All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 176.8
Mean Score:
- Watching47
- Completed438
- On-Hold11
- Dropped37
- Plan to Watch99
- Total Entries632
- Rewatched88
- Episodes10,785
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 33.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries95
- Reread4
- Chapters4,758
- Volumes377
All Comments (46) Comments
Remember everyone: Baby Steps > your favourite manga hahaha
wish you many many happy returns of the day, have a good one!
Yeah, I finished it few days ago, it was great.
Now coming to your other point. No, I never rated it a 1 so that I could present it in the worst light possible. I rated it a 1 even before I had thought I'd make a review for Overlord III.
I gave art a 2 because it had characters which looked the same. So I don't know which one requires more effort, the one with characters looking the same or the one with characters looking different. The 3D animation looked cheap and disgusting. This season didn't put effort in drawing new characters. Hence, contributed nothing at all.
I gave sound a 2, since voice acting of the main characters has been done from the first season, which isn't impressive anymore. As for the new characters, it was satisfactory. The same goes for the osts. Which in my opinion deserves a 2 or may be a 3, nothing above than this. But either way it wouldn't change the overall score, anyway. This season hasn't done anything.
No, I don't know the sole reason. Because what I stated in my review is true. Also, the review scores on MAL are never objective, rather they're subjective. And from my perspective, it's very reasonable, since this season didn't do anything.