I was just searching the internet for websites regarding manga & I found a great website that has it all so I wanted to share it here, http://www.mangauk.com/
Haha, we're pretty much forced to get our things together at this point of life, since we're deciding on what specific education we're interested in, which will define our future worklife :3
Japanese campus course, is a japanese course where you stay out on the campus, and pretty much live there for a set time, meanwhile you're taught japanese!
My summer has been great, with lots of fun and meeting new people. Pre-summer was probably best. I had to work throughout the summer - but i did meet a lot of new people :3
Well.. i graduated high school this year. I decided to take a half year break from education, to collect some money together, to an half year japanese campuis course. So i'll hopefully be entering university next summer :P
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They also have articles on subjects like Angle Beats here, http://www.mangauk.com/?p=after-life
They even have a great comic that comes out once every week check that out here, http://www.knowyouranime.com/
what about you? where are you from?
Japanese campus course, is a japanese course where you stay out on the campus, and pretty much live there for a set time, meanwhile you're taught japanese!
My summer has been great, with lots of fun and meeting new people. Pre-summer was probably best. I had to work throughout the summer - but i did meet a lot of new people :3
Well.. i graduated high school this year. I decided to take a half year break from education, to collect some money together, to an half year japanese campuis course. So i'll hopefully be entering university next summer :P
What about you?!
And truly, it's been a while! A very long one! How're you doing?! How far with life have you come? XD