"Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu", known in English as "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya", is the greatest anime series ever made. It presents itself as a simple slice-of-life/comedy series, about a strange girl and her even stranger companions. Many people enjoy the series simply as that, and when viewed in that way, it still has much merit as a great show. However, it is so much more than that. I don't want to spoil everything for you, but unlike the vast majority of shows, every single scene has a purpose. No matter how seemingly insignificant, every line of dialouge, camera angle, setting detail, everything is done with purpose. However, this is generally unclear when first watching the series. The first episode when watching in correct (brodcast) order seems completely irrelevant to the show as a whole. You don't even discover what it really was until the end of the first season. After that, the rest of the first season generally presents itself as a slice-of-life/comedy show, with each episode not part of the main arc seeming to have it's only self-containing plot. The non-chronological presentation of the series only further obscures the purpose of each scene. Despite this, the episodes are presnted in such a way that you get to see charachters and relationships develop in a way that seems to the viewer to be chronological, despice the achronolgical timeline of this season. All of this is intentional. Once you get to the second season, things start to come together. You are presented the first season in chronological order, with new episodes added to fill the gaps. These episodes draw everything together, making you start to understaand the purpose of every scene, every line, every camera angle that was presented before. In this season, you gain a much deeper understanding of the charchters, the plot, and the universe which the series takes place in. 5 of these episodes are some of the best, yet not as action-packed, episodes in the series. these 5 episodes add so much depth to Haruhi's charchter. They touch on some of her flaws, which largely were played for comedic effect in the first season. The other 8 of these episodes make up one of the most infamous arcs in anime. This arc is intended to make the viewer mad. Many people simply skip these episodes, seeing them as useless. But this bizzare directorial choice makes complete sense once you get to dissapearance, the greatest part of the series. I am not one to notice things like color pallate, weather, or background music in anime. The haruhi suzumiya series, but ecspecially this movie in particular, makes such amazing use of them that I could not help but notice. I can't really talk about the plot without spoiling it, but just trust me that it is amazing. There are so many great thing about this series that I missed beacause I didn't want to spoil anything, or because I didn't proofread this. But please, just trust me and watch it.
Tldr, you should really watch Haruhi. And make sure to do it in brodcast order, for the first season. It is the greatest anime series every made.
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-NHK ni Youkoso
-Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Tldr, you should really watch Haruhi. And make sure to do it in brodcast order, for the first season. It is the greatest anime series every made.
You got him good