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Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsu suru
Oct 3, 2023 3:27 PM
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That was my Workplace..
I like all character since Shugo Chara is too perfect to hate some characters~ x3
But my favorites are: Amu-chan, Yaya-chii and Kuukai-kuun~ ; ww ; I am so obsessed with then~ ; 33 ; ~~
I want to marry Kuukai-kun~ ; 33 ; And Yaya-chii and Amu-chan are the cutest thi ng ever~ ♥ * ww *
What is your fav Chara Nari~?? ♥ My favorite is Amulet Heart~ <333 Just love it~ ^ ww ^ ;;
And couple~?? ♥ I really like Kuukaya it is my favorite couple of Shugo Chara~ x3 But I also likes Kuukamu~ ; ww ; ~ Thought I like Amu-chan with everyone~ x3 But I find better with Kuukai-kun ♥ ^ ww ^ ;;
I also a magical girl obsessed~ x3
I LOVE a lot of mahou shoujo that I don't know what is my faaavorite~ >w<
And do you like Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura right~?? ♥ I LOVE it~ ;ww;
I LOVE my Usagi-shaama and Sakura-chan~ ;3; ♥ Do you like Ojamajo Doremi, Mermaid Melody and Shugo Chara~?? :3
Awww~ Cute user namee~ *3* And cutee picture~ *w* I LOVE pinkuu~ ;3;
Arigatou for invitee~ :3
What's animes do you like~?? =3 I know you LOVE Tokyo Mew and Shugo Chara as mee~ =3
Haven't been much in the mood for anime so I think I'll start to read (more) manga again.
My day was really boring actualy, haha. I met my friend yesterday and we'll meet again tomorrow so it's fine. The weather isn't good either so it doesn't really add to my motivation =_= Not much of a summer here in germany... :(
I didn't forget it, I was just kind of... slow today xD
Do you know the feeling when someone lets you down? it sucks, I don't want to let it bother me but in the end it does.. ._.
I might try out Moretsu Pirates later on, I just have so much to watch xD
How was your day? :3
O_O really?! what kind of friend is that? >:o
but maybe your friend told your mum just casually.. and then she well.. made it worse than it actually is xD
hahaha, me too! Finished Fate/Zero, Tsuritama and Jormungand. I agree with you, the ending was pretty cool. still, I'm always so critical (I wish I wouldn't be..) ._.
now I'll finish mawaru penguindrum I think. having vacation sure is great :3 we aren't going on holidays this summer so I have lots of time for anime and manga.. which is not too bad either xD
how was moretsu pirates? I heard it is slice of life-ish (I have no idea..)? @.@ sounds kinda interesting, but not sure if I'd like it!
hehe yaaay~ high five:D
aww, that's too bad! wow, I'm glad my mom never monitors what I'm doing on my laptop haha.. but then, I'm old enough now anyway 8) but how did she find out about it? (you don't have to tell me, just being curious) :o
just took a look at your list, you will also watch Sword Art Online and Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita ? I'm looking forward to them! :)
mhm, you also don't like Tsuritama that much, huh? it's a bit too... weird for me I think xD will finish watching it now.
hehe, finally I'm able to communicate more with the people here:D
kind of cool that you watch hentai, I feel like a lot of females are "afraid" to admit it or something:| I don't get why, either..
do you have tumblr? I always like to check out some! (though mine currently isn't ani/ma related.. I'm thinking of making another one only for anime/manga/art[work])
anyway, nice to meet you (i'm vanessa, by the way) ! ^_^