All yaoi seems pointless, tasteless pandering. Fujobait series or fleeting fujo nods in non-fujobait series tho...
If you know of any yaoi manga not already on my list that isn't vapid training-bra bullshit, please tip me off.
Here's my offer: if Hetalia doesn't break you out in hives and if you think you can somehow suffer GerIta, go read ������ / Defeat of Man by Zaria NOW. It's everything good yaoi (and great doujinshi) should be. Also, it's beautifully drawn.
edit// from licenced, stand-alone yaoi, you MUST check out Lies Are a Gentleman's Manners
Damn Grandpa or Dad this is a firehose!
Tag key:
BL: man-on-man for female audience, however focuses on romance with little to no sexy scenes.
Different: there's something with this series that makes it really stand apart.
Fujobait: series that regardless of their official target audience pander to the fujos. Comes in many forms.
Kiddie: series aimed for child audience.
ShimoHiro: it has Shimono Hiro. I might have watched it for that reason alone.
Shota: man/shota-on-shota for male audience.
TAP: tits, ass, panties. Rare tag on my list for obvious reasons.
TBY, training bra yaoi: highly formulaic, cutesy kind-of-yaoi where sexiness is dulled down to the level where it doesn't feel too dirty or threatening to the target audience, who either wear training bra or would if their bodily development followed the maturity of their taste.
Yaoi: well, yaoi. Sexy man-on-man for female audience.
Rating key:
Overall: my ratings are based on personal experience. Production values and other such things may or might not affect the score I give.
Generally I like clever/intelligent series that aren't too predictable. Characters should have some charm and have good chemistry with each other. Understated or unique humour as well as subversions or parodies of tired tropes are always a bonus. Fresh themes or settings are also good for ratings. I have a lot of pet peeves but am willing to forgive everything if the good aspects of the work keep me occupied. Lowest scores go to works that cannot hold my interest as a viewer and make me stoop into hateful critic mode full-time.
10 Masterpiece: Excellence in every aspect is not a requirement but the shortcomings should be so minor as to be easy to ignore. High rewatch value. Few weaker moments, if any.
9 Great: Very enjoyable, but not as consistently great as a 10. May have minor flaws that are evident to me without analysis.
8 Very good: Very enjoyable, but not without flaws.
7 Good: Enjoyable, with some noticeable flaws.
6 Fine: Mostly "meh", but with some redeeming quality that gives a more positive overall feeling.
5 Mediocre: The "meh" score: nothing really stands out.
4 Bad: Mostly "meh", but either boring or annoying enough to migrate towards the lower end of the scale.
3 Awful: Fails to please me. However it is not without aspects I can see could entertain a different taste.
2 Horrible: Likely to be supremely boring. If it has some good aspects they are heavily overshadowed by all the crap.
1 Appaling: Even worse. Basic values (story, characters, genre elements) are executed poorly or even ignored. If it has fanservice it feels mechanical and comes off unappealing. The art and writing might be bad or even laughable.Any positive things to say about such a work are minor and cannot save the experience.
Note to self: comment Muumin, Gravi, Kaiji, BnP, and everything really
Note to self: finally do something about that waifu listing.
Joo, jos muistan oikeen niin se tuli katottua ja luettua sitä tahtia kun ilmestyi, alusta asti. Ja jos oikein muistan niin animesta, varsinkin vikalta kaudelta, jätettiin mangaan verrattuna aika paljon pois. Muistaakseni ainakin yksi tarinakaari jäi kokonaan pois. Eli jos kiinnostusta riittää lukea manga animen perään niin voin suositella ihan siltä pohjalta, että osa tarinasta jäi animesta pois. :P
Yksinkertaisin toteutus vertaisi vain sarjojen välisiä eroja. Esim henkilö A antaa sarjalle a 6 ja sarjalle b 8, kun taas henkilö B antaa a:lle 8 ja b:lle 10. Jos algoritmi tarkastelee vain sarjojen välisiä eroja on molemmilla b:n pisteet 2 suurempi kuin a:n ja siten yhteensopivuus olisi 100%. Elegantimpi algoritmi painottaisi myös käyttäjien asteikkojen eroa jotenkin, esim jos B antaisikin 7 ja 9 niin yhteensopivuus olisi parempi kuin alkuperäisessä esimerkissä. Sarjojen väliset suuruudet ovat yhä samat, mutta asteikot ovat lähempänä toisiaan.
Olisi kiinnostavaa, jos pääsis kattomaan tarkemmin miten se algoritmi toimii. Toisaalta se on hyvä, että sillä löytää samankaltaiset tulokset, vaikka käyttäjien asteikot oliskin hieman eri tasolla, mutta jos joku, joka esimerkiksi antaa kaikille sarjoille 6, saa 100% sopivuuden sellaisen kanssa, joka antaa kaikille 10, kuulostaa sekin vähän oudolta. Huono esimerkki sinäänsä, sillä saattaisivathan tollaiset tapaukset ollakin tietyssä mielessä yhteensopivat...
No joo, paljon pienemmillä piste-eroilla on muiden kanssa ollu matalammat prosentit, mutta kai se kattoo sitäkin että jos se ero on kautta linjan samansuuruista niin se ei näy prosenteissa yhtä paljon kun jos erojen suuruus vaihtelee sarjasta toiseen.
Kattelin itekkin että melkoisen korkeet prosentit. Pistää kyllä miettimään mihin noi pohjautuu kun ite pisteissä on joissain sarjoissa aika reilustikin heittoa.
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