You may all call me Hikari,Hikaru,Cross,and Yuuki(There my favorite names) or any nick name you can think for me.
Well where to start.....
My personality is a cross between Hibari and Haruhi. I am for the most part weird, funny, happy a lot, and oh so stubborn, for most people my age I'm easy to get along with, except when I'm annoyed, when I'm annoyed the Hibari part of me kicks in and I will Glare, growl, hiss, snap at, or threaten whoever annoyed me or made me mad.
I don't smoke
I don't do drugs
Every one I'm in love with either (mainly) doesn't exist or is unavailable in some way :(
Im team EDWARD but I still like Jacob
I like to scratch and bite as my main method of attack
I get confused for being emo
I'm a freak, which I'm proud of! screw acting and being normal!
I HATE dresses and skirts
I prefer to wear jeans and a T-shirt
I find school boring! but i still get good grades
Description: I am a normal size, I have short brown almost black hair(Think about Yuki from TMOHS or Sebastian's hair)
I am one of the laziest people you well ever meet.
Things i do for fun:
Read manga
Play video games
Day dream
Watch TV
My most recent obsession
All Comments (260) Comments
Hello everyone! ~
Live long and prosper,
by Katekyo Hitman Reborn! FC's Staff members
Hello everyone ~
KHR! FC Staff ~
1. Get your NEW official member cards along with new member ID # HERE! Even if you received previous cards, the numbering system has been restarted and everyone can claim NEW ID #'s and NEW cards.
2. We have surpassed 4000 members!!! Get your 4000+ LE cards HERE! The thread will officially open on 01/12/12 Thursday ~8AM PST. They are available for a limited time, so get them fast!
We have open the topics: winner part 2(match 1) and anime & manga contest part 2(match 2). Also go check our Holiday layout!
Support our member's Stories.
On other things...
I'm leaving mal because of some personal reasons.
so...thanks for being my friend.
Hiya guys vote for your next Limited Edition Character #2
Sign up for newsletter here if you want to received some.
Thanks :)
Its open the Helloween LE's! Go and ask for one!
We have re-open the contest so go and vote here. the club is getting bigger but slow. But you can make it active! Hope you help out in the club!
Yo minna- san
--New Voting of the month is up -here-
Hello, fellow members!
Here's the newsletter of ~Card House~
Got bored already? Here's some new interesting games:
Last Letter and This or That
Wanna see a new club layout? Vote in this Poll Or maybe you wanna help out in the club? Apply here
Also, soon a Newsletter thread will be open. There you can sign up for receiving this Mass Message. And don't forget to visit the club, the Touhou LE wll be open soon. >3<
Hello Everyone I have some new that you might Find Interesting.
First of All we have a brand new LE to be opened on August First!
It's limited to 40 posts so get yours while they last! C;
This will be our LAST Mass Messaging Newletter so if you still want updates for the club please sign up for a subscription!
Character Claiming should be open if a few more weeks, although I'm not promising anything. While you are waiting fell free to try some of our games!
We are also still looking for Admins! C;
-New Limited Edition Cards
-Admin. Sign-Up
-Newletter-Subscription Sign Up
-Game-Last Letter (anime ver.)
-Love it, Like it, Dislike it, Hate it, Never Tried It
I'm really glad you like them^^