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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Apr 3, 2012 3:18 PM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 24.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries25
- Reread0
- Chapters4,365
- Volumes105
All Comments (21) Comments
have a good one.
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I agree with your opinion of Gundam WIng.
That's my favorite of the Gundam series with GSeed being next.
I must have watched Gundam Wing about a thousand or more times since I was 15 when I first saw it.
I love it. I really do. I have the manga that takes place before the animated series that's called: Episode Zero. And I have the 2 that take place after the series and before Endlass Waltz. Their called "Ground Zero" and "Blind Target".
I just love the way Heero and Relena's relationship grows.
I love the way all of the characters grow and their relationships devlope throughout it.
I even named one of my cats "Quatre" after Quatre Winner ^^
Did you hear about the new Gundam Wing Manga? It's suppose to take place about 15 years later. I hope it does well. I can't wait to read it, I was so excited when I heard about it.
Ah, well.... You'd have no way of knowing, especially looking at my list. I have a really long favorites list... but it's messy ATM - as is most of my profile info, because of that hacker we had a while back.... but, actually I don't really like Mecha anime to be honest.
I don't hate it of course.... but it's not something I'm overly interested in... not in the sense of "If it has a giant robot in it I'll watch it no matter what" anyway. If I was, then I'd have watched every single Macross and Gundam series there was regardless.
I'm interested in the ones that have a number of elements in them, such as:
(Good music like in Macross Frontier, Macross/Robotech(the one that takes place after 1999 in the story- I think that was possibly the original- made around the year I was born) GSeed, GW and G00)
Romance/Drama/Comedy-with likable characters:
Sho/Inori from Guilty Crown, Lacus/Kira, Cagalli/Athrun or Flay/Kira from G seed and G seed D, Apollo/Silvia from Sousei no Aquarion, Sheryl(sp?)/Alto From Macross Frontier and so on.
Break blade is an anime I've been a bit interested in actually but it's not top on my list. I like the mecha anime that focus on the characters and who's characters I can understand/feel for/relate to in some extent.
I've been reading about it, and can't seem to figure out if it's for me..... it doesn't really sound like the main characters would be likable and the only thing that sounds like an interesting romance possibility seems impossible as one character is married.... mind you, I'm saying all of this, from things I've read a while ago now.... so I could be remembering what I read incorrectly.
I'll take a look at that link you gave me (Thank you) and re-read about it..... maybe give it a try when I feel like it...... but anyway, I thank you for the suggestion. Here's a link to my favorites list if your interested. I'm still trying to fix it. However it's readable I think.
And if you don't care then that's fine too ^^ I understand. Anyway thank you for the message and the recommendation.
January 2012 Edition
I wouldn't change the ranking system. I would make it harder to make multiple accounts, less accounts less trolls.
The webmaster has said that he will not change the ranking system, so don't waste your time.
Even if they are epic, I don't have the will to follow a long running anime. Reading manga is faster and that's why I prefer it.
naruto vs pain; the animation was just horrible
Fate/Zero already a favorite?