Halo halo, Indonesian Anime Lovers Club Newsletter is here!
Sudah lama IALC tidak mengirimkan Newsletter karena beberapa Hal, namun kali ini we're back! dan membawa beberapa informasi yang sedang ada di IALC
Pertama adalah Voting IALC Anime of The Year atau AoTY 2015! Setelah melewati masa nominasi minggu lalu sekarang sedang berlangsung tahap akhir yaitu tahap voting. Selain AoTY 2015 itu sendiri, untuk tahun ini kita adakan juga Opening dan Ending song AoTY 2015 atas masukan beberapa member IALC.
Kok udah masuk voting lagi? Kami belum ikut nominasi loh? Untuk hal ini mohon maaf sebesar besarnya karena banyak dari staff IALC yang sibuk dan tidak sempat menyebarkan Newsletter seperti sekarang.
Berikut Link untuk Thread Voting:
Yoh Minna san...Hope you all are enjoying the Feb month (even if its brring cold in many parts of the world still) and you all had a wonderful Valentine's as well. This is a reminder message to all New VOMIC Members, we are now on the 2nd leg of the Best of 2014 categories, with selected TOP TEN nominees. Choose your Top 3 and get your winning card. The voting is open till Feb 25th and the categories are - Best of 2014's Seiyuu, Anime, Character, Couple and OP/ED.
Another final announcemnet for all those who want to cast their vote in the 9th Annual Seiyuu Awards that are going to take place in March of 2015, the voting is still going on in full flow, So VOTE NOW!!!
Last but never the least, our cards for the Seiyuu of the Month - Tomatsu Haruka are still up for grabs, so whether you are her fan or just adore her work in one the animes, go ahead and get your fave cards. The SOM is open till Feb 28th.
Handling 3850+ members (soon to be 3900) isn't an easy task for our admin staff (especially card making & layouts). We are always on the lookout for new card/layout makers, so if you have time, a passion for creativity and a sense of responsibility, post your entries to our - Recruitment
As always, love to hear from you...so send/post your ideas/suggestions in our Comments box on how to make Vomic a better "seiyuu/anime network", most of all do not forget to have "FUN". Have a Wonderful Day/week ahead.
All Comments (1266) Comments
maaf cuman bisa kasih loli doang :3
Thanks for confirm, ada yg suka carloth dunois nih!
Hee... Agak jauh dikit artinya dari tempat ane.
Sbb (lagi) ^^" abis dari luar, udah lama ga nyentuh komputer haha :x liburan kemana aja?
He, masa? Sering keluar kota dong? :v
Iya, keliatannya banyak yg lagi sibuk v_v" kuliah kah?