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Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku
Jun 27, 2015 7:28 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 5
Sword Art Online II
Sword Art Online II
May 15, 2015 7:31 PM
Completed 24/24 · Scored 2
Black Lagoon
Black Lagoon
Sep 30, 2014 12:43 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 7
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scoobapro Jan 3, 2015 5:55 PM
why do you have so many comments, this is chris btw
Mogar97 Dec 5, 2014 12:51 PM
I can recommend a pepsi to you
Veralian Oct 19, 2014 1:21 PM
Finally,someone giving some real justice to SAO II.
PersonaSimon Oct 8, 2014 6:20 PM
I like you......alot
Tristna Oct 5, 2014 9:56 AM
Holy shit, that SAO II review was amazing xD you are the man :')
Fukiri Oct 3, 2014 5:02 PM
Regarding your SAO II review: THANK YOU.

Seriously, after watching the latest episode I was so disgusted and pissed off (not that I wasn't before, but it just got worse) that it was frankly pleasant to see someone with common sense reviewing that turd.

I commend you, sir.
Julle Oct 1, 2014 6:35 AM
While I agree that the first SAO season really was horrible (except ep 1 & 2), I cant agree with you on this. This new season may not be a favorite to everyone, and people should respect that. What I dont understand however, is how you can give the series a 2 out of 10. It may not be your type of series, but it's still worth more than a 2. The soundtracks and animation deserves more than that alone.
TheUnsend Sep 30, 2014 1:12 PM
I like you.
okeneko Sep 30, 2014 10:29 AM
I don't like you.
Gikiseima Sep 29, 2014 8:37 AM
that i call a review btw nice sao review !
Asunaaaaa Sep 29, 2014 3:16 AM
dat anime ratings :D
Infatuate Sep 28, 2014 5:00 PM
Man do I hate wannabe elitist pieces of shit...
Fall Sep 20, 2014 12:27 AM
…Okay, that may have been a blunder on my part. I'd forgotten that Yukino was essentially perfect, so maybe 'some respects' might have fit better. Though, I will admit that I tend to be a contrarian at times.

That's precisely the reason why I don't like the anime you gave in the example, despite how contradictory that may be. However, in this show, there are episodes that show how they manage to get closer to each other. Take episode 6, which has no main plot that involves the service club helping each other people. It delves right into their problems, and they manage to get closer. I can see how it may still be a bit contrived for them to have gotten as close as they did in the end, but it's not as if they got closer for literally no reason. Yes, the episode focused on Yui and Hachiman, but if we re-watch the episode, we can see that it focuses on Yukino as well. In a later episode, Yukino confronts Hachiman, but Hachiman forgives her for it (though he is disgusted with himself at the time) and he realises that he forced an ideal onto Yukino. It's at this point that they start to get closer to each other, because Hachiman starts to think of Yukino as a real person -- one who lies and not like the idealistic version Hachiman pictured. That's what I think, anyway.

In another episode, Hachiman is asked what he thinks of Yukino. He replies with what you think he would reply with; "Quite unpleasant." I assume he considered with that sentiment for quite some time. That is, until episode 9. They start to get closer from that point on. In episode 11, Yukino insults Hachiman for being a weirdo, but this time it's friendly banter. There's no ill sentiment, and they even wave goodbye to each other (in a semi-awkward manner). I don't find it strange at all.

Well, they are different people. Hachiman needed to be befriend Saika to advance the plot, so there's that, I suppose. I don't really have any good reason for it, it's just that Yukino isn't the kind of person that will open up readily. Hachiman on the other hand is a lot more open, I feel. Even when she's trying to be open with Hachiman, the exchange feels a lot more awkward with Yukino than it does with Hachiman (episode 11).

