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Babanbabanban Vampire
Babanbabanban Vampire
Jan 12, 6:23 PM
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Sasaki to Miyano Movie: Sotsugyou-hen
Sasaki to Miyano Movie: Sotsugyou-hen
Dec 27, 2024 10:34 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 7
Dec 27, 2024 7:41 PM
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Dec 25, 2024 6:05 PM
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Stripper no Midara na Itazura
Jun 16, 2024 5:54 PM
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Sasaki to Miyano
Sasaki to Miyano
Jan 16, 2022 10:12 PM
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Kurt_Irving Oct 9, 2024 4:31 AM

Have you been studying Japanese too and what do you love most about Ghost in the Shell?
fullmetalbender Jan 2, 2018 3:23 PM

Happy New Year 2018 :)
Hope you've been well!
-Sonal- Dec 22, 2017 10:31 PM
It is difficult to migrate to a new site if you're comfortable with the one you're currently on. The only reason we don't have more manga in the database is thanks to our mods, who believe that all the work they're doing is a favour to us, and that we should be glad they even exist. The ones most active are the forum mods, or so I've heard.
-Sonal- Dec 22, 2017 10:04 PM
It's been years since I've watched Avatar, and honestly, picking up the comics rn wouldn't make much sense. Are they even available online to read for free?
I have such a penchant for manga about single dads falling in love
Hehe. I never realized how much I myself enjoyed it, till I read Sorenari. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ended up liking Himegoto Asobi more, tho. Has more real characters and interactions.
I searched for Ookami Papa, but it's not on MAL's database. So many manga not added her, and the mods take their own sweet time adding the manga added by us users to their database - sometimes even months.
-Sonal- Dec 11, 2017 8:52 PM
That was actually quite brilliant. You an Avatar fan too?
Oh, and I got Sayonara, Itoshi no My Friend off your list. Loved it.
Try It has the same theme - divorcee dad with a cute little daughter.
-Sonal- Dec 7, 2017 5:27 AM
I loathe the word loathe because it sounds like loaf and how can you hate loaves of delicious bread? Well unless you have celiacs or gluten sensitivity. Then I guess you could loathe loaves. But then there's gluten free loaves.
And therein lies the rub

fullmetalbender Jul 27, 2017 5:40 AM
Hii, I wanted to drop a line since we haven't talked for a while and that comment below supposed to be on MY profile?? (ᗒᗨᗕ)
purpleIris Apr 27, 2017 8:45 PM
Hi there *waves* how are you? How's it going? I managed to finish Shouwa Genroku and OMG WHAT A FRIGGIN MASTERPIECE! I'm actually in the process of rewatching both seasons again and it's even better the second time around because I'm catching little things here and there that I totally missed before. I'm also trying to get a few friends to watch it too (ok, peer pressuring them to at least watch a few episodes). I also got a chance to see "Your Name" when it opened here earlier this month and I absolutely loved it. I didn't ask for all of those emotions, Your Name *shakes fist*, but thoroughly enjoyed it all the same. I haven't hopped into the spring anime too much beyond Natsume although there's been a handful of titles I'd like to give a try but we'll see. How about you? Any potential standouts for this season? Did you see 'Your Name', and if you did, what did you think of it?
fullmetalbender Feb 6, 2017 3:16 AM
Hey, how's the anime watching going? Anything worthwhile you're watching from the season, apart from the splendid Shouwa Genroku of course? I'm watching Gintama and the series version of Little Witch Academia, the latter of which I've been eagerly anticipating for a good while - you've seen the Anime Mirai short film LWA right?

The situation over there seems, quite frankly, awful. To put it mildly. I honestly still can't process the fact that this Trump presidency is a reality. How are you faring? Oh btw did you participate in the women's march, by any chance?
fullmetalbender Jan 6, 2017 9:12 PM
Happy New Year!

I miss Natsume (can't wait for the specials!) but so happy about Shouwa Genroku being back! Like I literally couldn't stop smiling the whole way through the ep. :D

Not reading the Natsume manga, no. I've been tempted, many times, but the agony of ongoing series continue with my other manga so I don't wish to add-on. Which is why I was *extra* happy about the new seasons, not only will it save me the trouble but it's actually one of the best and most faithful adaptations.

I still have to finished Fune wo Amu - when kissanime was down I fell behind and then basically lagged behind with all the new year stuff. Have you finished it?
fullmetalbender Dec 27, 2016 6:00 PM
Just in case you didn't know, I'm happy (more like OVERJOYED!!!) to announce Natsume is confirmed for special eps AND season 6! :D
And YOI seems to have some room for a sequel as well, but I'm super tentative about it. I rather like the ending as it is tbh.

Oh the diner drama actually looks familiar, I may have com across in a search and it did look interesting. Apparently Japan is better at this sort of shows, in both dramas and anime. I'll put it on my list and hope kissasian has it.
fullmetalbender Dec 8, 2016 11:33 PM
Hope everything's ok now? :)

Lol wish I could say the same but as soon as an anime starts going over the top (with a frothing fandom close behind) its appeal takes a nosedive. Yuri has become like that for me, but I hope very much the last couple eps will make a worthwhile ending.

