I am an average girl who's majoring in pharmacy. I like to consider myself as an open-minded person. I like trying new things always and am very fond of traveling although I only happened to travel once. I like watching both anime and K-dramas. Also very curious about knowing more about everything whether it's about different cultures, science, philosophies, religions, languages, etc.
I am also very sporty. When it comes to music, I don't mind any genera as long as the song/music itself is good but I love rock and metal a lot, also K-pop and jazz. I play violin too.
As for anime, I like romcom, psychology, drama, slice of life, mystery, seinen and history.
I tend to be shy at first but once you get to know me and I am comfortable enough, you'd find me crazy, fun and outgoing.
I love coffee, dancing around, animals and food.
I hate routine, women who don't know their values and accept to be treated like trash, people who only follow what society tells them and don't have opinions of their own, people who mistreat animals and nature, extreme religious people, sexists, people who claim to know it all and people who meddle in others' lives
Finally.....Dogs are a bless. <3
My Favorite anime:(Not in any particular order)
-Zankyou no terror
-Death note
-Mawaru Penguindrum
-The monogatari series
-Mahou shoujo Madoka Magica
-Kimi ga nozomu eien
-Kokoro Connect
-Devil survivor the animation 2
-Shigatsu wa kimi no uso
-Shinsekai Yori
-Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
-Cyborg 009
-Nagi no Asukara
-Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
-Sousou no Frieren
-Koi wa Ameagari no You ni
-Skip to loafers
-3-gatsu no lion
My Favorite anime movies:(not in any order too)
-Spirited Away
-Howl's Moving Castle
-Bakemono no ko
-Perfect Blue
-The girl who leapt through time
-Miellennium Actress
-Summer Wars
-Wolf Children
-Anthem of the heart
-Whisper of the heart
-Kaguya-hime no monogatari
-Only Yesterday
-A Silent Voice
-Tekken Kenkreet
-Flanders no inu
-Princess Mononoke
-Tokyo Godfathers
-My Sister Momoko
Quotes from my favorite animes:(still not complete)
-" I no longer even dream, for I no longer sleep. So i had this golden enclosed garden made. However, now the only place where i can be myself is this room and my wealth is this one glass of water. "
-" This is marvelous, youth is such a wonderful thing. Endless possibilities, hopes and dreams, and passion unencumbered. "
-" Everyone has a sword within their hearts; the purer the heart, the sharper the sword."
Death Note:
- " Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. "
-" However gifted you are...you alone can't change the world. "
-" There are many types of monsters that scare me: Monsters who cause troubles without showing themselves, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who suck blood… and then, monsters who tell nothing but lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance: They are much more cunning than others: They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart; they eat even though they’ve never experienced hunger; they study even though they have no interest in academics; they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such monsters, I would likely be eaten by them… because in truth, I am that monster.."
-" If you feel like crying, you shouldn't hold back your tears. You shouldn't let it all out while you still can..because when you get bigger, sometimes you can't cry even if you have something to cry about. "
-" Fun things, happy things...they can't possibly stay unchanged. Even so, can you continue loving this place? "
-" We didn't give up on our dreams, we changed our dreams into your dream..
That's what parents do, that's what family does. "
-" I shall grieve, and I shall weep. But I shall never regret. "
-" If you act only on what you should do without heed for what you want to do, you’re nothing more than a machine, a phenomenon. "
-" One’s true worth shows as hardship increases. "
Fate/Stay Night:
-" The weakness that had accepted death now became the strength of wanting to live."
-" Some things are beautiful exactly because they're unobtainable. "
-"It is the path you have chosen. Take pride in it."
-"You ideals will die along with you."
