Anime Stats
Days: 132.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries535
- Rewatched0
- Episodes8,218
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Manga Stats
Days: 22.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries75
- Reread0
- Chapters2,629
- Volumes413
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (40) Comments
but im too lazy to go on seven seas
aaaand ive watched the movie with proper subtitles enough times to recognize what netflix skipped over anyway
might skip out on seasonals for a while so i'll just watch some more older stuff
hey congratulations
highly suggested to put that on your non-dominant arm and move it around a bit after you get it.
should make it easier to deal with in the morning
if you got an hour to spare or can have some short breaks i recommend watching it.
there's also some anime i really want to watch soon so i might get started soon
anyway nuff about me, hbu?
and i see, i see, summer is almost around the corner so it's been getting a lot warmer around here too
if you want some more winter then just watch some Kanon (2006)
uhh idk i just hear that some things are more pricier cuz canadian dollars are different than american dollars or something like that, is that true?
do you like your winter being warmer this year?
i'm excited that a package for me came today, cant wait to start watching what i got :D
have you ever ordered any anime/manga before or something?
huh? what about canada is boring? maybe cuz im not canadian but i feel like there must be something interesting over there
i would watch it but iirc nozomient only has dub
i have no problems with dub but i kinda prefer to watch the original product first these days
oh wait just checked edit, looks like gakuen alice is there, not sure if it's whole series but hmm ig i should consider
staying at home is nice but the sky looks good these days
and yeah i'm gonna finish the rest of Lucky Star in the meantime. also plan to read more this summer, hbu?