Hey there, thanks for visiting my MyAnimeList profile!
I watched a lot of anime in my childhood - mostly "Pokémon", "Yu-Gi-Oh" and "Beyblade". The first anime i watched - that i also recognized as one - was "Elfen Lied" - but "Welcome to the NHK" was the show that has leaded me into the fandom and it's still one of my all time favorites.
Art style is for me the most important thing about anime. There are so many possibilities to express a story in a visually unique and memorable way.
I also like shows with psychological and philosophical themes but genre-wise i basically can enjoy everything - Comedy, Mecha, Romance, Fighting Shounen.... even the Harem genre can offer some good shows eg Monogatari Series.
Feel free to send me a friend request or leave a comment on my profile feed - I'm always open for new anime recommendations or anime related discussions.
Anime List Layout from Valerio_Lyndon
All Comments (93) Comments
I've randomly selected a few people to talk about how they feel about the club in a whole, we are attempting to boost our activity.
We do finally have all the normal features up again on the anime side so feedback would be appreciated ^.^.
Ach ja und naise Favorites hast du da m8 :^)
Und ja, das mit der Zeit kenne ich nur zu gut. Ich schaue auch leidenschaftlich gerne Filme, Serien, Anime, lese viele Manga (damit verbringe ich wohl die meiste Zeit)
Mainstream Serien habe ich bisher immer gedroppt - es fiehl mir unglaublich schwer, da am Ball zu bleiben. Clannad mochte ich wegen dem Kitschfaktor überhaupt nicht, bei Steins;Gate spiele ich derzeit das Game für die Vita.
Von Re:Zero habe ich bisher eher negatives gehört, es wird dem Hype wohl nicht ganz gerecht.
I dont know why its popular. Maybe because the current season is shit and it is the less shitty of them?
Episode 10 is edgy? Just wait till episode 15+ lol, you will be hitting your head on the nearest wall.
Yeah have fun with the retarded characters in Re:Zero lol, once you finish the show can you write me a detailed comment about it? somehow similar to mine?
Re:Zero was pretty bad in my opinion, The show has no world-building at all, so if you care about world-building, i suggest dropping it before starting it.
I wrote some comments on the discussion board of Re:Zero about stuff that i didn't like, so you can search for them using the search engine in the forum, it would be better, I also have the scores detailed in the episode 25 thread, so be sure to check that, that thing is there is some spoilers there lol.
In Short: I dislike; Story, Characters, World-Building, Atmosphere, Too much focus on Romance, Edgy, No actual point.
*10 minutes passed*
Oh here it is, my comment on episode 25 is spoiler-free. I'll post it here to make it easier for you.
Clannad is very emotional show, speaking emotionally After story is the show that gave me the most emotional moment out of any other show, second to it is CG R2 Episode 25.
However i dont think the first season is good, it was pretty boring at most of the times, but that's just me :P
Btw, Episode 18 of After Story is 11/10
Mich freut es immer auf andere Anime/Manga- Fans zu stoßen, die einen ähnlichen Geschmack haben. :)