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Omae wo Otaku ni Shiteyaru kara, Ore wo Riajuu ni Shitekure!
Apr 11, 2014 8:21 PM
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There has been many causes of death going around; one mainly known "PuasAnimeList". It would seem that the colours you used are quite... how would you say it... "unique", if you know what I mean. This has to stop NOW, people are dying left and right up and down. It burns, so I beg of you...
PLEASE, please do something about it. It not only BURNS eyes, but it also permanently damaged Lee's eyes. Hence why we use glasses for the rest of our lives. Pua, search it in your own heart. You know that you are killing your own eyes as well. Only you can stop it Pua. Look at your list now, doesn't it sound like a baby is dying every second?
Brendon and Lee.
completed it and everything