SAME I watched it at like 3am with my siblings and we were deadddd pls I didn't thought THAT would actually happen😭😭
PLS JAJAHJAHAHJh I never saw Minho until I saw all those comparison pics on insta😭🤚🏻 they are both so prettyyyy😩
JAHAhaah my insta feed is full of those comparison pics of bento and Minho T-T And I haven't watched it yet bc I got spoiled so many times :') I wanna watch it in like a year when I hopefully forgot all the spoilers💀
same goes for u hehe ;D yeah it is, I use MAL for a really long time but finally decided to create an account :)) And I see u r currently watching Vinland saga ^.^
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Also nice to see a Stray Kids vid in your profile, they're my favorite K-pop artist now =)
and no need to thank I'm glad u enjoy it🥺
when I watched AIB I still didn't see it kskssjsk
but I kinda see it now ngl
PLS JAJAHJAHAHJh I never saw Minho until I saw all those comparison pics on insta😭🤚🏻 they are both so prettyyyy😩
when I first watched Alice in borderland I expected something completely different ngl🤚🏻