1.) There is no such thing as perfection. This world isn't perfect. That is why it is beautiful
2.) Stepping in the shit is not a sin but stucking in it is
3.) Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way
4.) Every kind action has a not-so-kind reaction
5.) Democracy is like Linux - free, but you must know how to use it
6.) Because I could not stop for a death, he kindly stopped for me
7.) I don't need your stupid mercy! (but I'll accept it anyway, AHAHA SUCKER)
8.) Irony is the bringing togetherof contradictory truths to make out of the contradiction a new truth with a laugh or a smile, and I confess that a truth must come with one or the other, or I account it as false and a denial of the very nature of humanity itself.
9.) You talk to God, you're religious. God talks to you, you're psychotic.
10.) People said that you can't live without a love, I think oxygen is more important
11.) Life is unhealthy: everyone who live, dies
Szczerze to nawet nie widziałem nowych piratów XD Miałem iść ale jakoś nie było kiedy, a specjalnie mnie nie ciągnęło bo właśnie syfem mi zalatywało, i jeszcze ta hiszpanka co gra dupę Jack'a, jak jej tam yyy... Tak mnie drażni że nie ma mowy bym płacił za oglądanie jej ;dd
Hey Ratter! Robię mini powrót na animelist :D
Mega mega zachwycona jestem dodaniem przez Ciebie linka do Back in Black :> dobrze wiedzieć, że jesteś również miłośnikiem AC/DC
Warszawa pozdrawia Gdańsk! (i opener'a :>)
Spk, nic nie bolało ;p Ja swoje serducho już dawno wyciąłem i włożyłem do skrzyni której pilnuje mój kot puma ;3 Tzn. Prawie puma... XD Tak jak Davy Jones z piratów.
szczeże to... nie wiem kim jest Jess - widziałam ją raz na żywo i chyba raz na zdjęciach. Działa w bibliotece komiksu.
A to ostatni sie zgadza - jesli ona wyglada tak jak ja ją pamiętam
dobre pytanie :) W domu będe po egzaminach. Narazie mam tylko podane 2 z 3 terminów. Ale do 20 czerwca raczej wszytko załatwie (no i 18.06 będe w Malborku).
A matury? hmmm.. serio wydaje mi się, ze lepiej niż rok temu. Napewno polski poszedł mi lepiej. W sumie studia filologiczne sporo dają, jakieś tam rzeczy zauwazam lepiej, widze wiecej nawiazań i symboli etc. jestem dobrej mysli.
A teraz znikam na noc muzeów, bo Johns stawia mi bilet do teatru :D
LOL! IE must have love you too much. It simply does not want to leave you. XD You should be glad! My mom installed firefox and chrome inside my computer. Because, she wants to play some facebook games. Yep! She's using my account to her items. =_=#
Wow~ I seen most of those MMORPG in online advertisements. XD You got attracted by those advertisements?
Hmm? I can understand where you come from. I understand better with British accent.Ah~ Honestly speaking, I prefer 'curia' than Korea. I used to hear 'curia' when I was young. XD
You sure, you speak normal? Don't try to be humble. For all I know, you can break the world record. Just joking~ XD
HUH!? Fast is an understatement. It's at the speed of light! =P
Don't remind me of my cousin. She's 12 and guess what? She's taller than me already~!!!! TT_TT I will shock you then. I'm 160 and the tallest in my immediate family. And, nope, I am no dwarf. I think I'm a leprechaun in my past life. XD Well, I pray that you can remain in your puberty, so that you can outgrow him and punch him in the head. Is he that bad for you to feel like punching him? =P
Next saturday? I am free on most weekends.
LOL! Unfortunately, the laptop which I have as a spare is too back-dated to be sent as a gift. And, I am saving money for studies overseas. CommunicAsia is coming, that's when most locals will go on an IT shopping spree. The laptops with many free goodies can be bought at a highly slashed prices. I hate going to that event. It's CROWDED. I hate crowds. Please tell me, you're not considering that... Now, I know what do you mean by people who speak fast, think fast. I didn't even think of that. You sure, you speak normal? =P
No problem on that... I see if they can all fit into one email. I just received the cd a few minutes ago. You really have fantastic timing. You installed a spy camera in my room? *looks around*
Well, I received a good new. The cut-off date was 1 Jan 2011. My birthday was later, so I don't have to vote. How great is that?! MUAHAHA! Well, why not? GEH!? Now, you're giving me an impression that ticket-inspectors have to fight often... ... ... I thought all ticket inspectors are small or average built?
zacznijmy od tego, ze nie mam pojęcia o żadnym Balticonie. W sumie na acp'ie nie ma o tym zadnych informacji. Wiem, ze w Gdańsku będzie Chapter 7~ 25.06-26.06 Zapowiada sie cąkiem okej, bo robi to MiOhi. Powiedzmy, ze miare sie znaja na konwentach - mówie tak, bo nie byłam na żadnym robionym przez nich, ale ludzie sobie chwalą.
