 23, 2012 10:43 AM
It did? Lol.

Cool, thanks!
Cristo Jun 10, 2012 10:26 PM
But not so much with dad? Is there no decent internet there?

I heard it lost it's touch when there was a change of original cast. What about Lie to me? I sort of hate nightmares but sort of enjoy them. I still remember two or three of them. With a cup of yogurt? Well at least you had something as a weapon in your nightmare. I remember at least 4 situations in my nightmare where all I could do was run well with one exception but the gun was pretty much useless.... If only I can draw my nightmares cause it would be kind of cool. Do you ever have nightmares that had a cool or beautiful scenery?

I love this guy and his second show. I dont think he does Improv. Havent heard of him in a while but I do know that he did a radio comedy thing. Well his guys is funny dealing with race and then there's Jim Gaffigan I would of said Robin William but he has a lot of dirty jokes.

You play Minecraft? I know there's a lot of con heres like..... um.... ill get back to you on that. Did you go to it? ..... you should create a budget and focus more on the stuff and less on the snacks and I like Mary Elizabeth Mcglynn.
Cristo Jun 10, 2012 9:47 PM
So you're mom won the fight on who gets to keep you which in turn turned out that your dad will be keeping you? Are those portable wifi even good? Sounds like mom has the better fun stuff.

That episode rings a bell but weird. I dont understand how people can get aroused by children. I can understand 13-17 year old girls looking above their age because of how their body develops but children..... I most likely will not have 3rd thought about doing bad things to them....

So you compare the 2d world with the 3d world? 2d sounds a lot better and No I do not. That show has been running to long for me to enjoy. Im one of those who do not like to start on something midway and prefer to watch things from the beginning, series wise. Do you watch this?

What did you do? I know how you feel. Wish I could go to an anime convention. I missed my chance last year twice to go to an anime con that was here and Minecon which was the first convention for Minecraft which also had about 12 people I wanted to meet there. Did you get ton of free stuff?
Cristo Jun 10, 2012 11:25 AM
Divorced parents? Well you're at a con and you have a pool, jealous enough already.... why is it hard to come by? So no internet and such?

uuuuuuhhhhhhhh......... Yes? Why are macademia so good? I went to a major macademia production company in Hawaii and got some free stuff and still dont understand why they are good. I still have some nuts left. So in which case, you shouldnt be sorry.

Kids dont pay attention so they're easy to get and I dont think Vegeta should be cause he was a.... prison..... bitch..... TFS reference.

You might as well be on drugs to be happy to be there...... I NEED TO KNOW WHERE YOU OCCUPYING AT THE MOMENT!!!!!
Cristo Jun 9, 2012 10:04 PM
Im sorry do I know you... I NEED AN ADULT!?!?! jk jk

What did you do that makes you feel like you deserve to be called a horrible person.... wait.... DID YOU EAT ALL THE COOKIES FOR YOURSELF!??!?!?! YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON!!!!!!

What if I changed my username... what would you have said then? O.o

Ive been jelly of your current location. So you moved and stuff or should I just ask "how you?"
CuteAnimeJunkie Feb 14, 2012 12:24 AM
Cristo Jan 14, 2012 10:47 PM
That kind of sounds tough. Everyone know each other already and you're probably the youngest one there. Are you still training?

Depends if you like playing zombie hoard games. The default setting for the cursor is none so its sort of like for pro's plus you cant run. I Never got into Fall Out or Bio-Shock type of games. How is Alice: Madness Returns? Why did you convince him not to buy it for you? Try Saint Row 3 if you like GTA.

Lol We get snow at least 2-3 times a decade so I know what you mean, especially driving....
Hm. lets see. Ive been playing Dragon Nest more.... nothing new for me. How are you anyway?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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