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Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen
Sep 29, 2022 1:27 PM
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Macross 7 huh? That's the series that people either love or hate, no in between with that one. Reason for that is the main male protagonist, people find him extremely annoying and over the top or extremely cool and badass. Let's see what you think ;)
oh yeah quick note, I did like Macross II: Lover's Again but was sad to see that its not canon, in fact the creator of Macross had nothing to do with it, just the same animators and the studio wanted to cash in...but it does well as an "alternate reality" I guess, plus I like old 80's animation, well the good ones that is ;)
As far as Twins, I liked the male protagonist much better too but the girls weren't that interesting to me though. Also I agree that the whole "we could be related" dragged on too much and at times made you want smack that guy in the head lol.
If you liked the Onegai series then you should check out Ano Natsu de Matteru (Waiting in the Summer), it's brand new and its kind of the same setting as Onegai Teacher except the girl isn't a teacher, just an upper classmen (senpai? w/e lol).
Also the same script/screenplay writer (Kuroda, Yousuke) from the Onegai series wrote this story as well...
Back to Netflix...try Demon King Daimao since you like fan service the main character isn't a loser wimp like most's a Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Magic, School, Shounen, Harem that sort of spoofs harry potter like Familiar of Zero did (another good series). Anyway sorry I don't answer on this much, I don't check it so just hit me up on fb if anything