Devil survivor:
-" Everybody’s weak. That’s why we rely on others. We live by helping one another. We can say, we need one another. I’ve been able to survive because I have you and the others. "
-" This is all that remains of the world. Though we knew it was coming, it’s pretty shocking, huh? The disappearance not of matter but of awareness, of ideals. Not death. Something even more pure. The fact that we life-forms ever existed…… Our past, present and future, it will all disappear. "
-" Surviving means continuing to shoulder one’s burden. When you can’t handle that strain, then you’ll be the one to die next. "
عادي م عملت حاجة XD
اول جزء من دانجان كان رهيب فعلا والنهاية جميل بس حزنت شوي على الشريرة جونكو كانت رهيبة
بعد الجزء الاول في لعبة الثاني برضو حلو بس ممكن تقولي احداثها مؤثرة اكثر من الاول
يمكن اتحمس لطوكيو غول لما يقرب الموسم الثالث بس حاليا منشغل بلستته انميات كثيرة
احل اجاز الي تكون انمي و مسلسلا مشاهد ممتعة
بسالك كيف سرعة النت عندكم سريع ولا يجلط زينا
مازا تابعين من انميات الشتاء
عادي خذي وقتك بالرد ما لازم تردي بسرعة نهائيا °ω°
اوكي اول م تخلصيه اعطيني رايك عندي فيه تساؤلات
اها توقعتك لعبتي اللعبة او شفتي الانمي
بس لازم تشوفي الانمي رهيب فعلا
محتار فعلا اشاهد الثاني من طوكيو غول الاغلبية يقولون الثاني فلر مختلف من المانجا كليا
قد اشاهد المانجا كثيرين نصحوني بها
ومبروك انتهاء اختباراتك استغلي اجازتك كويس XD
You are Welcome! :D Great!
See. I knew that would happen. xD
Haha! That's because of my Religion. I am a Muslim. :D
I fasted because of Arafat. If you want to know look it up. :)
Welcome! :D
Yes. I am. Aside from lack of sleep due to a Full Schedule Day and Night. Been a lot busy with doing both Student/Associate Lecturer in the University while also being a Private
Tutor in the Weekends.
Really Great, I still have 3 more exams on Monday and Wednesday.
I see. Welcome! Are you prepared for the Exams?
It's fine. I don't mind. Take your time. :D
Happy Halloween!!
I am sure you will be more lucky from now on! Just believe more in yourself from now on. xD
That's a better name than Mario i think. When someone says Mario all I can think of is about the game. ^^
Thanks for worrying! I appreciate it! I am taking medicines daily except on the past Tuesday and Wednesday I was fasting.
I am glad to hear that it wasn't that bad. Glad you are better! :D
I am feeling a lot better now. Just a Cold for now and some Chest Pain. For now I am preparing for the Exams that is to be held on 20th October of this month.
How are you doing?
Yeah! I guess so! :D
Wow you're lucky. I am glad it was fixed. xD
I see. That's a Nice. What was the name you were gonna give?
Awww! ><
Yes. Quite better now. Only feel bad from time to time.
Is it bad? How are you feeling?
It's fine. My Reply is also quite late after all.
يب مأجل اورانج حاليا اتابع amaama
و مستمتع به جدا جميلة انميات السلايس اوف لايف
وكمان الشخصيات جميلة
اها كويس باراكامون ممكن تتابعيه بعد هاندا كون
باراكامون جميل جدا قيمته ب 9
اها تفضلين شافت انا افضل استوديو بالنسبة لي سنرايز
اها كويس اللعبة طويلة موفقة
اهلا بك في عالم الغير معيدين XD
حتي انا شفتها لقيت فيها كم انمي كذا يستاهلون بس انميات الصيف كانت افضل
اها اورانج سمعت عنه كلام كثير علي كل هو برضو منتظره يخلص
كثرت الانمات الي. منتظرها تخلص
Handa kun اتابعه حاليا عادي هو من نفس بطل باراكامون بس ايام الثانوي
بس ما يصل لمستوى باراكامون
91days برضو منتظره يخلص بس يقولون بدايته حماسية بعدها مستواه ينزل
يب اكيد شفته في نفس وقت عرضه درامي محزن جدا
جميل جدا ومثل م قلتي انت كما متوقع من استوديو شافت
تابعتي Danganronpa ولا لسا ?
All Comments (347) Comments
حبيت اضيفك
Main Site | Site Forum | Voting Page | Mal Club | Mal Thread
I'm fine and you :D?
how about your day?
