Let everything be enjoyed...
whenever blest? nay, even at the antipodes...
for life is fleeting, and moments lapsing...
whilst anime is simple, yet complex art form...
an entertainment media waiting to be consumed...
with open mind and free heart!
Hi there! Welcome to my profile...few lines about me... I am a doctor by profession and tech enthusiast & tinkerer by nature. I enjoy swimming, running, cycling. I used to be a huge fan of romance and slice of life anime but now I enjoy almost all anime genres. Feel free to take a look around and drop a comment. I would really appreciate that. ^ ^ Have a great day!
Last Updated: 09/08/2022
When I joined MAL 5 years ago, I was hooked on to rating everything i watched. My ratings were based on a rough comparison with the shows i had already watched till then. Eventually this made rating hard as i watched more number of shows. You cannot compare every show side by side. So I came up with a rating methodology taking in to consideration only the common aspects of anime and gave a number to it based on how well it fullfilled those aspects. But this approach gave ratings way off from what I actually want to give and was misleading for others. For example, I enjoyed a show and would totally give a 8/10 but according to my rating methodology it technically didn't fulfill some rating checkpoints so it had lower score like 6/10 which is not what i ultimately want. So everything had to change.
If you are a seasoned viewer or have thought about it, you might already know that most shows are somewhat praiseworthy based on how you look at it. Simply put, its often times personal. You cannot label a show as 'good' or 'bad', unless they have very similar story, characcter, theme, genere, studio, voice acting. It's most often how a particular show made YOU as a person feel about it. Of course, there are parameters which can be used to measure quality like art, animation, color palate, sound, voice acting, directing, and much more. But you just can't make an apples to apples comparison and thus cannot rate anime based on one another.
Now in order to rate anime, you can indeed make valid statements like, the animation of 'show A' coiuld have been smoother or an errier soundtrack on 'Show B' would have made it amazing or the voice acting ruined character expression in 'Show C'. Constructive criticism. Yet such an analysis can be either a fact or just an individual opinion. Think about it. Now, try to remember the show you consider a masterpiece. You might say it's without flaws or you might know it has flaws, but you conciously or unconciously chose to ignore it because whatever in that show which had an impact on YOU and made you like it extremely, that alone outweighs every potential flaw that show might or might not have according to you. You propably wouldn't change your opinion even if others pursuade you or the actual facts are clear as day light.
Let me put this in less words... A show might be DIFFERENT enough to interest a particular SOMEONE, and it's in a way only possible for THAT particular person due to HIS life experiences till then to justify that particular new experience which HE felt is obviously legit and true, but utterly foolish to others with entirely differnt life experinces.
So, considering this, it's become extremly difficult to create a universal rating methodology that is acceptable for everyone.
Okay... why I explained my understanding is because i don't want others to make my same mistake. Personally, realising all this made enjoying and discussing about not just anime but any entertainment media a lot more simpler, healthier, and fun. YOU react to a show based on how YOU relate and understand it differently from others. YOU are DEFFERENT. It's ultimatly on YOU! What you want and how your mind interprets things. And thus the enjoyment you get from anime is also depend on YOU!
There are also other aspects to this. For example, YOUR mood and mindset determines how you enjoy a show a particular time. Our mind is often swayed by the people and environment we are mostly surrounded by and that influences the quality of enjoyment we get. This is applicable to any entertainment media, not just anime. There are more factors to this which i am skipping for now but feel free to talk to me about it anytime down in the comments or via DM.
Now as for me, I just enjoy the shows instead of keeping a critic's eye. I would give a rating based on how I feel during and after watching that particular show. That's it. I beleive that's how simple it should be. Looking back at myself i can't help but smile at the younger me writing up rating methodologies only to end in despair.
Just enjoy what you can wherever you are,... for life is fleeting and anime is a simple yet complex art form and entertainment media which is meant to be consumed with a open mind and free heart!
Below are old About Me texts which i keep anyway cause looking back at myself is quit fun :D
My existing old ratings are all over the place and i don't know what to do with them right now. At some point, I will redo all the ratings based on what i actually felt while watching the very show. Until then, i am keeping all my previous methodologies achieved down below. You are free to agree/disagree with my old thoughts while i myself embarssess my once amature take on anime ^ ^
Last Updated: 03/06/2018
Alright, lets start from the basics. A rating tells more about the reviewer than whats being reviewed. Being someone who prefer not to give way to peer pressure and hype, my ratings may appear alien to you. During my voyage of life I came to understand that enjoying any entertainment media (including anime) depends mostly on:
1. Mental state while watching
2. Expectations (why you watch, what you want to see happen, what you want to feel, etc)
3. Personal tastes
4. Effect of the show on you based on all the above
I am not saying mainstream and hyped shows are mediocre, only that it depends on the individual if the said show is enjoyable or not at a particular time or age.
