All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 148.6
Mean Score:
- Watching16
- Completed496
- On-Hold43
- Dropped75
- Plan to Watch122
- Total Entries752
- Rewatched0
- Episodes8,930
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 18.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries120
- Reread0
- Chapters2,249
- Volumes368
All Comments (63) Comments
His name is Lucifer, and he's from the Otome game "Obey Me!" They have a short anime as well! The episodes are quite short tho.
Joe Satriani!! omg that's a name I haven't heard in a while. how was it? I tried to go to see him with Steve Vai and Joe Petrucci a while ago (like nearly ten years :P) but it was sold out :/
so was Paris or Satriani the bucket list item? :P
my project is still off and on, but when I get time yes...someday (or year! :P) i'll finish it. thanks for asking :)
but I'm glad the cake helped you get over that feeling quickly. did you do anything else special? :)
hope all is well with you. maybe we'll catch up soon. hope your day was awesome!!! take care!!!! :)
I'm afraid I can't tell you what is on the other side of Woodward. I haven't been there since I was a little kid.
yeah the project is...slow going, but going. i'll get there eventually:
congratulations!!! oh that's so great!!! yeah I know what you mean about wanting something more but having to stick with what you have for the moment. i'm in a similar situation myself, hopefully we can both get that to improve though!
and drivers license yay!!! all kinds of new and exciting things happening to you!! well a car would be nice too, but i'm sure you'll have that soon!
and yes I know what you mean about neglecting and wanting to LIVE!! it doesn't sound silly at all. it wasn't long ago i finally learned to do that myself. when i get my situation straightened out more, then Europe here i come!!! someday :P