اول جزء من دانجان كان رهيب فعلا والنهاية جميل بس حزنت شوي على الشريرة جونكو كانت رهيبة
بعد الجزء الاول في لعبة الثاني برضو حلو بس ممكن تقولي احداثها مؤثرة اكثر من الاول
يمكن اتحمس لطوكيو غول لما يقرب الموسم الثالث بس حاليا منشغل بلستته انميات كثيرة
احل اجاز الي تكون انمي و مسلسلا مشاهد ممتعة
بسالك كيف سرعة النت عندكم سريع ولا يجلط زينا
مازا تابعين من انميات الشتاء
اوكي اول م تخلصيه اعطيني رايك عندي فيه تساؤلات
اها توقعتك لعبتي اللعبة او شفتي الانمي
بس لازم تشوفي الانمي رهيب فعلا
محتار فعلا اشاهد الثاني من طوكيو غول الاغلبية يقولون الثاني فلر مختلف من المانجا كليا
قد اشاهد المانجا كثيرين نصحوني بها
ومبروك انتهاء اختباراتك استغلي اجازتك كويس XD
عادي خدي وقتك اصلا انا بقيت اتكاسل في التعليقات خخخ ")
تمام بعدها اعطيني رايك فيهم
لازم تتفرجيه كود جيس
م تابعتي كود جيس و تسمي نفسك اوتاكو XD
خدي وقتك اصلا اللعبة طويلة
بسالك اذا م عندك مانع
انا مسوية نادي للعبة م لعبتيها ? ولا علشان الانمي ?
انا بس خلصت الاول م اظن اكمله
ههههههه الغريب انا بس الاوفا الي عجبتني اظن كان اسمها جاك ولا حاجة زي كدا
See. I knew that would happen. xD
Haha! That's because of my Religion. I am a Muslim. :D
I fasted because of Arafat. If you want to know look it up. :)
Welcome! :D
Yes. I am. Aside from lack of sleep due to a Full Schedule Day and Night. Been a lot busy with doing both Student/Associate Lecturer in the University while also being a Private
Tutor in the Weekends.
Really Great, I still have 3 more exams on Monday and Wednesday.
I see. Welcome! Are you prepared for the Exams?
It's fine. I don't mind. Take your time. :D
Happy Halloween!!
That's a better name than Mario i think. When someone says Mario all I can think of is about the game. ^^
Thanks for worrying! I appreciate it! I am taking medicines daily except on the past Tuesday and Wednesday I was fasting.
I am glad to hear that it wasn't that bad. Glad you are better! :D
I am feeling a lot better now. Just a Cold for now and some Chest Pain. For now I am preparing for the Exams that is to be held on 20th October of this month.
How are you doing?
Amama كانت بدايته جميلة جدا بس
بس حاليا حلقاته تقريبا تكرار للاحداث
يفضل تتابعي هاندا اولا رغم انه مو مرتبط كثيرا بس علشان تعرفي ماضي هاندا و كذا
بس باراكامون افضل من هاندا بسنوات ضوئية *^*
غريب م تعرفي سنرايز من انمياتهم
Code geass
اوكي انا خبير نوعا ما في دانجان رونبا اذا احتجتي مساعدة انا حاضر
اها كويس اتمني يكون طوكيو غول اعجبك
انا بس شفت الاول و م عجبني كثيرا
وكمان شفت اوفا جاك كانت كويسة
Wow you're lucky. I am glad it was fixed. xD
I see. That's a Nice. What was the name you were gonna give?
Awww! ><
Yes. Quite better now. Only feel bad from time to time.
Is it bad? How are you feeling?
It's fine. My Reply is also quite late after all.
و مستمتع به جدا جميلة انميات السلايس اوف لايف
وكمان الشخصيات جميلة
اها كويس باراكامون ممكن تتابعيه بعد هاندا كون
باراكامون جميل جدا قيمته ب 9
اها تفضلين شافت انا افضل استوديو بالنسبة لي سنرايز
اها كويس اللعبة طويلة موفقة
حتي انا شفتها لقيت فيها كم انمي كذا يستاهلون بس انميات الصيف كانت افضل
اها اورانج سمعت عنه كلام كثير علي كل هو برضو منتظره يخلص
كثرت الانمات الي. منتظرها تخلص
Handa kun اتابعه حاليا عادي هو من نفس بطل باراكامون بس ايام الثانوي
بس ما يصل لمستوى باراكامون
91days برضو منتظره يخلص بس يقولون بدايته حماسية بعدها مستواه ينزل
يب اكيد شفته في نفس وقت عرضه درامي محزن جدا
جميل جدا ومثل م قلتي انت كما متوقع من استوديو شافت
تابعتي Danganronpa ولا لسا ?