All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 101.2
Mean Score:
- Watching27
- Completed410
- On-Hold34
- Dropped63
- Plan to Watch23
- Total Entries557
- Rewatched6
- Episodes5,892
All Comments (66) Comments
Time to nominate your favorite anime!
Rules are simple, nominate a single anime or second one that someone else has nominated.
You may nominate something you have nominated before, but not a previous winner.
Any finished anime series, movie, or finished OAV is eligible. Any anime series currently airing is not.
Please include a url link to the anime that you are nominating as occasionally the name is repeated, but the series are completely different (i.e. Macross).
This thread will remain open until 3 June 2012 and is located here. can cite my profile on myanimelist anyway =)
You guys all can help us to spread the word to fill the missing signatures on that site too,
even if it is a rumor, it is worth the effort to try ;)
Apparently the rumors are that they will do,,
Clare Super Saya-jin 3 rolf !
Also I'll have to see if the Renai Games panel is run by my friends or not.
But I'll see you at AX. This will be cool.