I'm definitely not someone you would call an "otaku" or a "hardcore anime fan", but I like to enjoy anime as a medium. Age doesn't matter to me - I love watching both oldschool and new age anime, provided they hit the right notes for me. Popularity doesn't matter to me that much either, but generally I lean more towards lesser known titles and hidden gems rather than popular/mainstream ones.
The most of all I like watching:
- Completely over the top, hyperviolent action shows that are the epitomy of words "cool" and "badass", with lots of campiness and B-movie charm on top of everything else.
- Cute, lighthearted slice of life shows with comfy, relaxing atmosphere.
- Story-driven adventure shows.
How I rate my anime:
1-2: Absolutely appalling with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Only the worst of the worst get that rating.
3-4: Most of the time I can get the general gist of what the show was trying to achieve. This rating is for shows that failed at what they were trying to be to the point where no enjoyment could be found in watching them.
5: An overall "meh" experience. It's strengths and weaknesses balance each other out so perfectly, I felt absolutely nothing after watching it. This rating I also give to shows that could've been good, but they wasted their potential so much it actually hurt.
6: Okay-ish. Pretty much the same as 5, except it has some minor redeeming qualities that prevented it from being a boring pile of nothing.
7: Pretty Good. Nothing overly spectacular and definitely nothing to write home about, but overall an enjoyable experience.
8: Very well-made on most fronts. A thoroughly enjoyable experience I had fun with and would definitely recommend to others.
9: Something extraordinary that moved me on a personal level in terms of how well it was put together and how much enjoyment it brought me.
10: Absolute, flawless perfection. A rating I most likely will never give to anything, as even the best of shows have something that stops them from being perfect.
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