i rock,,,not much more to say.. XD
joking.. theres loads about me so here goes...
i love pasta...
i love art and drawing.. manga rocks and im pretty good at most stuff...
i read alot... love twilight and am reading the whole series again for the 6th time.. :P... im pretty obsessed and love the film..ps. rob pattinson and taylor lautner are HOT...
love ma bf spudninja... he rocks..
best time ever wuz the school of rock week we had at school for activities week.i made great friends.
i can play the piano and have taken up electric guitar.. im ok for a begginer.. i also sing.. i love it although im pretty shy.
i live for my friends...
woop woop dom,
matt x x x x ,
emz x,
etc... XD
i love music and listen to just about everything . x x x rock is my fav especially linkin park, greenday and muse. x x x x
and omg...HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD are the best!!! love them to bits..speciallies deuce!! :D
just post if you wanna chat. x x x xx
cant wait. x x x x x
ps.. i have a hilarious sense of humor and can be pretty sad. my laugh is gay and annoying but altogether im pretty cool. x x x x x
love you guys. x x x x x x x
pps.. i bake.x x xx x i rock at that too and love it. x x x mmmm food. x x
bye for now. x x x
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