I know what you're point is, but it seems we have different ideas and different opinions about what makes a good character and even more-so, Yukino herself. You're right in concluding this debate prematurely, since I doubt we'll be able to reach a conclusion at this rate.
Fall Sep 19, 2014 10:07 PM
She's certainly not relatable. I think the point of making her perfect was, as Hachiman even states in the first episode, to show that even if someone was viewed as perfect, they still have problems. During the whole series, this kind of thing is dealt with. Even though she's viewed as 'perfect', her sister is still better than her. It feels like her original point was to progress the plot, but characterisation was also given to her and really make her a stable character. I'm not saying that she's a 'perfect' character (ironically), but I do feel that you rated the characters too harshly.

Unfortunately, this is based off of a light novel series, so your theory about it being some forced 'heartfelt' scene is incorrect. There are hints all over the place that the three are getting close to each other as the series progresses. Take episode 3, where instead of responding with complete apathy, Yukino fumbles with her words when she tells her that she doesn't care if she considers her a friend. Her responding to Yui with belittlement and apathy was because she didn't know how else to deal with this thing called 'friendship' that was alien to her, wasn't it? Maybe she just didn't want to get cloes to anyone. Either way, in episode 11, she fully realised that she was being hard on Yui because of this and she reached out to Yui.

My point is that I feel that you've rated them too harshly.
Fall Sep 19, 2014 8:24 PM
I, myself, was persecuted for being annoying while actually just trying to be open for a large portion of my school life. Whether it be excluding me from groups or making fun of me wherever I was forced to interact with them, I was persecuted by them. That did have a similar effect on my personality to Yukino's. I'd say that I'm a lot like Yukino in many respects at this point. All that through persecution. Even though I used to want to be friends with other people and I'd even try to open up to them. What did I get? Persecution. Persecution, even if it may seem minimal, can have a great effect on someone. Hell, I'd say that Yukino was persecuted even more than me. I never had anything of mine stolen, even though people would constantly walk up to me when they saw me just to make fun of me. It's not a good feeling being rejected by anyone and everyone, trust me on that. What can you do but develop a defence mechanism? That harsh personality of Yukino's is hers. Isolation really does something to you. I suppose I emphasise with her more than anything.

Yukino doesn't just toss snide remarks at her without provocation; while the insulting might be unnecessary, she does make valid points. Yumiko can't respond because it's true. She's just imposing her one-sided opinion on Yui. And if you want to talk about being rude, then Yumiko is being just as rude to Yukino as she is.

I'll admit, the only reason that Yukino actually gives that reasoning is because Hachiman needs to stay with the Service Club to further the plot, but he must also display that he wants to leave. This is something I can't defend, since Hachiman readily accepts Yukino's contrived line of reasoning even though the situations are different. Though, it does seem like Hachiman is isolated wherever he goes, and it doesn't seem like he would be too friendly with the other people in the tennis club. Even though the club wants members, I assume Hachiman thinks of himself as the Queen of spades; no one wants him. Hell, the same thing happened to me once. The basketball club wanted more members, but they didn't want me. Even though I was fairly good at basketball, I was deemed annoying,a s I've said before. They were even the ones who drew up that Queen of Spades comparison for me. I assume that Hachiman thinks the same way about this.

The two situations are connected because they use the same line of reasoning. Even if the motivations and actions are completely different, the line of reasoning still works. The motivations and actions may be entirely different, but they both prove one thing: A common enemy best defines a team (or something to that effect). It's because their motivations and actions are entirely different that it gives weight to that line of reasoning. It's not situational.

In episode 11, Yui opened up to Yukino, and she didn't just insult or attack her, she actually opened up to her and said that she wanted to be friends (essentially, anyway). Yukino makes good points and Yumiko is being rude in the same way. She's condescending, sure. It's even lamp-shaded in episode 7. But, more often than not, she's right (at least, according to Shizuka).

But Yukino isn't just that outer facade. When Yui opened up to her and even asked to be her friend, Yukino wasn't cold, rude or insulting. That is what best displays Yukino as she really is.
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