All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 114.6
Mean Score:
- Watching14
- Completed270
- On-Hold30
- Dropped25
- Plan to Watch51
- Total Entries390
- Rewatched8
- Episodes6,920
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 32.4
Mean Score:
- Reading58
- Completed164
- On-Hold43
- Dropped21
- Plan to Read59
- Total Entries345
- Reread0
- Chapters5,823
- Volumes371
All Comments (2672) Comments
kinda simple but... love the santa lion? xD
all the best and a happy new 2017
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. May this joyful season greet you with health and happiness.
why can't u live for a moment and give me contact qwq
have a fabulous dayyyy~
or hope you did
whatever you celebrate
whenever ;P
this year has been rather hectic
no computer to make anything fancy atm
so I'm going with bbcode stuff instead
since my layout is bbcode, why not?
I hope you're having an enjoyable holiday
with all the goodies of the season~ food, friends, presents, etc
message to Lily
n where r chu? I miss u ;w;
Hey Everybody, very serious message from le Creator of RACE
Please read carefully
So to reply...
[spoiler][size=90]pffft lol. Their friendship is nice but it's kind of distant, so it feels bossy to me xP ofc their friendship should be the best in PH, they're both kind and caring >-> I don't know what kind of friendships I like in PH though, maybe Elliot and Oz, it's damn full of feels.
The manga ended! I should finish it asap, but I can't.. I want it to last forever >A<
yes I took my time.. damned sports fest grrr
Uhh, you're prob grieving the manga ended more ehe... I kinda lost the courage to read more PH, gonna take time to soothe meh heartbreak before the next death xDD
How did ya like A/Z finale? I sorta knew Inaho would be alive haha. It was a pleasant surprise that Slaine lived though, I was expecting him to die a lonely death ;_; un I liked the ending. it was puurrfecto x3 Seylum and gas mask was badass btw.
lol I don't get how complicated you think. Are you good at your studies? xD and Free! ES stands for Free! Eternal Summer XD
I will. I will. When there's time. No way am I gonna miss any game to anime adaption in the world :P
Tennis kinda bores me. Snooker is more interesting, there's strategy. Bowling is mostly because my papa takes over the tv and we (used to) have only one.
Depends. I can be sad at times and I can laugh at times >-> But I do believe the fun factor increases when you see somethiing run away =w=
I object! Light definitely wasn't out of character at all. Someone with his ego will never admit there is more than one worthy rival of his in the world. So he was careless in the end. Mikami was okay to me too, anyone who lives for revenge always take actions into their own hands~ Yeah, the ending was mostly based on coincidence....but I guess it takes luck to kill a note killer. um... /tracks back to old comments/ I get that Light had too much doting from the author though, too many coicidences happened in his favor XD mostly with Misora Naomi.
2 lines that are very insulting is good enough o.o
ahem. I see you have not done anything about deliveries yet. right? :P
lol okay okay. since I'm responsible, I shall be your partner in dj hunts XD I read a Inaho x Slaine dj btw... it shattered my image of them both >,> can you hear the sound of glass breaking? xP I do have ships that can withstand the manly image though, that's Kaito x Shinichi or Heiji x Shinichi xD The rest...I sacrifice their manly images to satisfy my fujoshi lusts mwaaaahahaha XDD luckily the range of my lust is negligible lol, it still broke a lot of images though
Yes I will die too, on purpose. Hence, no one but me can defeat me xD and I don't care if I get flamed, I'm as cool as cucumber so it won't get hot x'3 If not, let them burn! They can't punch me over the monitor anyway. And a real friend will always understand me and my reasons <3
What you said makes sense. I like that about him too! his directing skills is very unique *o*
Haha, I didn't mean to say anything provocative. did I? o3o
So that means you wanna make an A/Z layout?? dat would be so cool +.+ what do you mean by lively colors btw? got any examples to show :3
PS: and you can call me Rizzy if you want lol. never thought my username could come out that way XD what should I call you? Lily-chan? Princess? xD
I wrote a lot right right oh damnit /uses spoiler tab/