All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 40.2
Mean Score:
- Watching13
- Completed161
- On-Hold22
- Dropped45
- Plan to Watch487
- Total Entries728
- Rewatched11
- Episodes2,303
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 33.7
Mean Score:
- Reading11
- Completed91
- On-Hold39
- Dropped48
- Plan to Read514
- Total Entries703
- Reread17
- Chapters4,425
- Volumes396
All Comments (5) Comments
also nice pfp yourself
Also, you should definitely watch NHK Ni Youkoso. I don't know how your life has been since that last time we talked about your time in school and your dorm, but I think you could somewhat relate to that alienation-feel that's going on in this series.
I have so many to suggest but it's fleeing out of my mind for now. If you have any suggestions yourself, please go ahead, even though it's not Japanese!