So my solace has been in dramas haha, I've been watching a mix of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. I've actually seen that Ryeo one around, seems to be highly popular remake of a Chinese one. But it also has a fusion element what with the time travel as well as questionable characterisation (read: female) that you just confirmed, so it's highly unlikely I'll watch it. Doctors is on my watchlist I think, I wanted to check it out because of one of the actors, but it seems ok overall. But yeah, crappy female characters are the bane of my existence and that, more often than not, is the factor that decides the worth of pretty much everything I watch. I'm at the point where I don't think expecting some well-written female characters is too much to ask for, so when it's lacking I'm simply not going to watch it.

I'm the complete opposite - I'm only reluctantly trying out other dramas when I can't find the historicals lol. And interestingly it seems they tend to be somewhat less prone to the aforementioned Crappy Female Character Syndrome, which may be why I'm subconsciously seeking them out more! But wow you sure do take in the details! Understandable though, because that's part of what I love about period dramas (but not to the point where it detracts me! :'D). Btw since you're not too big on historicals, these are some good alternatives: Incomplete Life, Kazouku Game, Signal, Mother, Aogeba Toutoshi. They have decent female characters, though little romance (which I think you like?), but great storytelling, despite being largely SoL, and are all quite short.
fullmetalbender Nov 23, 2016 12:46 AM
Yes, Udon is rather too cutesy for me tas well, especially since it has little more to offer in terms of substance or interest. Much like Amaama to Inazuma from last season. But the random tanuki child has yet to make much sense (beyond Plot Device) to me, even at episode 7. I didn't expect much else though - it's not every season you get a Barakamon! - so it's a not a disappointment as such.

I'm pretty much off anime too, apart from the seasonals, and am (sort of) back into dramaland myself, found another Chinese historical. I've been on a period drama binge actually, mostly British ones though. I find I can't juggle too many on my watchlist at once, the completionist in me must finish one at a time! But it's really hard not to start new ones when some of them are boring, like the 2 languishing on MDL for several months lol. Keep me updated if any of my recs catch your fancy! ;>
fullmetalbender Nov 18, 2016 4:33 PM
The behind the scene stuff looks great! I should like to read the whole thing, the costumes both in the anime and in figure skating in general, have always delighted me in their aesthetic, not to mention symbolic connection with their theme and music in the programs. And yes, I was so happy to see the director was a woman back then! Plus she's very accomplished and been involved with a lot of acclaimed work (that I'd would like to check out) so it's cool to have someone like her in the industry.

Yeah, basically I've decided to steer well clear of tumblr fandom for this show. I'm not much of a shipper myself (and not fan of romance because it's so rarely done well) and I don't think anime's going to be revolutionary when it comes to representation. That's why I'm content take exactly what's given, no more no less. I'm also not convinced Viktor and Yuuri's relationship was ever meant to be canonically romantic (if it is, then it'd be yet another unexpected ground they're breaking, but if not I won't be surprised at all) so it's highly irritating to see people imposing their lengthy, dramatic interpretations, both the optimistic and pessimistic kind. I guess I'm the rare kind that can afford to actually wait and see the whole picture, and then reflect on it.

I've heard of Magic-kyn, is it funny or just romance? Are you watching Udon no Kuni after all?

fullmetalbender Nov 15, 2016 10:48 PM
Haikyuu is definitely the one mainstream sports anime that I genuinely enjoy, and this season my favourite (minor) character get to shine so it makes me very happy! ^-^

Oh man, to be honest I was rather disappointed at that anime's announcement (way back when I was checking out a bunch of new sport anime to come out this year). The few female-centric sports anime that exist almost always tend to be either ridiculous, overly cutesy, or sexualised, and since Keijo at least one or all of them, I found it to be a literal wasted opportunity. I don't think the lack of sports anime with girls will resign me to lower standards (any more, I should say - the industry's pretty sexist as it is). Although I can see some find it a guilty pleasure or just plain wacky fun, I can't personally agree with any pro-Keijo commentary beyond that I'm afraid.

Indeed, that's probably the most problematic aspect of the YOI fandom. I cannot believe how easily people lose sight of fiction and reality especially when it comes to actual real professionals. Most of the athletes have been very gracious about YOI actually, mentioning it on their social networks and such, so I feel it an extremely poor way to return their friendly engagement with their fans - fans of their skating, which they actually have been doing for a long time way before YOI had ever been conceived. And then there's the ~deep and meaningful~ analysis of every minute second of each episode, taken way out of context to suit either the shippers or the some fatalist brooders. Like?? I wish people would chill??? The anime is excellent at paying attention to detail and hiding easter eggs relating to real-world skating, and I'm also interested in seeing where they go with Viktor ad Yuuri's relationship, but there's a limit to everything and a lot of fans go way beyond and it's been annoying enough to affect my enjoyment of the recent couple of episodes. #rantover >_<

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