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Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
May 13, 2018 3:13 PM
Watching 5/11 · Scored -
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Tokyo Ghoul:re
May 13, 2018 3:12 PM
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Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season
Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season
May 13, 2018 3:12 PM
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Shingeki no Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin
Jan 23, 2018 11:22 AM
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Sep 28, 2017 11:01 AM
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Apr 21, 2017 12:33 PM
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Kitsu-nee Oct 2, 2017 2:55 AM
Hej! Jeśli chodzi o przesunięcie obrazków: wystarczy że na początku kodu umieścisz [*center] i na końcu [/*center] i wszystko powinno być w porządku (usuń tylko * ze środka, wiadomo). Co do obrazków, zazwyczaj zmniejszam je w gimpie, ale tak naprawdę wystarczy zeskalowanie ich w paintcie :D Możesz sprawdzić ile mają te moje szerokości i długości, wpisać u siebie w paintcie podobne wartości i powinno być oki. Ja to też robiłam metodą prób i błędów, więc powinnaś dać radę :) Jakbyś miała jeszcze jakieś pytania, to wal śmiało.
Nevelin Sep 26, 2017 12:55 PM
Tak patrzę na te ulubione postacie i o jejku strasznie to wygląda. Zmniejsz rozdzielczość obrazków w np. paint a potem wrzuć to na jakiegoś hosta. Również usuń spację między kodem, wtedy nie będzie takiego rozjazdu. :d
Uuh Jun 16, 2016 4:22 PM

Ascius Apr 27, 2016 5:03 AM

Sakamoto Mar 1, 2016 8:25 AM
I have never watched Dramtical Murder but I feel like I keep seeing it everywhere. What is it about exactly??

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turquoise_neko Apr 19, 2015 12:25 PM
I also had a horrible Physiology teacher in year II, but luckily we did some recaps in year III at phisiopat. All you can do now is just learn as best as you can.

Also it's true that there aren't many good university assistants(i have only met 3-4 until now) but it depends on your luck. Also you have a lot to work until you make ends meet.
I also don't know korotkov scale well (we actually don't use it) the most important part is to actually put the stetoscope on the patients and listen carefully (it doesn't matter how long you listen, the longer the better actually)(but before that i suggest you study a little because it's not that easy for s beginners to just guess the sound we have to actually find it and you have to look for it with your mind set on that specific sound(i know it sounds weird but it's like this in the beginning) and also listen to murmurs and heart sounds on youtube (very useful!))

Good luck!
turquoise_neko Apr 12, 2015 10:34 AM
They really compressed a lot for you. we also have problems with the minestry because in theory after 6 years we have the residency exam,well they want to change that an add a common tree practice for 2 years(i don't even know how we will be called then interns?)then you take the residency exam. But it hasn't been decided yet although the news is from 2013 (I don't even know what kind of residency I'll be taking)
But I'm enjoining this practical course at the moment it's nicer than the theoretical years(in my opinions). GL and learn Fiziology and pharmacology really well!
Toni-Ann Apr 12, 2015 8:06 AM
Not to the best of my knowledge.
turquoise_neko Apr 10, 2015 1:43 PM
Interesting, I'm not really into BL but i liked the art.
Yeah, I also responded incompletly. I'm year 4 and now we have stagiums (don't know the exact word in english)in which during a period(now it's 2 months) you go to hospital and do only that speciality(cardiology in my case)and I still have 2 more years to go ^^(per total)
What about you prusyxaustria?
Toni-Ann Apr 10, 2015 10:27 AM
I'm a first year med student so I have more free time than the older students due to the set up of the programme. I don't really have as much school work to deal with so that leaves me free, besides we get study breaks before exams.

The time consuming part happens in later years.

Anime and manga aren't banned in China. It's just that certain sites do not work well here because one of the source websites is blocked. I don't understand the nature of the Chinese firewall but anything to do with Google is blocked. If you use kissanime then you should find another site, it does not work here.
turquoise_neko Apr 9, 2015 1:12 PM
I like the last picture from your About me section (also the first one from Angel beats). What anime is it from?
turquoise_neko Apr 9, 2015 10:52 AM
Hey! Nice to meet a fellow med student. Cardio at the moment ^^
Lime-- Mar 11, 2015 3:12 PM
Siemka! To super warunki. Cieszę się że udało ci się zrealizować plany o osobnym mieszkaniu. Piszesz o ciszy i spokoju to pewnie nie masz żadnych współlokatorów? :p

E no, to ekstra wiadomość. Egzaminy są najważniejsze więc jak wszystkie zdałaś w pierwszym terminie to miód malina. A któryś wspominasz szczególnie ciężko?

No to dobrze że znajdujesz na wszystko czas. Ja ostatnio mam z tym problem bo w pracy siedzę od 9-17, czyli w zasadzie mam zagospodarowany cały dzień. Ale jak na razie znalazłam dwa zajęcia, do tego oba w zawodzie więc jestem zadowolona. Nawet jakoś udaje mi się je łączyć na razie O_o Mam nadzieję że dalej tak będzie.
Lime-- Mar 5, 2015 11:22 AM
Siemka, jak tam żyjesz? Nie wiem czy coś odpiszesz, ale co mi szkodzi spróbować :)
KumoKojiki Dec 27, 2014 2:39 AM
Also not all movies aee for adults, many are for 12 years old.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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