Nawet Gadałam z Gochą o tym... ale nie pamietam czy powiedziała, ze idzie czy zbuzgała i zała konwent grubym sikim. Jakoś na poczatku czerwca sie jej zapytam. Ja tak na 70% sie wybiore (ogólnie MOŻE już wtedy będe po egzaminach i popijaa drinki z palemką w domu) z Magdą (która chyba wtedy bedzie z Polszy).
No i raczej będzie Moniczka, Bliźniaczki i taka ekipa - bo z tego co wiem to Jess (jakkowiek by sie tego poprawnie nie zapisywało) pomaga przy organizacji wiec Moniczka i jej team pewnie też.
All Comments (1204) Comments
Happy Birthday! I know I am late. >_<""
How's life treating you?
Co tam u ciebie ostatnio?
http://sgtcube.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Are_You_a_Wizard0-size-600x0-1.jpg" target="_blank">http://sgtcube.com/blog/http://sgtcube.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Are_You_a_Wizard0-size-600x0-1.jpg
Mega mega zachwycona jestem dodaniem przez Ciebie linka do Back in Black :> dobrze wiedzieć, że jesteś również miłośnikiem AC/DC
Warszawa pozdrawia Gdańsk! (i opener'a :>)
Czy cuś xP
A to ostatni sie zgadza - jesli ona wyglada tak jak ja ją pamiętam
dobre pytanie :) W domu będe po egzaminach. Narazie mam tylko podane 2 z 3 terminów. Ale do 20 czerwca raczej wszytko załatwie (no i 18.06 będe w Malborku).
A matury? hmmm.. serio wydaje mi się, ze lepiej niż rok temu. Napewno polski poszedł mi lepiej. W sumie studia filologiczne sporo dają, jakieś tam rzeczy zauwazam lepiej, widze wiecej nawiazań i symboli etc. jestem dobrej mysli.
A teraz znikam na noc muzeów, bo Johns stawia mi bilet do teatru :D
Wow~ I seen most of those MMORPG in online advertisements. XD You got attracted by those advertisements?
Hmm? I can understand where you come from. I understand better with British accent.Ah~ Honestly speaking, I prefer 'curia' than Korea. I used to hear 'curia' when I was young. XD
You sure, you speak normal? Don't try to be humble. For all I know, you can break the world record. Just joking~ XD
HUH!? Fast is an understatement. It's at the speed of light! =P
Don't remind me of my cousin. She's 12 and guess what? She's taller than me already~!!!! TT_TT I will shock you then. I'm 160 and the tallest in my immediate family. And, nope, I am no dwarf. I think I'm a leprechaun in my past life. XD Well, I pray that you can remain in your puberty, so that you can outgrow him and punch him in the head. Is he that bad for you to feel like punching him? =P
Next saturday? I am free on most weekends.
LOL! Unfortunately, the laptop which I have as a spare is too back-dated to be sent as a gift. And, I am saving money for studies overseas. CommunicAsia is coming, that's when most locals will go on an IT shopping spree. The laptops with many free goodies can be bought at a highly slashed prices. I hate going to that event. It's CROWDED. I hate crowds. Please tell me, you're not considering that... Now, I know what do you mean by people who speak fast, think fast. I didn't even think of that. You sure, you speak normal? =P
No problem on that... I see if they can all fit into one email. I just received the cd a few minutes ago. You really have fantastic timing. You installed a spy camera in my room? *looks around*
Well, I received a good new. The cut-off date was 1 Jan 2011. My birthday was later, so I don't have to vote. How great is that?! MUAHAHA! Well, why not? GEH!? Now, you're giving me an impression that ticket-inspectors have to fight often... ... ... I thought all ticket inspectors are small or average built?
Nawet Gadałam z Gochą o tym... ale nie pamietam czy powiedziała, ze idzie czy zbuzgała i zała konwent grubym sikim. Jakoś na poczatku czerwca sie jej zapytam. Ja tak na 70% sie wybiore (ogólnie MOŻE już wtedy będe po egzaminach i popijaa drinki z palemką w domu) z Magdą (która chyba wtedy bedzie z Polszy).
No i raczej będzie Moniczka, Bliźniaczki i taka ekipa - bo z tego co wiem to Jess (jakkowiek by sie tego poprawnie nie zapisywało) pomaga przy organizacji wiec Moniczka i jej team pewnie też.
człowieczek mnie jeszcze pamięta? ^^