With that out of the way, this is what you can infer from the ratings i have put in my list.
I rarely give this rating but if i do, the show has moved me in a very unique way. It may or may not have the best animation, sound, character etc, but delivered far more than entertainment, for me at least.
These are unique for its plot, sounds, characters, etc. Contains value themes, inner voices, thought provoking elements, all sewed together with praise worthy story telling and direction. Has the 'wow' factor that screams perfection in a way. It also cements extensive viewer satisfaction towards the end. You can say its the perfect show and there is hardly any room for improvement if any.
................... i am tired.. i will type the rest later
I have put my old rating methodology down below since some of the shows i rated years back follow that methodology. Its outdated, so if you are gonna read... read with a * in mind ;).
The ratings below are completely biased. Don't give way to peer pressure and hype cause enjoying anime depends entirely on your tastes and expectation (why you watch anime, what you want to see, what you want to feel, etc). That doesn't mean mainstream shows are bad, only that it depends on you as an individual if you enjoy it or not. With that out of the way, this is how i rate. [written on: 04/10/2017]
::::::::My rating system simplified::::::::::
Broadly divided into four categories as follows:
The Best Anime:
#These shows are unique for its characterization, plot, sounds, etc. Value themes, inner voices, thought provoking elements, all sewed together with praise worthy story telling and direction. Has the 'wow' factor that screams perfection in a way. Has higher viewer satisfaction. Totally recommended for re watch.
10/10 - Masterpiece
9/10 - Outstanding
The Good Anime:
#These shows are very enjoyable and worth a thumbs up in their respective genres. There are inner meanings, thought provoking elements, praise worthy setting and direction as seen in the former category. Minor flaws in story, story execution, slow or fast pacing plot, abrupt ending, characterization, etc any one or more together affects the overall enjoyment. Again, these anime are good for re-watching.
8/10 - Great
7/10 - Very Good
6/10 - Good
The Ok Anime:
#A lot of shows can be labelled under this category due to coalescence of several factors.These shows generally have potential but have major factors gone wrong or not suiting in a way. These shows might also have mediocre plot, but other factors covers up the obvious downsides. These might also be shows which focus on execution and enjoyment rather than the content delivered (moe themed). Broken plot, poor character development, poor characterization, poor sound, poor vocals, lack of animation (based on year of release of courses and genre), unacceptable or vague themes, slow or fast pacing plot, abrupt ending, overused the plot devices, etc are also some of the elements behind these ratings. In a nutshell, these are acceptable for the entertainment it packs though not leaving a mark. Mostly not re-watched in general; it depends though.
5/10 - Fine
4/10 - Acceptable
3/10 - Poor
The Poor Anime:
#These shows have poor setting and plot to begin with. They may deliver some enjoyment and zest but ultimately fails to deliver the basics. An eyesore. Sometimes ruins your expectation so badly that you go all nuts. Totally NOT worth watching. Need i say re-watch?
2/10 - Bad
1/10 - Hell
Note: Some of my ratings doesn't follow any of the above criteria.
You're welcome and don't worry about late replies, I'm just glad you liked the list! Violet Evergarden really is incredible, such a deep and emotional story. I'm happy we both felt the same way (✿◡‿◡)
First of all sorry for the late reply! 🙏 I was quite busy lately!
Glad to know that you're also a S;G fan! Your fav list is also amazing!
And thanks for appreciating my list which I made using bbcodes, It's been a while since I made that list, now I think I have to update it cuz I have some new favs now! Also have to made a fav manga list too! The thing is I barely have time to watch anime nowadays, so idt my watchlist will progress further in future :')
All Comments (50) Comments
Glad to know that you're also a S;G fan! Your fav list is also amazing!
And thanks for appreciating my list which I made using bbcodes, It's been a while since I made that list, now I think I have to update it cuz I have some new favs now! Also have to made a fav manga list too! The thing is I barely have time to watch anime nowadays, so idt my watchlist will progress further in future :')
I mean it is a little bit disturbing