All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 73.1
Mean Score:
- Watching19
- Completed188
- On-Hold47
- Dropped4
- Plan to Watch135
- Total Entries393
- Rewatched0
- Episodes4,326
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 8.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries72
- Reread0
- Chapters1,306
- Volumes127
All Comments (128) Comments
Now we are in second place,but we need just a few hundred votes to reach FIRST place! Help Shinee to become THE BEST KPOP GROUP 2011.
Thank u for voting
I need some catching up to do.
I haven't watch or read and anime and manga for a long time!!! T^T
Yeah, it's Allen after all 8D Glad you like it ^^
Please save and re-host it :D
Sorry again for the long wait!
Please save the card and re-host it because I may delete it.
And if anything is wrong, let me know! =)
Remember to save and rehost~
If you have any questions or concerns, drop a comment on my profile, or send a PM~
I have trouble with the hands, but I'm improving!!
and i love the hair of my drawing. The clothing too sometimes.....
I love drawing the clothes though. You can make them wear anything!!! >.<
It would be cool if you did add the nutrition!!
It doesn't even look like it was painted.
I draw really random stuff. I really can't draw poses or sides yet.
I think that poses are fine though, but not sides!!! >.<
I should show you one day if I can. ^^
and then you can show me yours.
It's so cute!!!
How do you wear it and get it to look like an actual one?
I can sew a little bit.
I'm taking a sewing class and well I'm not that good. -_-;
The only thing I'm good at is drawing I guess? At least that's what my friends say..... but I can never draw their faces.....
Remember to save it!!